Story/Game Idea I had: Absolution

Alright, this has been bugging me for a while, but I have to get this out somwhere. While trying to think of an idea for an original work, I…well, came up with something like this. I know it sucks, but it’s really all I have to work with.

Name: Absolution
Tagline: When you stare into the void, it stares back into you…


The main character, working name Jake, is a petty criminal and thief in the near future. While trying to break into an apartment, he discovers a near-dead teenage girl lying on a bed, the victim of a rape-murder. When he tries to escape, the police arrive, and mistaking his tools for a gun, shoot him once in the chest.

When Jake wakes up, he’s sitting on a chair in a rotting train, surrouned by two robed figures armed with double-barrelled shotguns. The rumbling train finally stops just long enough for the guards to throw Jake off, into the one train platform of the apocalyptic city of Absolution. The entire place is a crumbling disaster waiting to happen, the occupants misshapen mixtures of human flesh, machinery, and various other mutations. The first thing he’s told is to seek out the Golden Gate, a mountain top structure that will lead a journeyer to “paradise eternal.”

Jake is then forced to work his way through Absolution, discovering the truth about himself, the dead girl, and the small town that Hell built. Should he succeed, peace may yet be his. Fail, and he just becomes another misshapen bump on Aboslution’s log.


Absolution is a third-person adventure game, controlled through use of the mouse and keyboard. The player controls Jake directly, and does not control any other characters for any portion of the storyline. Jake’s goal is to find a means of getting past each of Absolution’s nine districts before finally climbing to the Golden Gate. Along the way, his life, as well as his freedom, is under constant attack from every corner.

Jake is only human, and it does not take much to kill him. Falling from a great height, angering the wrong resident, performing a foolish action, and generally failing in important tasks will result in his demise. Unfortunately for Jake, however, death is not the end; depending on where and how he died, he will be refitted into countless different monstrosities. If this happens, Jake has no choice but to dwell within Absolution for all eternity.

Jake is moved using the keyboard. The game uses either the WSAD or arrow keys to move, with controls handeling like a first-person game. Jake can also side step by holding ALT while pressing A/Left or D/Right. The camera is controlled through the mouse: clicking and holding the right mouse buttion and moving the mouse will change the camera’s angle. The camera can also be zoomed in and out by using the right mouse button and mouse wheel, or by using the PageUp/PageDown keys.

Actions are controlled using the left mouse button. Jake can perform one of four actions. These are selected by using either the mouse wheel or the space bar.

Look: Jake examines an object.

Pick up: Jake can pick up some objects. The game will notify players if they cannot pick something up.

Operate/Interact: Jake can use an object that is not in his inventory.

Talk: Jake can talk to some of Absolution’s inhabitants.

Additionally, Jake can open his inventory by pressing the Backspace key. Here, he can still Look, Interact, and Talk, but can also choose objects to use on people or areas outside of the inventory screen. If he needs to put an item away, click the right mouse button.

Each of the game’s sectors are self-contained, providing you with all the necessary items to reach the end. Some items will be carried between sectors; however, you will never be forced intoa dead end situation if you forget an item two sectors back.

To save, load, or exit the game, use the Escape key to bring up the system menu.

That’s just an overview of the gameplay. If you want, I can post the game’s actual story. or you can ignore this post entirely. Either way works. Now, let’s get some booze.

So if I get this right, Jake can “strenghten” himself if he messes up the “right” way, or will each demise always result in a crippling mutation? >_>

9 districts of absolution… or 9 layers of HELL?

Supposing you don’t have a ragtag (yet brilliant) team or artists and coders, I’d ask you to start writing cause you piqued my interest. The girl offers a good basis in reality, even if the subject requires careful handling, and the background sounds interesting.

If you can reach the Golden Gate is Absolution something like purgatory? Could you meet people there who were exiled from [strike]Frisco[/strike]GG? What about people who wouldn’t care about their body and its possible mutations and try to be content in absolution? How did people end up in their respective sectors? Has anyone broken the circle of reincarnations? As there is a literal hell but one that can be negotiated by humans, what does Jake think of it with regards to his (lack of) religious beliefs when he was still alive?

