
Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“”> Mostly so that I don’t have to strain myself when posting logs to make all the <'s dissapear :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t understand how that tag would help?

<img src=“”> Hmm… I think I’m thinking of a different tag… it displays code the exact way you type it, including the <'s and other stuff which would be interpreted as a tag or similiar.

TD, there’s always using the ^$@^ (I don’t know the exact code) coding…

TD, the journals thing is different than that. Yeah, the basic outline is the same, but it’s entirely on the agora, and it’s all RPGC.

There’s a bok you can click to disable smilies. :slight_smile: :frowning: :o :smiley: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

A Music Forum. This topic has came up before, and im all for it. I have noticed allot more threads dealing with music lately, and i honestly think it would do very well.

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
There’s a bok you can click to disable smilies. :slight_smile: :frowning: :o :smiley: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, but I want a box I can check that will permanatly disable smilies. I dont like having to click the box everytime I want to use a smily, which is why I almost never use them.

TD, I think I know what you’re talking about. I’ll find the command for you in a bit.

A music forum would be nice. We could sticky the ‘wat is yer fav song/album/band’ and a lot more threads could be made.

Originally posted by Walhalla
Also, if there’s a way to make Xelo stop commenting on everybody’s suggestions and showing how knowledgeable he is about the way forums work, please do so. :stuck_out_tongue:
the difference between me and Xelo is that I know I don’t know a whole lot of this php and forum code junk, but Xelo just thinks he knows :stuck_out_tongue:

Merl, I’ve made basic message boards. I know this junk.

<img src=“”> Also, making the PMs remember that I don’t want to keep no stinkin’ backup of the ones I send would be awesome.

any other suggestions? This is your best chance and last chance (for a while) to get some things changed around here you’d like to see changed or added.

Originally posted by Shinobi
A Music Forum. This topic has came up before, and im all for it. I have noticed allot more threads dealing with music lately, and i honestly think it would do very well.

Media forum.

Run it through a validator, make sure all pages have a proper doctype, make sure to follow that doctype, make sure it validates. 'Nuff said. :stuck_out_tongue:

Failing that, atleast strip the tags on the forum; As it is now I could crash IE only using an Iframes code linking to that site, or take control over your PCs using a simple VBScript…

vB codes is everything you need anyhow.

Ban the words “validator”, “W3C”, “linux”, “XHTML” and “M$”.

Sorry to break it to you but…

I know the secret of bypassing banned words. Give me a banned word and I’ll still be able to type it. (And I’m not talking about tricks like s p a c i n g out my words or somesuch). :stuck_out_tongue:

I love being an Alpha Geek…

<img src=“”> Well then, just ban Wert :stuck_out_tongue:

Or we could just solve the problem at the root and make you BAND!111 :stuck_out_tongue:

The trick is either

A: Use an ASCII value for one of the words, and do like &69; (Which produces E I believe)

B: Stick <!-- --> In the middle of the word