I got mine (yay freeloader) on Thursday, 12:00am. Yesterday, at 11pm, I had 26 hours clocked.

… I love it … And just to get to kick TD’s arse on Wi-Fi, I’ll probably shell out another game’s worth of smackers. Heck, I’d get a third copy (Japanese) so I wouldn’t have to listen to Ike and Pit -_-; (DAAAI… SEN… PUU!!! is a whole lot better than GREAT AETHER. As is Atatatatatata compared to EYEYEYEYEAAA. I’m a sentai/FotNS freak. Besides, “I fight for my friends.”!?!)

Anyone wanna test how laggy it gets over EU-US? >_>;

I need to kick the ass of you people.

Bad game.

A few of my friends who played Melee competitively (Darkrain, Echo, Secks., Yosh) went into that Gamespot tournament or whatever and went to nationals without playing at all besides the tournament. I play my friends who have done absolutely nothing other than play this dreadful game nonstop since it came out, and I still destroy them.

It’s a horrible game, people have discovered ways to slide across the entire screen into down and up smashes (and tilts if you’re really good), but we will never see anything nearly as technical as Melee.

Good riddence. I always hated the heavily technical aspect of the Melee game. And I’d say give it some time, there may be stuff to be, y’know, FOUND. The game’s just been out for a month, for fuck’s sake.

That asides, I’m getting pretty good with Ness/Lucas(previous Smash experiences helping there), Wario, Wolf and Mario. 'M not that bad with Link and Ganon either. I like to play Random, see.

3050-7650-2987 if you wanna try out an EU smash personage. I added a few of you guys as well.

It took how long for all of the advanced techniques in Melee to be found? A year? Two years? As Lunaris says, Brawl has just been out for a month. Don’t go thinking that just because you had years to tear Melee inside and out you could apply that knowledge and immediately learn everything there is to do with Brawl right away. They’re different games, no matter how much Brawl resembles Melee. It has its issues, sure, and didn’t need to be in development as long as it did, but I wouldn’t call it a bad game by a long shot.


I kinda got annoyed when people said Peach Blossom sucked, because it’s one of my favourite final smashes (I mean, 40% damage + sleep + potential healing isn’t that bad, although it is easy to avoid), though I may just be biased cause I main Peach. But anyway I just wanted to share my favourite Peach Blossom moment. I was having a heated battle with my friend’s Zelda in New Pork City. I managed to get the smash ball, and put Zelda to sleep right in front of the Ultimate Chimera. Hilarity ensued. Ever since that moment, the Peach vs Zelda battles have become much more violent.

I just read a joke about the Peach Blossom today so I thought I’d share it.

When anyone says something like this it just makes me want to roll my eyes and make the jerkoff motion.

What I’m saying is pretty much anyone who plays a video game competitively is a jerkoff if that wasn’t clear.

Like in this video?


hey, just saying Mario Kart is awesome. if anyone wants my number when it comes out over yonder, just PM me for it :slight_smile:

still upset that there’s no brawl release date for the EU yet…

Europe and Australia does seems to get constantly screwed over with release dates, I’ve noticed. You can’t command from outside the continent or something?

This is awfully late, and I don’t have much of an opinion at all on the new Smash Bros…but I just wanted to state that, as a player of competitive fighters, it’s not the technical aspect of a game that makes it truly great in competitive play. All technical shit does is provide an artificial barrier between low, intermediate, and high level play, because people have to think about whether they can even pull off the shit they need to do to be competitive, instead of actually thinking about the mindgames and strategy involved.

edit: Jesus what am I posting for

Just enjoythe fucking game I don’t care

Thanks you.

“Stop having fun, guys! I said stop it!”

Lol, a scrub who knows shit about playing the game is still a scrub. Same archetype in my opinion.