Does the regulator of death and absolution think that double-barelled shotguns are cool? Are there cults carrying d-b shotguns? What are Jake’s feeling about the mutated/implanted people and what about his self image if he becomes one or does he outright fear that? You say that as a monstrosity he’ll have to dwell there for eternity, why can’t he break free in this form? Are there racist groups in absolution (“normals” hunting muties or implanted forcing some humans to operate and killing the rest)? Why are there so many questions and a wall of text?

Btw, your four action scheme could be easier. Pick up/Talk/Interact would happen automatically. You’d have a button for Looking (automatic if no other option is valid) and in the inventory you could pick up an item by left-clicking and interacting with drag an drop. Having a button for actions that could be default reminds me of Dragon Quest (Hello, if I’m in front of someone I want to talk to him. If it’s an item I want to examine/pick it up). Actually I propose something like the Monkey Island 3 interface w/o the chew button.

It seems I’m interested. Post it.

I, too, have interest. Even though I’ve not played as many of the classics as I’d have liked, I know that there really hasn’t been a decent point-and-click adventure game (so to speak) in ever, and I know that YOU know your shit in that regard.

I would very much like to hear more.

lol shadowrun 3d

I never played Shadow Run, but this reminded me of Deja Vu. I too am very interested.

Well, I know this is going to dissapoint, but here’s the plot for the first sector of Absolution. Also remember that this is STILL a work in progress, so not everything is completely set in stone, and I don’t go into detail on every single bit of gameplay encountered.

Sector 1: The Outskirts

Shortly after Jake is unceremoniously thrown off the train, he is approached by one of Absolution’s many residents, a young man in his early twenties with a normal upper body, but no lower body. Instead, he supports himself on a set of steampunk-era spider-like legs, which look like they’re about two days away from rusting themselves shut. The man (working title Torsoboy) gives Jake a very basic rundown of the outer regions of Absolution. In essence, this is where everyone enters the decaying town; however, the train only runs one way, and nobody knows where it goes after it leaves, meaning there is no way to leave except, perhaps, through the Golden Gate.

When Jake tries to ask Torsoboy about the Golden Gate or leaving Absolution, he is instead directed to a nearby buidling, an old wooden shack called the First Circle. The conversation immediately ends with Torsoboy giving Jake a small bag with his name on it, which now serves as the game’s inventory. (Basically, any item too big to fit in the bag will have to be carried in Jake’s hands, possibly exposing him to danger if he’s not careful.)

The shack turns out to be half of a bar (the other half was demolished when the train approached the turn too quickly and simply sheared it off). The bartender is a Frankenstein-esque pastiche of various body parts, including a patchwork-like pattern of skin covering his body, and a gut that sloshes about uneasily when he moves. The only other customer resembles a regular human, but is unconscious on the floor. The bartender is completely unwilling to help; he simply states there is no way to escape, and that Jake should simply kill himself now and get a job at the bar.

Just as Jake is about to leave to explore, however, the bartender asks the unconscious man to pay off his tab. When there is no response, the bartender instead draws a pistol and blows the man away at point blank. Sickened and horrified beyond belief, Jake rushes out of the bar, just in time to see two robed figures just like the ones on the train enter the bar, and eventually exit with the dead man’s body.

After a little exploration, Jake finds the gate to the next sector. Unfortunately, the gatekeeper, an eyeless man with a peg leg for his right leg, has lost the key, meaning no one can pass. Although there is some rope nearby that COULD climb over the gate, the gatekeeper refuses to let Jake borrow it for any reason. Once Jake leaves the gatekeeper’s shack, he runs into Torsoboy again, who gives him a map of the Outskirts and some warning to be careful around “Baphomet’s followers.”

Using the map, Jake is able to find a hidden shantytown built around a butcher’s shop. The residents are all misshapen mutants, many of them with gaping holes in their chests (around the intestinal area) or with half of their faces melted off. There is, however, one truly notable resident; the same man Jake just saw killed is now living in the dump, his face replaced in a similar patchlike manner to the bartender. He has little memory of who he USED to be, but can vaguely remember beating someone to death while drunk a few years prior.

