Second Sun, Casting Call and details.

I edited my bio a bit to fit more with the story. Is it better or not?

Name: Kolya Lann
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Appearance: Short light blue hair, dark eyes, olive brown skin, is just below medium height and skinny. Fox-like features. Generally wears loose clothing and carries a scavenged gun in her brown satchel, but doesn’t use it often.
Bio: Kolya is distrustful of anyone and everyone and gets close to no one. She’s been on her own for most of her fairly short life and prefers to stay on her own, being independant and strong-willed. She’ll occasionally work for someone else, but only if it serves to get her where she wants. Where she comes from isn’t certain, nor whether she has any relatives- she listens far more than she talks (about an eight to one ratio). Probably a good thing, seeing as she seems to primarily work as a thief…
Quirks: Assumes accents and prefers the night to the day. She has a thing for foxes and wolves. There’re also the minor details of her strange shadow and longer than usual canines.
Abilities: Ice magic. She’s good with fighting with her bare hands or whatever happens to be nearby. Sometimes, she’ll actually bother to repair stuff- but most of the time, this is only if it’s of interest to her.

Now, where did I put the rowan berries and the pencils…

Originally posted by Lord Zhou Yu
I edited my bio a bit to fit more with the story. Is it better or not?

What you missed was that this story takes place two centuries AFTER the Second Sun. So unless your character isn’t human, you shoudl fix it again.

Don’t feel bad…I missed that part at first too.

I knew I was missing something…

Edited again.

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker

And is there still beer in this world?

I’m sure a certain already posted character could salvage a brewing kit. nod nod

Actually, I’m sure that brewing fermented vegetable matter would be a technology that would be recovered fairly quickly in a post-apocalyptic society. So after 200 years, I’m sure there’s at least some sort of alcoholic beverage. It’d depend on what sort of vegetation can still grow.

Name: Ryuujin Galbadia; answers also to Ryuu

Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance: Blue hair; green eyes. Red clothing with brown leather boots and a white-painted breastplate made from an old sheet of steel.

Bio: Ryuujin grew up in the Neo-Confederate States. His mother died at birth, so his grew up with his father, Doragon. His father taught him how to use a sword. Unofrtunately, there was only one sword between the two of them, and it was quite aged but sturdy. Buryoku, it was named. It was useful to Doragon for fending off attacks from lesser mutants and weaker Children.

One fateful day, however, a different, larger mutant group attacked Ryuujin’s home. Doragon tried to fend them off, but failed, and died. Hiding, Ryuujin saw the scarring scene and waited for the mutants to clear out of the area. He then quickly and quietly rushed out to snatch-up the grounded Buryoku and make his escape.

With nothing left at home, he travelled. Travelled across the barrens of the land. Honing his skill with the sword. And also taking up a new weapon, the bow. After he witnessed his father’s death, he found it necessary to have a secondary, ranged weapon, since not all mutants would be easily suseptible to close-combat weaponry.

Later after learning the bow, he travelled with a mage of sorts. This mage, Lynard, taught him a couple of minor spells of fire and electricity. Lynard also taught Ryuujin how to temporarily embue almost anything with a spell. This was quite useful to add a kick to the initial punch of the weapon. Soon after teaching Ryuujin, Lynard went his separate way, and Ryuujin just kept wandering. Until he
found his way into Neo-Brooklyn, where his wandering days might hopefully come to an end.

Quirks: Relatively quiet; speaking only when really necessary or if he has something vital to add to the conversation. Quick to retort when necessary.

Abilities: Adept with both sword and bow. Uses the sword more against humanoids and the like. The bow is used more on the mutants one would not get close enough to combat with a sword. He has only a few spells involving fire and electricty. He can also “etch” with his finger a temporary rune containing a small spell, be it fire or electricity, into an object. He mostly uses this on his arrows.

  • Name: Uh…think of one? I wanna be a monster =^^=

  • Alignment: Chaotic evil that would be, I guess

  • Appearance: Black. Scaly. With wings, red eyes and all dragon like, just uglier, looking mutated. Nothing of that dragon elegance left. o.o; Looks a little like a flying, fire-breathing spikeball.

