Strong Request

I’m asking if all the staff members might go ahead and enforce one rule I see that has recently been becoming more and more overlooked.

I’m serious and would greatly appreciate if it the staff could crack down on this a little more. I don’t mind it now and then in the thread, but it is becoming rapant, and is appearing in the thread titles.

Through my observations, I can assume that a good deal of people here feel a need to exsively swear, be it as a joke, in flaming, or as just a comment. As I said, it would not be a big deal if it wasn’t present about every third post in half the threads.

It’s your own set of rules, therfore, it your duty to enforce them. Make a new about no language in the titles, or whatever, but please do something to fix this situation.

I really enjoy being a part of this place, but I lose some respect daily for both the people here and the forum itself as this becomes a bigger thing. I can call to mind very few that aren’t offenders of this.

I am asking you, please crack down on this before any and all respect I have for you all is lost.

Because your respect matters so much…?

Because if it gets much worse, I might be forced to leave out of disgust.

Shut the fuck up bitch.

You’re disgusted by words? On the internet?

by the fact that rules are made, but not enforced. There are not very many forums that have that specific rule and is enforced. I took my chances here because it’s based on a large interest of mine.

Excessive swearing is more like “son of a bitch cock sucking mother fucking bitch ass…” etc etc.

Saying “That’s fucked up” is hardly excessive. The rules doesn’t say “no swearing”, it says not to do it excessivly.

People, leave him alone, else we may enforce the trolling rule.

TrkJac, I’m sorry to say, but the mods have pretty much never busted someone on rule 3. Only case I can think of is ClessNess (one of whose posts was basically “fuck you you fucking cunt asshole bitch fucking motherfuckers”). For the most part, we don’t consider the swearing here to be that excessive. Sin’s probably the worst perpetrator, but that’s ever 50 posts or so on average.

If the swearing is too much that you might leave, I’m sorry. We wish you wouldn’t leave over something like that. However, I don’t think we’re going to suddenly start filtering out every “naughty” word on this board, especially since many “curse” words have since become or are in the process of becoming regular venacular and have lost their impact.

Okay, playing devil’s advocate for a second… (and you know I never do this!)

A legitimate point is being made. There is a rule about it, and if the rule is deemed meaningful by the community (or by the people who are supposed to enforce it, if that makes you happy), it should be enforced just as the other rules are.

However, if this rule doesn’t have such meaning (as it really seems, as most of us have gotten older our language has grown saltier as we’ve learned new bad words! ha ha!), it should be removed or altered to where it has meaning.

I brought this up because I noticed a large increse at a very high rate. As I said before, I wouldn’t have minded if there hadn’t been a large jump, as I view it.

I haven’t seen a “large jump” as you put, it looks to be at about the same constant it’s always been.

We respect that you view a sudden increase. However, I don’t think any of us mods have noticed any similar sort of increase. There might be one or two mods that think the language is a too much of the sea, but the vast majority do not.

Well, can you at least put a little more stress on the thread titles? You have to admit, there is some increase there.

I would say that thread titles, user titles and signatures should be held to stricter standards for what is considered non-vulgar. In fact, they shouldn’t really have any swearing in them (particularly user titles, and to some extent thread titles… although I wouldn’t get too offended if somebody dropped an f bomb in song lyrics in somebody’s signature or something)

I also haven’t noticed any noticeable increase in vulgarity here. Then again, I’m probably one of the people he’s complaining about. =P

I would also suggest in the future that if you have complaints, citing specific examples via links to the threads in question goes a LONG way in making your complaint more credible. We mods are lazy, lazy people. =P

No. I don’t have to admit that. I have not noticed it. And as such, I do not have to admit it.

That’s meant to be completely serious and not in any way indignant, mind you. I could understand how it might be read such.

This is about half of is between today and yesterday. There was alot more, but that would take WAY too long.

Devillion’s sig
Epico Gameu’s Avatar

Those are all relatively isolated and are hardly “excessive.” That’s about the same amount of swearing we’ve had since Neo-RPGC, probably less. Hell, saying “ass,” “goddamnit,” and “hell” are clearly in that already mentioned “used to be cursing but is now considered okay (goddamnit being the most borderline)” category.

None of that is excessive on any persons part.

Besides, so what? Does it offend you? I mean seriously, someone who roams the internet should be prepared (and expect) swearing. I’m with 984 - if you wanna leave over that, then sorry, but bye.

As I said, it’s about half. There was AT LEAST one in every thread that had 15+ responses. I only checked half of the threads in between last night and tonight. So double that number above.

So… 30 swear words in a 24 hour period for one forum? That’s not really excessive.