The E3 thread

Two words: HOLY SHIT!
Didn’t see that coming…

Why do screenshots of NMBWii remind me of LBP?

It looks a lot like the New Super Mario Brothers that came out many years ago for the DS. I didn’t like NSMB when I played it. It wasn’t bad, just not fulfilling. SMG however… hmmm

I dunno Sin. Parish seems to have always had the same impression of NSMB that you did and he seems mightily impressed by the new Wii sequel.

SMG2 I’m really curious about, though. My only concern is that it’ll turn into Super Mario Bros. 2 for Galaxy (ie, the Japanese one, not ours). Essentially the same game but with new levels and tweaks. This is not a bad thing as Galaxy was really fun, and taking its concepts and exploring them further is appealing. But I just hope they don’t recycle all the same music from the original game, as well as the plot. Granted the story is going to have to be pretty damn similar, but as long as they don’t copy the cutscenes from Galaxy directly I’ll be satisfied. I want it to feel like a sequel, not an expansion pack.

I loved Galaxy’s OST, and I’d love for Nintendo to do more orchestrated stuff. If there are new environments I hope there are new themes.

The only announcement that I really cared about this year was Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, and mostly because it looks like they’re taking the series in a new direction - about fucking time. I guess Miami Law has me interested too, but not so much in the game, so much as that Victor Ireland worked on it.

Otherwise, NSMB sounds neat, I guess. All the RPG announcements, even Golden Sun - hell, ESPECIALLY Golden Sun - have me not caring one damn bit.