Take that, bitches.

So anyway, I was mowing my lawn and I saw a frog and it reminded me of that thread some random person I don’t know or care about made a while ago. So I ran it over.

I also killed:
-At least 20 other frogs.
-Countless numbers of weird grasshopper looking things.
-A family of mice living in a pile of dead branches.
-Around 1000 bees when I RAID’d the hell out of an underground hive.

I also believe my cat killed a squirrel.

Hope the cat’s had its shots.

This post does not exist.

This is the type of thread I like to see more of.

I haven’t even gotten to the garden yet.

Just pray to God that none of the mice got caught in the lawnmower, or you’ll wind up having to remove their guts yourself (true story from my friend, but thankfully I didn’t witness it). :stuck_out_tongue:

And I didn’t say the cat ate the squirrel, he just killed it.

And I’m saying the cat probably used its TEETH to assist in the killing. Yum, ingested rabies. :smiley:

Threads like these make me cry :frowning: poor creatures…I hope their little animal souls are resting peacefully up in little animal heaven. Let us taken a moment to remember. Really, is there any need of that? ;_;

And neither does this one.

I hope you die, Epic, and I hope a feline’s responsible.

Poor frogs. And to elicit more sympathy, I move that they be hereafter referred to as “froggies.”

Lol, you make such a good Rude :stuck_out_tongue:

On an unrelated note, I donated some money to help find a cure for cancer when I was at the store just now.

Hrm, yea that was me who made that thread. I’ve killed frogs before. But I felt bad for this one for some reason. My dogs chased it for a bit later. But yea, my cat kills everything it can catch and is about its size. But it won’t kill my dog. WHY?!

Death and carnage!

Thank you for that wonderful mental image after I just ate too

RAID? :0 omg i liek raid 1 better coz if u loz 1 hard disk then u dun lose all ur data n raid 1 looks kewler in mah window caze wit wuter cooling n a lite.

Pierson would be an awesome flip flopper if he had the sense to do it in a different thread or a few days later.

Still not-existing here.
