So How Do You Guys Feel About.....

It’s been awhile, I don’t remember, but I got fairly far. Bottomlne is that you guys are saying don’t die and the game is fine, but I’m saying that sometimes it can’t be helped.

Ah… I remember the first time I got to Jeuno… I was so excited… :frowning:

I hated FFXI. I thought the characters were all irritating and the largest disgraces to their classes in videogame history, especially mages. I thought the story had no real involved backing to keep me interested and no side-quests to divert my attention from the hollow, hole-filled plot.

No side-quests? MMORPGs are like one big side-quest, practically all they are is a collection of side-quests with some main plot thrown in.

Uh, if you had read earlier or even bothered to talk to NPCs, you’d have noticed there ARE quests but whatever.


They have the enormous and comprehensive quest window to MOCCCCCCKKKK USSSSSS!!


I love how the complaints people have seem to all be fabricated misconceptions of the FFXI reality.


Kag, Dai, do you guys have your full AF? Pictures! D:

Kag has everything but the gloves, and we have a cool picture of the new set lined up when Kag got it. I’m still missing both body and pants, but we’re trying to get pants this weekend and body in a couple weeks if not next.

What’s wrong with that? ^^;

Well, we were missing Phil and Aurea when we took the pictures, but yeah- I took 4 or 5 pictures when I got it. I’ll post them sometime.

Ahh man, kickass. I always dreamed of being a 75 SAM/THF or WAR…

Hey, that’s not true! Mine’s just a random statement saying that it sucks :frowning:

Anyway, I hated it because it was slow. In every possible way. Running around was slow. Battling was slow. Getting money was slow. I don’t care that you can get chocobos or kill shit faster as you level up, even then it was <i>still</i> slow. Games that are fast-paced may burn out quicker, but they’ll get my attention in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you mean <i>even then</i>, Cless? You got to like level 2 then stopped.

FFXI’s not for the ADD. The emphasis is on teamwork and party dynamics, which undeniably takes a fair amount of time to do right.

But you didn’t get to that part, did you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course getting money is going to be slow. What’s the point of hard to get equipment if it’s cheap and everyone can get it? You’re supposed to actually have to work to be good instead of having everything basically handed to you.

Why would I want to work? Games are what I use to relax from that shit.

Because there’s no sense of accomplishment if you don’t have to put in any effort to do things.

Well, some people don’t play games for a “sense of accomplishment.” Rather, they play them as a means to relax, and only for an hour or three a day. As such, they don’t want to put like 50 million hours in just to reach level 30 or whatever. Because, believe it or not, there are some people that play MMORPGs that don’t want to play for 15 hours a day.

Effort and drudgery aren’t synonymous. As was pointed out earlier in the topic, there isn’t much risk, since it’s so hard to die. So, it’s not really effort being put out, so much as it is simply drudgery. I’m not saying there’s no effort involved, just not a lot.

Well, to be fair, some of the most profitable ways of making money in FFXI are quite dangerous. Mining in a level 70+ area (Ifrit’s Cauldron), doing BCNMs (difficult fights that can yield good drops), etc. And before you say it, you can do the mining starting at level 1 if you wish to, and the BCNMs can be done as early as level 20.

If you’re only going to play an hour a day, FFXI isn’t for you then. It takes times to set up parties and everything, so you’re going to have to spend more time on it. And I doubt there are many MMOs out there where you don’t have to spend ludicrous amounts of time if you want the best stuff. THAT is what I’m talking about. It doesn’t take much time to just get by in FFXI equipmentwise until higher up. Even though sometimes I’m not exactly pleased about having to gather up money to get stuff, I’d rather do that then have 75 be handed to me on a silver platter.