blinkblinkblink This isn’t even statutory rape. Or even if it is… 17 years for homosexuality, compared to not even 17 MONTHS for heterosexual? That s jut WRONG. This also flies in the fave of the Supreme Court’s ruling. Fur’s going to seriously fly, methinks.
What I don’t understand is how people having consensual oral sex get caught, let alone convicted. Lock your doors, for christ’s sake <.<; (I know this doesn’t apply to the Lawrence vs. Texas case… that was just really, really bad luck.
Originally posted by Chris StarShade They should lock their parents up instead. If their kids are doing this crud, they must not have been raised right.
You’re joking right? With that sort of logic, all parents should go to jail the moment their kid commits any crime since they obviously didn’t raise their kid right. Be sides, sex is a big thing in America and younger people trying to do it is pretty normal and understandable. I’m not saying that they should be doing, it is just understandable why.
Sometimes I wonder how the courts can get away with this stuff. Their reasons for it are just laughable too. Do they really think that older men who impregnate teenagers are always going to settle down and marry them and support their kid?
I was just thinking, the courts there have obivously never been to a prison, watched, TV, or even movies; oteher wise they know about the gay stuff in prison. …check out the differences between the same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.
I admit to calling people gay as an insult (which some may argue as being “wrong”, and I understand your views), but I have gay friends (nothing wrong with it; just because I’m not, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be), and I treat them no differently: I can’t see why the government can’t be as mature as a 17-year-old on this matter.
Has there ever been anyone to blame schools for promoting sex? Most high schools, in America anyway, make the students read Romeo and Juliet and in that they’re 13 or 14 and bumpin and grindin.
Romeo and Juliet never had sex, I believe. Anyways, that is a purely creative play, plus it was based on times hundreds of years ago when girls barely starting puberty got given away to husbands. Not much else for the women to do in life instead of bumping and grinding and shooting out some kids.