The goal of this thread is to make a tiny database of all the useful stuff on the net. Useful and LEGAL, at least. This does not include torrent sites. Please give suggestions either in this thread or PMs to me or whatever. Add a tiny description. If the program is at all useful I’ll add it to this first post (this apparently fell through due to me being a lazy bitch, skim thread). If you’re posting shit I will edit your post and call you funny names.
General purpose, like browsers and pornography and stuff
<a href=“”>Firefox</a>, a great browser which will seriously cut down on the crap intake.
<a href=“”>Opera</a>, another good browser, though I don’t use it myself.
<a href=“”>Thunderbird</a>, a great email client. The jailbait sister of Firefox.
<a href=“”>Powerarchiver</a>, winrar on crack.
<a href=“”>FoxIt PDF Reader</a>, a great PDF reader, without all that bloated crap Adobe has.
<a href=“”>Daemon Tools</a>, a nice, free virtual drive.
<a href=“”>DOSBox</a>, a DOS Emulator, great to get old programs and games running.
<a href=“”>CDRWIN</a>, free burning utility, in case you have neither Nero nor Alcohol.
Anti-virus, spyware and general internet shit
<a href=“”>Ad-Aware</a>, Spyware scanner.
<a href=“”>Spybot</a>, Spyware scanner.
<a href=“”>RegClean</a>, cleans out your registry of dead keys and other general stuff. Not too great, but it works.
<a href=“”>HijackThis</a>, honestly, I don’t know what this is, as I’ve never had a need to use it. Some people swear by what it does, though, whatever that is.
<a href=“”>AVG AntiVirus Free Edition</a>, a free virus scanner. It’s decent if you’re broke.
<a href=“”>AntiVir</a>, another free virus scanner.
Codecs, media players and other multimedia thingamajigs
<a href=“”>The Defilerpak</a>, every codec you’ll ever need minus quicktime and realmedia. This is awesome.
<a href=“”>Quick Alternative and Real Alternative</a>, these take care of the rest. Don’t install the original players, they’re like cancer. In the balls. On the internet.
<a href=“”>Media Player Classic</a>, an amazingly nice and small Media Player (obviously). I use this for all my video needs.
<a href=“”>IrfanView</a>, another media player/editor/THING… I don’t use it.
<a href=“”>Winamp 2.91</a>, my precious audio player. <a href=“”>Winamp 5</a> has got nothing on this baby! Nothing!
<a href=“”>Goldwave</a>, a nice sound editing program. Apparently. I wouldn’t know, I was born deaf.
<a href=“”>BitTornado</a>, a nice BT client, though it has an annoying memory leak on the windows versions.
<a href=“”>uTorrent</a>, another nice BT client. It’s actually lighter than BitTornado, and with more options. Just switched to it myself.
<a href=“”>ABC</a>, a BT client based on BitTornado. Many people use it, I don’t, seems decent.
<a href=“”>eMule</a>, filesharing client. Fairly popular.
<a href=“”>DC++</a>, a hub-based filesharing client. Has a ton of stuff.
<a href=“”>WinMX</a>, for you jackasses that drive the RIAA coffee boy into giving handjobs for cash by pirating music. Shame on you.