The NEW new picture posting thread

oooo thingys what are some of the little figures?

Figurines from Naruto, SD Gundam and… Spongebob… <_<

You look good, Sonoko, but it would be nice to see your face. :wink:

These are of me as a Bride’s maid, I’m the smallest Bride’s maid there.

Me without my V8.

Squatting me. You can see my crazy glowing cat in the background. It is not the camera, she really is possessed.

My best country expression (I am from North Carolina after all). The hat was my dad’s and was way too small for my oversized melon and for the strand of hay I used an unburnt incense stick. I’m going country!

Again with the cat. I made her look down so she wouldn’t look freaky again.

I like your cat. What’s her name? :slight_smile:

Her name is Cassy which in cat language must mean “She who the world revolves around.”

That’s what every cat name means in cat language. :stuck_out_tongue: She’s so cute and fluffy! ^^

I like your cat, please be my friend? I’m so desperate for friends.

I dunno, I look the same as my avatar, oddly enough. Although now I have a Labret piercing.

She’ s loading a gun…how cuuute…:moogle:

Cute, but psycho. It evens out. Isn’t that how that little bunny saying goes?

These were taken a few days ago, after I had just gotten out of the shower.

The color in the second one got screwed up by the lighting of the bathroom, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. =P I need a shave…

Your hair is funktastic.

I normally wear it slicked back. I had a ponytail at one point but I cut my hair short, now I’m letting it grow out again so I’ll have a ponytail again by the end of summer. I HAD just gotten out of the shower. =P

wow u arew really short, sonoko. No offense. I have pics, but it was a year ago, and i my sister took the webcam with her, but i took some pics with my digital cam, ill post those when i can get them on the computer.

I wont let me, it says the file is too big. Ill just try to out it as my avatar.


Sorry i have them in my post twice, i kinda didnt know what i was doing, now i do.
Well this is me, i made it gray in adobe photoshop. I think i look better.

I’m the one with the leather jacket, the guys one of my best friends and that’s my old guitar…yes I know I look like a complete twat.

And this is me and his brother on bass, he’s also one of my best friends.

Your brother looks kind of edge like.

bass guitars rock, seeing how i cant play normal guitar. Im getting a fender one, but thats not what this thread is about, so i dont want to steer it off course. I got some colored pics if u wanna se those. Oh and the shirt i was wearing was a trigun…LOVE AND PEACE!!!

Darkness I don’t have a brother… the other two guys are brothers.

Me before school:

Me after school:

Me with one of my swords:

I demand a pic of the scar from when you knifed yourself.