The Christmas Saga

Doh! Fixed it.

Weilia it should be stan not dameon in there shouldn’t it?

Silent Hill? Which one? There’s three out, you know, and as far as I know, each has NOTHING to do with the other, aside for the location being the town of Silent Hill. Good horror series, tho.

BTW, what tentacle monster do you mean, Weiila? I hope it’s Ultros, and not a T-monster from Hentai Anime (those are not allowed in this board, right?)

Wil: Actually, Silent Hill 3 has a LOT to do with the first one. SH2 is the only one that doesn’t have anything to do with the other games (even though it’s my favorite in the series so far).

And just consider it to be Silent Hill in general. It doesn’t have to do with any one of the games in general.

d: Thanks for clearing things up.

And I’m STILL waiting for your powers list…

Silent Hill? In a Christmas fic? That’s a new one. But cool none the less.

Originally posted by PC Glenton
OOF!!! So you just admitted you are married to a four-year old girl?

Well, technically, I’m over 1000, but physically, yeah, I’m four. But I’m still cute as a button, right? hugs Mr. Minky close

Hehe! Well, she does have a point… :hahaha;

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
Well, technically, I’m over 1000, but physically, yeah, I’m four. But I’m still cute as a button, right? hugs Mr. Minky close

Weiila’s 20 and physically she’s 16. But I’m not getting any. cries

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
Well, technically, I’m over 1000, but physically, yeah, I’m four. But I’m still cute as a button, right? hugs Mr. Minky close

Excuse me while I go puke out my lunch.

Star rolled out of his bed, then looked at Weiila’s now-empty bed. He quickly ran around, screaming for everyone to get up and help search for Weiila. Finally, they got up, then looked on the lobby stairs. Weiila, however, had quickly hidden the rifle in a broom closet, and was just standing there, in a sleepwalking-like position.

“Hmm,” she said, turning around at last. “Hey, how’d I end up here? Is it morning already?” Everyone didn’t say anything; they just fainted.

Crotanks woke up, to find himself tied up. He was sitting in a chair, but the rope wasn’t tied to the chair. However, something else was tied to the chair; tons and tons of dynamite. In fact, the whole underground dungeon around him was filled with dynamite.

“Why, hell,” said a mysterious voice, “Stan didn’t show up. How am I supposed to bomb the hell out of Santa’s Workshop now?”

“Who the hell are you?” shouted Crotanks.

“My name…is SonicBomber,” said the voice. “This is my dungeon of despair and stuff. I’m going to destroy Santa Claus for not giving me what I wanted for Christmas ten years ago, which caused me to go nuts and attend psychiatrist after psychiatrist!”

“Okay,” said Crotanks, “but how does that involve me?”

“I have to have a guy to blow up first,” said SonicBomber. “By the way, I have to make a call.”

The hotel phone rang. Omega quickly answered it. “Hello?”

“I have Crotanks hostage,” said an evil voice. “On Christmas Eve, I will blow up RPGC along with Santa’s Workshop. Try to stop me, and he dies!” He then hung up.

Omega quickly told the rest of the group what had happened. “If SonicBomber blows up RPGC,” said Galloway, “there’ll be no more RPG Town.”

“Then there’d be no more hotel!” shouted Wil.

“Then there’d be no more…” began Val. Everyone then fainted, except for Weiila, who struggled barely to her feet.

“Got to…help Crotanks,” she gasped, “…save RPGC…” She then fainted.

(to be continued)

What’s with all the fainting? Is the hotel filled with sleeping gas or something?

I feel helpless. Good either way though.

For some reason that kind of reminded me of the torture room back in shadow moses. Minus the torture. More :stuck_out_tongue:

We FAINTED? Good Lord, what wimps we all are! :hahaha;

BTW, Gallo: SonicBomber = Sonic the Hedgehog + Bomberman? ::dekar!::

Originally posted by Wilfredo Martinez
BTW, Gallo: SonicBomber = Sonic the Hedgehog + Bomberman? ::dekar!::

Actually, it’s just some newb that signed up, then never showed up again. But I got the idea from a MST3K episode, so I just used him. Since he isn’t here, I can just toy with his character as much as I want, though. So yes, it is a cross between Sonic the Hedgehog and Bomberman.

I’d comment, but I’m unconscious.

And Wil: With tentacle monster I meant Darkmare :slight_smile:

A mad bomber, didn’t see that one coming. Let’s see how things develop, so keep writing Galloway.

“You won’t get away with this!” shouted Crotanks. “I’ll get out of here somehow!”

“Oh, really?” mocked SonicBomber. “Well, I’ll let you know that you cannot escape RPGC in time to avoid its destruction! I will win, either way!”

“Just you wait,” said Crotanks. “I will escape.”

“We’ll see,” said SonicBomber, “we’ll see.”

“Okay, Lord Stan,” said Half-Santa, “was the crystal salvaged?”

“Yep!” said Stan. “It done be okay.”

“Pardon me for saying so,” said Half-Santa, “but the crystal…is it true that it’s powered by the souls of the dead? Isn’t that dangerous?”

“I reckon so, maybe,” said Stan. “But it be dangerous only if someone done get inside the darn nightmarish world inside and destroys the demon in charge.”

“Okay, let’s map this out,” said Galloway. “We have a series of problems. First, an evil Santa has a laser that de-ages people. Second, the hotel is haunted by a Christmas-hating spirit. And third, a madman is planning to bomb the hell out of Christmas.” Only Weiila knew the fourth problem; the nightmare of the crystal.

“And don’t forget,” said Omega, “that you owe us anything we want for Christmas, in exchange for your life.”

“Now that we have that under control,” said Galloway, “we have until Christmas Eve to defeat the evil forces. It’s December 20, so that leaves us five days. Now, since we’re sleeping in the hotel, I reccomend we deal with the ghost first.”

PC snuck away from the meeting, only to come across a previously-unmentioned theater. Strangely, it seemed to have been unused for years; the tables, chairs and booths were covered with an incredibly thick layer of dust. The stage was also very much untouched.

Then he saw a gold ring lying in the middle of the stage. Being the greedy guy he was, he climbed onto the stage. Just as he bent down to pick the ring up, though, he saw something wierd about the part of the stage it was on. He blew the dust away, and found large patches of dried blood on the ground. It seemed to be several years old.

“PC!” shouted Val and she jumped down from the rafters, landing in an expert combat pose. “What the hell are you doing here? Galloway wanted everyone in the entry hall!”

“And just what are YOU doing here?” asked PC.

“Do you really think I’d really listen to that guy for more than five seconds?” shouted Val. “I hate that guy!”

“If you hate him so much,” asked PC, “why did you marry him?”

“Well…” began Val, now standing right next to PC. Just then, a trap door opened under them, sending them both plummeting into the abyss.

(to be continued)

Oh no! Five days? The time is ticking, and I haven’t bought any presents yet! AAAHHH… wait, the timeline in the fic isn’t the real one… phew!

… In the same trap with Val…

d, you must really, really hate me… At least I got a cool ring out of it!

A good read, d… can’t wait to see RPGC go through another typical hell.