After looting the town for some items, Jake is told to go to the butcher’s shop to help deliver some new meat. At the shop itself, he learns that the package he’s carrying is fake; HE is the new meat. After the butcher straps him to a conveyer belt and turns on the dicers, the pig-like man with meat hooks for hands and no nose leaves to attend to “the rest of his lord’s order.” Now alone, Jake manages to escape the bonds and hide inside a hanging horse carcass. When the butcher returns and sees his prey escaped, he runs to find him in the village.

Unfortunately, when Jake steps out, he learns the butcher knew he was there the whole time, “just like the last two guys.” This time, Jake is left with no choice but to deal with the monstrosity directly; he manages to knock the butcher back with the carcass, grab and rip off one of the meat maker’s own hook hands, and impale him through the throat. Even THIS doesn’t stop the butcher, and Jake is pushed dangerous close to a giant meat grinder. The two are pushed over the edge, the butcher digging his remaining claw into Jake’s leg. Unable to climb up with the extra weight, Jake grabs the hook stuck in the man’s throat and pulls it loose, causing the butcher to thrash in agony and loose his grip. Needless to say, he does not survive his fall.

Now badly wounded, but otherwise alive, Jake clambers to the floor and walks back to the village. When threatened, the residents tell him that the butcher was one of the bartender’s many stooges in this sector, along with the entire shantytown. Once, this sector was the easiest to leave, with the gatekeeper more than willing to help everyone that needed it. However, this also affected the bartender’s business, as there was nothing to keep anyone around long enough to drink themselves to death. Once the key vanished, the bartender’s business boomed, but because there was no way to leave, he quickly expanded his plans to enslaving every one of Absolution’s new arrivals through the “Order of Baphomet.”

Before Jake can inquire further, Torsoboy clambors into the village. He tells him that he’s found the key; it’s lying between two boards in the tracks, no doubt lost when the bar was smashed by the runaway train. Unfortunately, the rails are also electrified to keep anyone from following that way out, and he cannot get close enough because of his legs. He gives Jake a first aid kit to mend the damage in his leg, and asks him to open the way for everyone.

Jake returns to the bar, only to find a very angry bartender waiting for him, handgun in hand. A quick throw of the meat hook knocks the bartender unconscious. Through the combination of a wooden pole, the hook, and some thread, Jake is able to retrieve the key without frying himself to death. He returns to the shantytown, but only finds one of the robed figures there, holding a long scroll. The message reads that the village’s residents have been “liberated” and sent to resume their prescribed duties in Sectors 3, 4, and 8. Immediately after leaving the village, Torsoboy tries to tell him about “the woman in sector…”

Then Torsoboy’s head inexplicably explodes. The robed figures grab the body and drag it off, but not before leaving behind a generic message for “all new citizens:”

“If you are here, you deserved it. You see, my friends, this is Hell. This is my little corner of a much darker domain. You want to leave, go for that Golden Gate? All right. But remember, your soul is now mine to toy with, to control. And you will never live to see Paradise. -Baphomet.”

Horrified at this news, Jake despairs over being trapped in an afterlife he never believed in. Soon after, however, he realizes that, whatever that Golden Gate may lead to, it’s a better chance than simply giving up. Returning to the gate, he gives the gatekeeper the key; before the ecstatic man can open the gate, however, he is gunned down by the revived bartender, now VERY pissed off. Angrily cursing the day HE died and ended up in this place, he swears to make Jake pay for ruining his business.

After a brief struggle, Jake manages to use his makeshift polearm to tug one of the bartender’s many threads lose. This results in a chain reaction that causes the man’s skin to literally fall to pieces, leaving him nothing more than a slimy pile of guts and gore. Even then, the key doesn’t fit the gate’s lock; it seems all the trains riding over it have bent it hopelessly out of shape. Jake falls back to Plan B, using the rope to climb over the gate and drop down the other side. To his horror, he sees even MORE of Absolution looming ahead.

