As most of you know, I’m O-o-o-l-d. Enough to have played basic D&D!! Though I did play up to 2nd Edition, and browsed some 3rd ed. books. Then my local bookstore closed and by the time a Borders opened in its place, I had long stopped roleplaying (well, on tabletops.
But the other day I found myself with some free time so I went to Borders and spent a few hours checking the 4th edition books…
…Whoa! Things HAVE changed! 0_0
Not sure what I think of the Eberron setting yet. But, what happened to the Elemental Planes? Why is it a single, messed up thing? Did some war of godlike beings shatter them??
I’m glad to see so many familiar monsters in the Monster Manuals. But man, the descriptions are hard to read, especially with all the “types” and “subtypes”.
The basic classes and races are an odd sort… you have outsider (extraplanar) and semi-outsider PC races now. The basic classes are an odd choice… Clerics but no Druids; Warlocks, which are basically witches. What’s the difference between Warlords and Warriors? What happened to Sorcerers? Not that I ever really liked those. No Monks either…
…Oh wait, they are in the second! players handbook! With even MORE extraplanar races, yow!! Isn’t that unbalancing? Still, I love the freedom of combining any class and any race, so I can have Dwarven Wizards if I want to, ho ho. But speaking of customization… YEEEOWW!! Talk about too much of a good thing! Spells levels going into the 20s… Paragon and Epic paths… multiclassing, taking feats from other classes, sheesh!
Still, better to have too much than too little. I remember when we used to argue “how come gnomes can be illusionists but not full wizards?” Heh, simpler times…
I also don’t really like the artwork in the books. Oh, nothing wrong with it, good designs, well detailed… but, I dunno… I guess I liked it more realistic, and more colorful… D&D used to be full of EXCELLENT art… just look at the covers of the Forgotten Realms novels. Minor peeve, however.
Please understand, this is just from a superficial checking of the books, and colored heavily by nostalgia. For all I know, if I read the books deeply I might end up loving them. Too bad I can’t afford to right now; just tossing my opinions to the ether here. I hear the reactions to 4th edition have been rather- controversial for some people…