I’m just waiting till the price drops. So in about 5 months or so I may buy one.
There was a guy in front of me at EB who said he got 5 >> Said he waited at Toys R’ Us for 22 hours <<
What’s so refreshing about it? Console hardware hasn’t been profitable since… forever. The only exception now is the Wii, which makes a small profit since otherwise the retailers would throw a shitstorm since THEY don’t make enough of a profit to warrant selling the things, like what happened with the Gamecube.
I’ve been too busy playing World of Warcraft and salivating over Burning Crusade to worry about this!
But seriously I agree with Epic, I distrust Sony’s 1st gen hardware on principle so I won’t be getting anything for a while.
It was refreshing then and it’s still refreshing now, damnit!
I’m not spending that much money on a console, especially when I’ve got a backlog of PS2 games that I haven’t played yet that’ll keep me busy for months anyway.
It seems some people are more desperate for a PS3 than others…
you should all check out kotaku.com … he’s been keeping tabs on every incident this launch has been concerned with
No, I’m not spending 500 to 600 bucks for a PS3. I lack the funds and there’s nothing out on the PS3 I want.
Besides, I have Tales of the Abyss to play! That’s way more important than going for broke with a brand new system!
Kotaku needs to die in a fire. Jesus, I fucking can’t stand that site.
It’s come and gone now and it’s quite funny to see so many [STRIKE]suckers[/STRIKE] informed cosumers trying to buy even one. Hell yesterday I read an artical in the local newspaper about how one of the largest shopping centers in the area was to get 3 PS3’s for the launch which had been promptly donated to some local charities. Afterwards I went down to the nearest GameStop to see the level of participaition they were having. It seems they were geared up for the launches too. They even managed to replace the glass in from of the store(someone got impatient) though they were still in the process of cleaning up the old glass this afternoon. But I found out they only had 8 units total, and the BestBuy 2 blocks south had about 6 total the line of tents alone was aready more than twice the number of units. the Wal-Mart next door had less than a handful as well. It was madness I tell you, there was less than 20 PS3s within a five mile radius of where I live.
Of course I can’t even aford one system nevermind 2 or 3 to sell on eBay so it didn’t bother me much. Although I could start a line for the Wii if I hurry I might just make it. :runaway:
When do you guys think there’ll be a price drop? Guesses? Maybe 2 years? 3 or maybe when I have children?
Children tend to suck away money faster than a PS3 ever could. Lil buggers profiting off others’ backs… grumble, grumble
Um… wow. Just… just no. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130047198895
Edit: wtf… it went from 66 million to 50 million… down to 2k? Wow. That just made my post pointless. Damn ebay.
More like 10k.
Yeah, i’m totally gonna pay half the price of a new Car, half the price of 4 years college tuition for a fucking console that will crap out in two years
Those motherfuckers have some nerve taking advantage of people and charging almost 5 times than the SRP. I got one this morning. I’m gonna sell it one of you lucky chaps for 30 dollars. I’m not kidding.
But seriously though, it’s mighty fucked up.
Sell it to me, I’m awesome.
No, sell it to me. I most definately will not immediately sell it on ebay for a unbeliavable profit. :no2:
Re: Sony profits, if one of this days Sony decides to spin-off its movie division, the most cost-effective of Sony’s departments (last year was a bust though - $129 million loss) thanks to cash cows like Spider-man, there will be a stampede in the investment community to snatch the shares of the newly formed company. It could be as profitable to resell those shares on the stock market as selling just acquired PS3 on Ebay
On another thread, I already mentioned a few industry analysts/insiders picking PS3 as the winner of the next-gen console war, here is a prophet who goes against the crowd.
Merill Lynch’s analyst Yoshiyuki Kinoshita predicts: “The winner in the next-generation console battle is likely to be the Box 360, which is the leader in North America, the world’s biggest market.”
Kinoshita forecasts the respective global market shares of Xbox 360 to reach 39%, PS3 at 34% and Wii at 27%, “…thus overturning Sony’s domination of the market with its PS2-based share of 69 percent, and doubling Microsoft and Nintendo’s respective market shares.”