The NEW new picture posting thread

Sorry, but the scar has faded too much for you to see it. And no I won’t make another one :stuck_out_tongue:

strangely my scars don’t wanna fade :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s me:

And I also have a friend who kicks ass at photoshop.
He made a zombified version of me.

Rather handsome fellow, aren’t I?

That would have been funny, except it wasn’t.

ewwwwww!!!, nasty, and im not talking about the zombie.( Im joking of course, or am i)



Where do you get your clothes?

They were a gift. The Ushanka I bought from E-Bay imported from Russia.

Never do anything bad AN/KP/WP. Because as soon as the cops find those images, you are so fucked :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know, I blend in a crowd very well. :thud: :hahaha;

Just got a picture of my birthday cake.

My grandmother rocks. :smiley:

Oh man, and i thought the Megaman one was cool :stuck_out_tongue:

love the sword. you got that from e-bay as well? :enguard:

No, a friend named Kaze sold it to me.

Dude, look what my cousin had made for me. :smiley:


I’ve seen a shirt at hot topic that says that, but it was actually pink ;p But cool nonetheless heh

edit: oh… looked white 0o

The shirt IS pink. The lighting just isn’t great there.


I need to get some images of me and my guitar.

Dominic’s so totally sucks compared to mine >.>;;
(Not really… Mine’s just a shitty Gothic-SG wannabe :|)