“At that moment, as I hit the ground, I knew everything. There was no real hope of escaping. If this really was Hell, I was stuck here forever. But…at the same time, something felt wrong here. If this was Hell, where were the eternal flames? The endless screams? The wailing and grinding of teeth? None of that shit was here, just a bunch of seemingly content monsters. And as I walked further into Absolution, I knew one thing: I would find a way out.”

Next chapter: The Red Light District

…wow. Good stuff. Why hasn’t Vertigo offered you a job yet?

Torsoboy XD

Wow, really neat. That’s cool how people are revived, if you get someone really mad at you, there’s no real way to stop them from following you throughout the entire thing.

Very interesting Mr. Galloway. Reminds me of Phantasmagoria. A stupid but not as smart PC game that tried to be like your idea.

I turned my back on FMV after that game (and its 5 cds) .

Uh, not to be picky here, but Phantasmagoria had 7 CDs. Phantasmagoria 2 had 5. Both sucked, ESPECIALLY the second one. Oh God, that one sucked.

To be fair, Sierra also made Gabriel Knight 2, a FMV game that was actually good. If you get the chance, check it out.

Perhaps, I don’t remember clearly. It seemed extravagant compared to, say, Warcraft 2 that I was playing at the time. I traded Phantasmagoria for GTA first chance I was given.

I’ll check out GKII if I find it.

Alright, here’s the first part of the lowdown on Sector 2, the Red Light District. I’ll have to split it into two parts due to time constraints.

WARNING: This part contains some…downright disgusting elements. I’m sure not everything is in good taste, but this felt like the only way to get through this section. Viewer discretion is advised.

Sector Two: The Red Light District

“It didn’t exactly take long to find the next district. The lights were bright enough to drown out a hundred Las Vegas casinos. Rows of narrow alleys and broken paved streets were surrounded by hundreds of buildings, nearly all of them hotels or brothels judging by the signs. The only non-imposing structures lay just outside of the district: a small office building and what looked like a church. If I was going to find out anything, I would have to start there.”

The church resembles something out of a H.R. Giger nightmare. It roof is twisted in impossible directions, the walls are covered in blood-soaked spikes, and the very ground bears signs of crushed bodies. A single robed figure guards the closed entrance, armed with a halberd. Next to him is a small sign, which reads:

“Notice: Baphomet is not pleased with the actions of certain journeymen. Any attempt to approach marked holy sites will be punished to the fullest extent imaginable.”

Below is a smaller note, seemingly attached with masking tape. It reads:

“Due to the theft of a holy symbol, this church is closed. It shall be reopened when the Order has completed its investigation. Any unauthorized entry shall be punished to the fullest extent imaginable.”

With no leads in the church, Jake turns his attention to the office building; unlike most of the city’s buildings seen so far, it’s actually in solid condition. The front lobby is painted a light blue, with a small metal desk and some uncomfortable chairs serving as the only furniture. The receptionist, a misshapen mess of a woman with a wire-sewn lower lip, a half-meted face, and a body twisted in five separate directions, immediately ushers him into the only actual office in the building: the headquarters of the district’s governor.

The governor is a large, dark-skinned man, wearing a perfectly pressed three-piece suit and sitting on a gold throne in a luxury-filled chamber. He is surrounded by no less than seven nearly-nude women, with several half-naked men standing in the background. The governor introduces himself as “the Lord of the Body,” and welcomes Jake to his little domain, what he calls the “Red Light District.”

According to the governor, Jake’s coming has been expected for a while. He points to a young woman, dressed in a full white gown, hidden behind a veil of beads. Baphomet is disgusted by human carnality; in fact, the district only exists because it’s the easiest way to trap the weak of mind and conviction. The governor himself represents and encapsulates every possible sexual orientation imaginable. “From hetero to homo, from adult to child, from man to beast, I have done, and been done, by them all.”