  • Bio: Groarrr.

  • Quirks: Hmmmm, I can speak. Normally just in for blind destruction. Am the last one of my kind. Destroy everything in the way. Just do that when somebody wakes me up though, because there’s nothing left to destroy anyway. Sleep under some ruins. Am not stupid though and damn fast. Also immune to fire (duh) and quite hard to hurt because of all the scales and spikes. Hmm. This won’t be easy.

  • Abilities: Can change color a little and look like a part of a ruin which makes things even more difficult on long distances. Then, breathing fire of course. And destroying everything there is to destroy with a strong tail and claws that squish rocks like butter. Eat smaller monsters. Yummy. Can’t stand Dhroma eggs though. Very very yucky things. Way too bitter. Eat them too though if I don’t find anything better. It’s better than eating grass, right? Would never touch anything non-meaty.

Why do I get a feeling that I will lose control, and then when Moranath uses his sixth sense for causing mayhem, he will go piss off DT (and run like hell)?

“Probably because that’s what you would have done if you were to write this fic.”

Shut up Moranath, it was a rethorical question.

If it’s not to too late, I’d like to join. I guess I’ll revert back into human for this one…

Name: Magus

Alignment: Lawful-Evil (Sorry I don’t play D&D)

Appearence: A short man that dresses in black robes and often keeps his head hidden under a hood.

Bio: A serious and often arrogant man. He is often seen as an outcast but is feared by the common people because of rumors that he practices powerful magic.

Quirks: He is often a control freak, telling others what to do. He’s right most of the time anyway though.

Abilities: Can control the elements of Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water.

True Name: Kevin Owens, but everyone calls him Zero or Governor, only a few people would know his actual name.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Appearance: Usually always seen wearing a big trenchcoat if he goes out, formal clothes if he stays inside the Fortress. Short blond military cut hair, he might even have casual clothes, but so far it’s nothing more than a rumor.

Bio: An ex-soldier that actually survived to make it past his thirties, his callsign dates from the day he was part of the militia group of a small neighborhood patrol that fought to keep the few people that banded together alive and safe. Apparently he found it on a tag of a jacket that might have belonged to a pilot, however speculations vary as anyone who might have been with him during that find is now dead. Having excellent organisation skills and a surprising charisma, not to mention being BAD enough to live to his older age, he learned tactics the hard way and thru the years the little band he became the leader of grew bigger and bigger until the present day, where he oversees the growth, survival and all the day to day affairs of New Brooklyn. He has no special abilities like some of his followers, beside a fairly good aim and a sword arm that could still surprise a few rookies, his knowledge is quite inferior to Trillian as well so he relies on her a fair bit for certain things about the Drahma (sp?). He is very protective of his people and cares most about the preservation of the society he helped rebuild, willing to form alliances with bandits and the likes against the Children and the mutant threats, while offering solace for said bandits provided they do not break the laws of the territory.

Quirks: Trusts very few people, likes to stay in the shadows which annoys the hell out of most people, does not speak much, extremely secretive.

Abilities: Surprisingly little out of human ordinary, however he is surprisingly glib and can talk his way in or out of things with ease, most of the time. He is well trained with most standard weapons too even if he doesn’t go on the battlefield himself very often nowadays.

Yaaaa! This fic rocks! I like.

Name: Zam Cralliste (his real name is probably something different, but nobody alive but him knows it, and he’s not telling anybody)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, he follows his whims, and doesn’t give much thought to good or evil - just as the good can be staunch and overly stubborn, so evil can need and be capable of love; so he just does what he feels is right deep down in his mind, which he has a very good grasp of (see skills later) - his basic philosophy is, the human race isn’t going to be saved by killing all the Children or all the monsters or trying to stop a Second Coming or any of that crap - that it’s this sort of crazy chaos, widespread death, but everybody physically fighting for something that they believe in, that it’s the ultimate situation for humanity. His great-grandfather (or whatever relative) Marlon (ha! that’s me!) was a sort of philosophical writer-ish person before and in the years immediately following the Second Sun, and he compared the chaos of the post-apocalyptic world with the dreariness and toil and drudgery of the pre-Sun world, taking a bit of a radical stance that the Sun was something that humanity drastically needed, to wake it up again, to bring people back to life, so their love could be more passionate, lives could be more fulfilling, and deaths could be more meaningful. His most prized possessions are the original copies of his great-grandfather’s books of philosophy, which he keeps in his unused flat in like, Seattle. Or somewhere.

