The Booze thread. What do you drink?

I don’t mind drinking Whiskey, for so long. After awhile it makes me sick. I got a jack and coke where the Jack/coke ratio was really high, and it was a chore to finish.

Man this is what I’ve always told everyone. I like your style. But yeah JD is probably the worst alcohol ever in terms of making me want to mag my guts out. The only possible exception is Sake. The japanese make a lot of great things, but that aint one of them. God X_X

At least, the Sake I had tasted like paint thinner

Editx2: And I mean that quite literally. I’m not embellishing X_X

Gentleman Jack is pretty smooth, I prefer it over regular JD. Single Barrel Jack tasted much different than the others to me. I liked it, but it’s expensive ($50ish for 750 ml), and I’ve only had it once.

I can’t drink it straight, but I’m getting there…which probably isn’t a good thing.

The only sake I’ve ever had is at Japanese steakhouses. I like it much better hot, but it does kinda taste like rubbing alcohol a bit. I’m guessing they serve the cheap stuff. At one place I bought an expensive bottle, but I don’t remember it tasting any better. It goes down very smooth after a few, and the couple times I’ve actually gotten drunk from it there’s no hangover whatsoever. I definitely get a different alcohol buzz from sake than beer or liquor.

On the other hand, I’d prefer shitty Whiskey over shitty beer (Miller, et al) any day

What the hell. I love sake.

Do you also love chugging VARSOL!? HUH!?

He goes to Nebraska, so I imagine yes.

I’m a big fan of European beers, as well as some Japanese beers that I have tried. I don’t like the popular beers such as molsen, budweiser, kokanee etc… personally I think those taste like water. I need something with a rich flavour.

As for liquor, whiskey, rum and vodka are good in my books. I’m not a big fan of gin. As for brands, I usually go for Morgan’s with rum, JD or something Scottish (like Glenfiddich) for whiskey and usually Stolichnya or some other Eastern European vodka.

Like… everything. :o
Not whiskey though, if I can avoid it, and I absolutely -hate- anything with kahlua in it.
Preferrably Jaegermeister, absinthe, mead, and most tequilas and vodkas, as well as cachaça. :3 nyum. Straight up, please.
Cocktail-wise I like Long island ice teas, Tequila sunrise and vodka red bull (of course), plutonium, occasionally a kamikaze, caipirinha (obviously) and cosmopolitans. Also the occasional flavoured schnappses. …and everything I forgot to list. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pale Riders they are made from: Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Captain Morgan, Johnnie Walker Red, Everclear, Hot Damn, Tequila, Red Bull and milk. Be careful with them I don’t call them a Pale Rider for nothing.

Ah yes, I forgot about that. Absinthe is pretty damn good, especially when you do the sugar thing. While I find most buzzes from alcohol are a bit different from each other, absinthe has the most noticable difference in effect.

Whiskey, vodka, jager, and practically any other hard liquor I can get my hands on. Basically, I could easily become and alcoholic if I could afford it. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not a big fan of beer, though. Nasty stuff.

I can drink two-hundred bottles of 151 and be just fine.

I knew you´d rise to the occasion with some vodka, Seifer. I usually go for Smirnoff or some gin & tonic (say, Tanqueray). By the way, the occupation museums in Latvia & Estonia are heavily marketed; seems some of them weren’t that fond of mama Russia. Though the taxi driver today sported a Russian flag and listened to Russki radio.

I mostly just drink things that are tasty. Bailey’s, Smirnoff Ice, ect.

And I don’t drink often either, though I do hang out with many that do. I am usually the designated driver person.

Not as much as I have before, but now I tend to stick with (mostly red) wine. I’ll have a shot of good tequila every once in a while, or I’ll have a Cape Cod or a (good) gin and tonic. I still tend to stay away from beer, even though one of my coworkers is a homebrew champ and does make good stuff (I’ll admit).

New favorite.

Honey Mead.

Goddamn. So fucking nice. I’ll see if I can find out the name…Moniak or something like that. Delicious.

I am somewhat surprised that you didn’t mention ouzo. Last time I tried it, I was dancing Syrtaki instead of my usual Kazachok. Mind you, my dance style switch had more to do with the ambiance than alcohol … Opa! :wink:

By the way, the occupation museums in Latvia & Estonia are heavily marketed; seems some of them weren’t that fond of mama Russia.
That, and it looks like the ex-Waffen SS “freedom fighters” marches are very popular in Riga.


Poor man’s Jaeger. Actually, it’s like Jager, only that licorice taste isnt as strong and it’s smoother going down. Good stuff. Try it.

I have no idea what Varsol is :frowning: The sake I had was just hot, it didn’t taste a whole lot. Burning doesn’t bother me nearly as much as nausea does.

Has anyone here ever had Burnett Vodka? It’s really cheap (eight dollars for a 750) and tastes excellent.