Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Arac, are you an indian, or a native american?

Native American, Pawnee style, which is, in turn, Iowa Tribes of Kansas and Nebraska style.

Damn it. This isn’t Teenage Mutant Ninja Indians. Go set up your teepee in a different topic, buddy:suckah:


Damn it! We always get kicked out of the best threads for shitty threads with Full Tilt ads.

Anyway, I’m surprised Venus is winning. I guess the 984’s honourable tactics paid off.

i think she is wining because her name is enticing people with it’s italics.

I like Raphael so much, I named my hampster after him. Ufortunately, he was killed by a turtle.

I’m not sure if it was revenge for copyin’ the TMNT’s name, but it was a bleak day for his brother Splinter.

omg kasey i get it. lool

Raphael. Because he had a bad attitude.

Who’s Venus?

Venus de Milo, aka a-female-turtle, aka gonna-be-a-quadrigamist-to-the-other-turtles, aka boobies, aka forget-about-April-the-reporter-we-now-got-boobies-of-the-same-species, aka titties.


i don’t see why they would have that in a show that targets a younger generation.

Turtles need some loving.

Donatello. Didn’t you ever play Turtles in Time

Donatello might have the greatest reach, but he isn’t as fun as Raphael in the comics.

i have always loved raph! well, not in the creepy guy on turtle thing but… you know.

venus was cute, but shes not technically ninja, she’s shinobi

hahahah oh man, you know why it’s in italics right?

because slanty letters are more fun?

Slanted letters means you voted for that option.

Of course i know that… Its different on every forum.