The governor further explains his situation. He was ordered to let Jake see the woman. However, the Order has recently been robbed, and Baphomet sent new orders at the exact same moment Jake arrived in Absolution. The stolen relic was a small gold statue, so valuable that “you could get your cock soaked and dry cleaned in the same night.” The Order has closed down all travel in the sector until the item is returned, meaning Jake can’t leave even if he wants to. Furthermore, the governor can’t get his “supplies” from the fifth sector until the gates are reopened.

Of course, this means Jake has to retrieve the stolen statue. If he can do so, he will be granted an audience with the woman. The governor has to keep an eye on her, mostly because she has “an unusual air around her, even for this shithole.” Before Jake can leave, however, one of the manservants hands him a small package, containing a key to a room at the “Fallen Seraphim Brothel” and several dollars in cash. “Just in case you wanted a quick…job done.” With that little parting remark, Jake leaves the office building and heads into town…

The rest will be up today or tomorrow.

Alright, here’s the rest.

Immediately upon entering the actual Red Light District, Jake bumps into a black-sweater wearing older man, obviously dressed like a stereotypical burglar. The man (hereafter known as “mystery man”) berates Jake for his clumsiness before moving farther into the district. Dusting himself off, Jake discovers that the man was, in fact, a pickpocket; in fact, he just stole his room key and money! If the player tries to go anywhere without these items, they will be refuted; you have to get the stuff back.

The only place penniless Jake can enter is a luxurious fountain plaza. A solid gold fountain, shaped like a penis, sits in the very center, surrounded by love seat-like benches and filled with prostitutes of all ages and genders. The only person without anyone is an emo kid, who refuses to talk to Jake unless he can give him a few bucks. Fortunately, mystery man soon approaches Jake himself, and after a tense few seconds, agrees to hand over the stolen items. He, too, was sent by the governor after the statue, along with over half of the district’s residents. Apparently, the theft was not exactly new news.

After mystery man leaves again, Jake hands the emo kid some of his money, enough to guarantee a quick work over. He may, alternatively, hand over his key, but this will end badly for both participants. After swearing to make it up somehow, emo kid rushes to a young woman, and they go off into the bushes. If the player chooses, Jake may look in on the them; doing so makes it apparent that this sector’s idea of sex is a bit more extreme than the norm.

Now armed with his key, Jake locates the Fallen Seraphim Brothel. Unlike the outskirts, everyone in the building is still visibly human, with none of the patchwork surgery so common elsewhere. After turning down some “comfort services,” Jake discusses the theft with the brothel’s madam. She states that she knows an eye witness, but she won’t give them away until Jake agrees to shut down the three other brothels “with as much bloodshed as possible.” Although repulsed, Jake has no choice in the matter.

(Note: This is the first point where events from one sector can have a major impact on the next. The way in which Jake deals with the three other brothels will affect how the mutilated deceased respond to him in Sectors 5 and 8. Either way, people will die.)

The first Brothel is the Cherub’s Lair, a hovel devoted to pedophilia. Jake’s obvious repulsion upon entering gives him away, and the security forces drag him out, threatening to kill him should he ever return. Fortunately, Jake’s room sits about twenty feet from an open window in the brothel. Using his rope as a means of securing himself, Jake crawls along the narrow ledge connecting the two buildings and enters the room.

Unfortunately, he happened to enter while the room’s reserved child, a ten-year-old boy, was preparing for another client. Jake has the choice of silencing the boy or risking the child raising an alarm. Either way, Jake can’t go through the main halls without being caught; rather, he has to use a nearby dumbwaiter opening to climb down into the brothel’s furnace room. The boiler man’s back is turned to the dumbwaiter, allowing Jake to either push him into the furnace or simply knock him out with a nearby shovel. Once this is done, Jake turns the furnace up to insanely dangerous levels, causing the boiler to strain and threaten to explode. He escapes through a nearby window just as the machinery explodes and the building catches fire.

(more later)

That is mightily creepilatin’. And a bit disturbing. But in a good way.

Interesting. Go on.

Jack Thompson would have a stroke over this game, but I like it. :wink:

This is sounding pretty interesting galloway. Quite disturbing, but interesting none the less.