He keeps one book with him though - a short summary that he himself wrote, of everything his great-grandfather (who could wax verbose at times, one of his few failings) stated and wrote. Lemme tell you a bit about what he looks like first though…

Appearance: In short, he’s a bum with class. He carries all his possessions in a leather sack strapped across his chest; his attire typically is comprised of a burlap sack he himself cut to make a pretty awesome looking shirt, and tough, durable, black pants, held up by a KICKASS belt he happened to come across in his travels, it’s black with like, red inlay and silver skulls adorning it, it is like, the PUNKED out belt. Oh, and he’s got durable shin-high hiking boots, or hiking-boots-ish things, very well-worn. All his clothes are really well-worn, since he spends all his time traversing the good ol’ U. S. of A. He’s young, in his early twenties, but he’s been travelling for awhile now, since he left home, but that’s another story entirely.

Another story…for the Bio!

Hoo yeah! So, he was born in Seattle (or something), where the major threat was the monsters, rather than the Children. However, the monsters, the mutated there weren’t the whoojawhatsums that are so often described by SS, rather they were a virus, which inhabited the corpses of the newly deceased (could be humans, animals, whatever, but the most dangerous were the human corpses, because the virus could directly utilize the mental pathways of the humans). Now, since these were the boonies of the post-apocalyptic world, as it were, there are like, dead bodies EVERYWHERE. and they keep coming back, unless you burn them, OR,

When Zam was born, Seattle was fighting bravely to hold back the virus-zombies, but they were losing fast. A group of scientists were experimenting on new ways of fighting the viruses themselves; because they weren’t necessarily living things ANYWAYS, closer to some sort of organic machine than an actual life-form, that was the route scientists were taking. They tried many different ways of attacking the viruses; including increasing the psychic powers of certain children (volunteered by their parents, who by this point were just desperate enough to do it).

A brief note about psychic powers. We’re all attuned somewhat to the brainwaves of others; just on a very subconscious level. That’s how we can tell if somebody’s mad at us, or something, even if they control their anger perfectly. What happened with Zam and a few select others was, this attuning to the brainwaves was increased a hundred thousand fold (or so. haha.). So now he was aware of other minds, could read what they were thinking and feeling, and (with some difficulty, it depended on how strong the mind was of course), force their brainwaves to coincide with his own - that is, to directly control their minds (not only thought/action wise, but also the parts of their minds that like, controlled heartbeat or whatever, though that would be even harder to manipulate, as it’s more ingrained). The thought was that if he could learn to control on a mass scale, or develop some sort of mental algorithm or whatever, that he could deliver a massive “mindburst” which would cause like, massive strokes in the minds of those bodies infected. It was theorized that the viruses held a very tenuous hold on the human mind, and hence a well-trained “mind mage” as it were, would fuck them up royally.

As it turned out, it was a good idea in theory, but put into practice too late. He was trained well enough, but that plan and all of the various other plans that the elite scientists of Seattle tried to throw at the problem of the virus-zombies came too late. At sixteen, Zam barely escaped with his life from the doomed city, and has spent ever since scavenging, and wandering the desolate, forsaken land which is post-apocalyptic USA. He’s honed his psychic skills to a much higher degree, and it’s fair to say that he could kick most people’s asses. But, like I said before, he doesn’t have a mission, or a quest of any sort, or anything. He just…wanders, and does what his whims tell him. He learned long ago, from studying his own mind (as he is a psychic professional), that generally following his whims would lead to ultimately the ideal life for him. Falling in and out of love, helping whoever had food to give him, going wherever he could get a safe ride; these were the driving forces in his life, not some grand fight against the Children or the mutants, or anything. That isn’t to say that he was a mercenary - for he knew that there were more important things in life than money; but he was an opportunist, for his own crazy whimsical desires. And that wandering has led him to the scene of the action, however you (the author) want to place him - in the employ of the Children or at the other dudes’ doorstep, or working for a completely different organization (number three might be cooler), it’s entirely up to you; but do make his decision to join one of those groups be like, important to him. You know what I mean.

