Teen burns down house because of bad marks.

TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese boy burned down his home, killing his stepmother and two younger siblings, for fear his parents would find out he had lied about his score on an English test.

The 16-year-old, whose name has not been released, is thought to have set fire to the house in Nara, western Japan, and left his stepmother to die along with his 7-year-old brother and 5-year-old sister, domestic media reports said on Saturday.

The boy’s parents had been due to attend a meeting with teachers about his exam results that same day, reports said. The teen-ager told police his father, a doctor, had put him under extreme pressure over his academic performance, Kyodo news agency said.

Oh yes, I’m afraid my parents might be upset with me, so I’ll burn down my house!!

There always seem to be these weird stories out of Japan of people who take things way way WAY out of proportion. -_-

He prolly woulda got the shit beat out him, and then he would have been disowned.

Fuckin english students

Wow I get bad marks and I don’t even get that pissed.

i get bad marks too…and then i get yaped at by my mum but i wouldnt burn my house down…all my games and stuff is in there…

The Butterfly strikes again.

Its not that the student was pissed. Its that he panicked and didn’t know what to do. The kid freaked out because of how psychologically damaging some parents can be.

It isn’t a Japan only thing. I can recall a few suicides because of bad grades. And to think on what crap is often being taught…

Imagine going through a school system that maintains a national IQ twenty points higher than that of the U.S. It’s bound to be psychologically influential.

japan is the worst for these kinds of things

Education may be important, but that’s just stupid.

Sorry for sounding like an asshole but this is hilarious. This is another example that the Japanese are just too smart for their own good…or atleast their stepmother and 2 siblings own good.

I concur.

Dammit Setz quit posting your personal proble—oh.


(sorry dude…just a little playful joshing, hope you don’t take it too personally, not meant that way at all)

Well, it’s the old stereotype about how much pressure Japanese schoolkids are under. A+ Uber Alles, good grades OR ELSE, conditioned by his experience to be scared shitless of getting bad marks in school, and what the repurcussions of bad marks in school might be. “Oh my God my mom is gonna kill me” or “my life is over” except that while we are aware deep down that we’re exaggerating over here when we say those rather flippant things, it feels closer to the actual truth for them. Or so it would seem.

So he freaked. Snapped. And went to the irrational extreme. Attack what threatens and corners you. (Can’t let my mom find out…) Although not mentioned in that excerpt Setz quoted, I wouldn’t be too surprised, either, if it turned out the kid was also intending to catch himself up in that blaze (die to save face?) only maybe panicked again and survival instinct kicks in and he runs away from the fire, not thinking to warn his family inside (after all, how much more pissed would they be at him when they ask him how it started and he has to say “I set it”).

That’s desperation. I wouldn’t want to meet his parents.

Why I’m not surprised of that?

Because it’s Japan?

Its Summer though. They must have a really long school year…

crazy in Japan.

Japan has their long break in winter.

That sucks. Who the hell would want to go to school when its melting outside. So they do that and get uber grades :frowning: I feel very unintellectual right now.To hell with that; atleast we start in August, which is basically Fall - Winter…Yay