The FFVI Tenth Anniversary Contest

I was wondering, even though I’ve had a forum account for a while, the closest I’ve come to contributing (Besides answering some questions in the deceased Gaming Help Forum) was prodding the “reserve shrine” button for BoF4 with a five meter pole. And I didn’t reserve it. My question is obvious: Do I qualify for the contest?

Also, if it comes to be that the planets align, God unleashes the Final Judgment upon earth and Duke Nukem Forever is released, somehow allowing me to win the contest, what would be the odds of you shipping the shit over here?

I could always just send a bag of dog shit to my arch-nemesis if he happens to win.

The only requirement for entry is that you have a forum account.

You could sign up for a forum account on the 30th of December and send your submission in on the 31st. I really wouldn’t care.

I think you won the ‘example contest’…

I have so far received only one submission.

If you sent me a submission, please contact me somehow to make sure I received it.

And as a reminder for anyone else planning on doing this or who has already written a submission, you have only three days left.

I SENT IN A SUBMISSION!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Then I guess you were the only submission.

Well, unless someone else decides to send something in in the next 48 hours or so, I was going to just cancel this, but I love you so much, I guess I’ll still send you the FF6 soundtrack. Or maybe I’ll just make a donation to RPGC in the equal amount. Whatever you want.

Oh and I at least enjoyed reading it.

I sent one, but apparently you didn’t get it. I’m not really sure if I count as a community member anyway.

EDIT: Since I actually talked to you just now on IM about this, admins or mods, delete it please.

I would enter said contest, though i don’t mean to pretentiously assume that i am important enough for anyone to care, but i ordered that soundtrack just two months ago, that is, to finally have a legal copy.

wait to see if anyone else wants to make this a contest first zeppiepie.

I’m thinking of writing one up last minute.

Edit: Psst, Zep. You have Relm’s Bio on Gogo’s page in your shrine.

I sent mine in, so I hope you’ve gotten it. I may send another tomorrow, just in case.

Is the contest over? Because I’m working on something at the last minute, and the last I checked we’ve got two hours till its 12:00 Greenwich time :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright, well its sent in. Half an hour before the deadline :stuck_out_tongue:

I sent mine on the 26th, and the 29th… not sure if it went either time, though. I hate me email provider.

GAH! GMail fucked up and delayed my e-mail! I resent it with my ISP, but I’m kind of 7 hours over the limit. I hope Zep sees it in his heart to accept mine.

Well, I don’t care if mine is technically accepted into the contest, but I would like it put up on the FFVI page. It’s one of the few things I’ve written I’ve actually liked. I agree with you though, if he didn’t get it yet, I hope he finds it in his heart to let it in.

How long till we find out who won?

take the amount of time the FF6 shrine has been incomplete (ie, since RPGC’s beginning), and multiply that by 2.5

Wouldn’t that be fitting?

Yes. Yes it would. That’s why Merl said it.