Take that, bitches.

(Now if only you quote Ezekiel 25:17 you’d make me and Nebagram Happy?)

I have no idea what you people are talking about. I said nothing.

I once killed a baby rabbit with a lawn mower. Didn’t see it, and the blade grazed its head, probably snapping its neck. Poor little rabbit. I hope it wasn’t Hazel-rah. :frowning:

thats nothing, once I shoveled kittens into a woodchipper with a pitch fork.

Epic, I fucking love you

The Frog thing is fine but…WHY THE POOR MOUSIES!!! :bowser:

I crushed a small frog that was beneath this tree branch that I stepped on when I was 9 >_>

Circle of life, fuckers. You stand where a lawnmower is and it’s all over. Epic was just doing his job.


And I will lawn-mow down upon thee with great vengeance.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: you’re all a load of useless bloody loonies. And I love you all the more for it. :3

Crazy people are the best. :smiley:

Poor froggies.

See, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all! :3

I had a rather traumatic experience when I was young.

My friend was out on my back porch with a b.b. gun. He was playing around aiming at trees and stuff when all of a sudden, bam, he shoots and a bird falls out of a tree.

I go to check and see if the bird is dead, because it fell from quite a significant height. Sure enough, the bird was alive, twitching and making squawk like noises. I walked back up to the porch and got the gun. I calmly walked back to the bird. Aimed at it’s head and shot.

It didnt die. Infact, it screamed. So I shot it 3 more times. This, my friends, had to be the goddamn strongest bird in the world. So I started to get nervous and sad.

I got a cinder-block. Screaming “Sweet god, please forgive me!” I dropped the slab of concrete on the twitching feathery pile of blood and the noises stopped.

I’ll never forget that bird.

hahaha good one

The number of cats/rabbits I almost ran on numbers on the hundred.

You guys think you’re all tough, but today when I was mowing the lawn I ran over a ziploc bag. Fuck yea man I ripped that thing to shreads.