The New Quake2 Thread!!!!!!

While im downloading the quake2stuff,is there a way to pause the download,turn off the computer and restart th download where you left off the next day?

If you use WS FTP, I think you get a prompt to resume it. Not sure though.

Yeah but then it allways starts at the beggining.

I’ll be replacing the image application in a week or so (possibly less depending on how I stylize my finals procrastination)

Download Accelerator Plus gives you the option to resume normal downloads. Try that.

As well as a lot of spyware.

But it works. Unless you keep legions of kiddy porn and tethered viruses on your PC, what’s the problem? :stuck_out_tongue:

I downloaded and set everything up, so i am ready to play too. Just message me on IRC, anytime is fine (fuck schoolwork >>;;).

I installed everything in the .zip file…but are there any mods/maps that you guys play that are not included in the .zip? If so, where are they?

And i might be able to put a dedicated server up. It would just take a bit of me begging my friend to let me use his server =P.

Damn you WS_FTP LE.Well anyway i got a little problem here it seems that in the process of downloading the an error happened and know whenever i connect the WS the files don’t appear i try inputing the information like password,User ID and such but nothing.Any help you can give me.

Just in case,what is the remote site?

The main Q2 zip has been taken off the FTP server I believe.

If it has then,is there any other to get quake 2 so i can play with all of you?

Some of the Fservs have it, get it from one of them.

Can you tell me some of the servers that have it,if you know,please.

Merlin took it off after I pointed out to him that he was illegally hosting an illegal copy of Nero Image Drive.

That explains a lot,but thanks for the info at least i know i was’nt stupid and doing something wrong.

I never took it off. Someone did it without my permission.

edit: I’ll put it back, the nero issue will be fixed once my finals are over.

I’d just like to say that me and Urk rocked the hizzouse this afternoon and need to go outside more often.

Ahhh is there any way you can keep people from changing the FTP, Merl?

I’d still put all the maps I have on there, but that’s some 300 megs and most of it is Action Quake, which are no good without said mod.

Anyone have a dedicated server up? Most of the people in the chat cant make games because of router issues/high ping (600+ when i played with steve :0:0)

Yeah, I’m like the only guy that ever fucking hosts :stuck_out_tongue: