The age of Video game players seem to have increased

I think she might have just bought another copy of Lufia, to be honest. I was checking the market value of Lufia on Ebay and…

Look at the name of the person who bought it. Who else could it be other than Dragonquester?

She sent me some FF5 cards, and they’re pretty rare from what I’ve gathered from a little research.

Yeah, she put a FF5 card in my Lufia package too now that you mention it. Berserker Galuf if I remember correctly. What a nice lady. =D

Anyway, I’m still pretty sure she’s lying about more than a few things. I believe that if there’s something you don’t want people to know, you should just leave it unsaid, not lie about it.

And there’s still the fact that she’s waaaaay overobsessed with these things, almost as much as I am with Cherry. I just don’t exress it as much here. I won’t get angry about that, though. I don’t like being hypocritical.

What, really? She sent you Lufia? Yo Dragonquester, what other games do you have? Any Breath of Fire?

I probably shouldn’t have said anything. >_<

But it was the best way I knew to keep people from thinking that she was a joke account.

But if I was her, I definitely wouldn’t send anything to people who invade all her threads and insult her all the time. =P

That’s very true, I haven’t been a nice lady to her, after all.

Yeah, I suppose I could tone down things a little bit. She just gets on my nerves. And when she’s on my ignore list, I get curious, and have to read what she says!

And, thinking about it, I’d say she’s really in the area of 18-20.

Good point. She is cool.

Yes My Lady! Your wish is my command.
Like i said before: you rock!
The way you express yourself on this board should improve though (period, spacing and using capitals). I don’t feel comfortable telling you this, since my English is pathetic compared to other users here. I talk like Barret from FFVII, realy :wink:
But, it’s nice to have you here ( even though you get on some users nerves ). A blast from the past. I think it’s cool the way you play (treat) video games. It’s not cheating, you want to explore each game to the max - every little detail. I dig that.
So, Rock on dragonquester!
See yah.

Yeah, the item creating thingy is wearing me down. I’m going through a BoF phase so all of that stuff is starting to appeal to me. But I’m not ready to accept the 1920’s yet.

Makes me wonder if she’s be willing to send me that Shining in the Darkness OST she owns :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, that would rule, but I doubt she’d be THAT generous >:P

I will be happy to send you a cart of Breath of Fire- AND i have some special saves on the cart. The saves are at the beginning of the game with the Dragon’s Warp item i discovered with my PAR codes on the Super Famicom version of the game in 1993. So how can i be 14 years old if i did that in 1993 and have FF5 Squaresoft trading cards i bought at a Japanese Mall in LA in 1992?and those pics of me are real and not off some site-Here is another pic of me- if i keep posting different pictures of me eventually you guys will have to realize i can’t get that many different ones from some site!-
So email me, Evangelion ,(, and give me your name and address and i will send you the cart of BOF1.+ one of the original FF5 squaresoft cards from 1992.–

We get the idea…just stop posting pics, please.

I have somthing to tell you all. I’m actually a 11 year old girl. The pictures you see are of my brother.

I just posted those pics of me to prove who i was.I couldn’t get that many different pictures of some other person from some site .Those pictures really are me. And i am not a 14 year old kid- Oh, I almost forgot that Shinryu asked about what other SNES RPG’S i have extras of- Which one do you want? I may have an extra of it.
I don’t play games just for codes, i like the stories too and going through the game and finishing it but i read the post about the guy who experienced elation when he found items using a game genie that were taken out of FFIV.Now you know why all my gaming friends in the 90’s called me Code Junkie.i would prefer code MAKER or code FINDER.
Remember i said that everyone would get together on saturday at a game store to discuss a game like Breath of Fire- Everyone would work on a different aspect of the game. One compiled item lists to share, another made maps, another wrote up solutions ot some of the hard places- i did the codes- for anyone who wanted them. That was my particular area of expertise- We all worked together as a group and i just concentrated on what i did best so my outlook or perspective on a game was the codes. not story, or any other thing.
So my outlook or the way i play games has been skewed by what i did then.i am still the code maker. and i am sorry but i only have that one copy of the soundtrack of Shining in the Darkness. if i had an extra i definitely would send it to who requested it.
Why would i give away a game to a stranger? Because i learned the value of unselfish sharing with my game comrades back in the 90’s when we played the SNES RPG’S.We all xeroxed our notes and passed them around and when we finished a game we gave the cart to another who wanted to play the game but couldn’t afford it-

I wasn’t serious :wink: I’ll get it when I’ll be looking for something else and BAM!! eBay deal wishful thinking

Now that’s something that’s believable.

Somebody’s a little envious. :kissy:

STFU NOOB! Trillian is the prettiest…

This is the saddest thing in the world. Hiryuu mentions a nice thing someone does, and everyone turns from bashing that person, to sucking up. Wow, I’m just impressed. That being said, I am happy to see everyone acting nicer, for whatever reason. I won’t suck up myself, per se, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to try to be a jerk or anything. It’s just that I can’t think of any SNES games that I’m particularly hunting that I don’t already have. :smiley:

Me too. Some games (well…many) are for mature people.
Talking about gamers aging, a few years ago there were way more childish games, while today games are more and more realistic and for a mature public, IMO.