Quirks: He’s always smiling. He’s killed men before, and yet he takes a mad glee in it, just like he takes a mad glee in doing anything else. It’s frightening, sometimes, to see him place his hand on a stubborn prisoner’s head, his eyes sparkle and he grins, teeth showing, like he’s trying to hold back a giggle, and the eyes bulge out in fear as blood rushes to the guy’s head, as it puffs out ever so slightly, blood oozing out the eyeballs as he lets it run over his outstretched fingers, now giggling a little bit, still with the sparkle of madness in his eyes as the prisoner’s head explodes in a shower of blood. He doesn’t do much battlefield work - his fighting is more covert, his tactics subtle, but he loves everything he does, whether it is saving a child’s life or killing cute bunny rabbits, or eating oranges, he just…has that mad love for everything and anything.

He does especially like fruit, though, and he’ll do most anything without remorse if fruit’s in the bargain, as it’s so rare in the post-apocalyptic world. He likes the juices. Blood is too warm for him though. Cold drinks, too, he loves. And if he’s ever bored, he’ll draw on walls or a table with a charcoal pencil - usually arcane symbols he vaguely remembers from his readings as a child, or things completely made up. sometimes words.

He is not a bad guy. He’s not a good guy either. He’s just a guy who believes that both good and bad are necessary for the greatness of humanity to come forth - and that greatness of humanity, he loves with all his heart. He would be thoroughly against anything that wanted to kill all humanity - not a “second coming,” because that’d just be cool; but like, if aliens came and were like DIE HUMANS, he’d be like, that’s not cool, and would join the coalition of humanity to fight against them. That’s kinda the only thing he feels strongly about. And he KNOWS if something actually poses a threat to humanity as a whole or not - he’s a smart guy. Psychic awareness = smart.

Abilities: I’ve pretty much listed them, but basically he can affect people’s brains in every way possible. He can make weak-minded people or animals (or zombies or monsters or whatever) do anything, including make their hearts stop, change around the proteins their bodies produce, make them dance, etc. Be creative. As for the stronger-minded individuals, he can read their minds, or for the really heavy of will can tell what they’re feeling (and can generally fill in the “thoughts” blank just from his own experience), as well as can vaguely influence their thoughts. He’s REALLY charismatic in this regard, and will always come forth as an unkempt, but charming young man who might mean harm, might mean good, but is just so damn cool anyways that you just have to help him out, or whatever. Very few people are able to resist his charm, since he can tell what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, and can affect how you feel as well.

So he’s kind of a dangerous guy. But since he doesn’t have a personal cause, or anything, he’s just a free-wheelin’ guy, liable to betray (though he’d see it simply as following his own whims, which is what his position in all of humanity as he sees it is), his awesomeness isn’t quite fully realized. Plus, a downside is, if he’s actually trying to like, kill somebody with his mind, and their mind is a bit stronger, it takes a long-ass time (during which they’d probably catch on to what he’s trying to do and be able to kill him - so he’s gotta be careful. but he doesn’t want to go on killing sprees anyways…most of the time. it just wouldn’t be fun.)

whoa, that’s a lot of crap. but that’s my character. :stuck_out_tongue: Use him well.

-Mazrim Taim


That’s quite a bio, Maz laughs and appleadse

I hope it is still ok to join, if not then just kind of ignore this post.

Name: Ramza Beulove

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appereance: A cloaked man that wanders the land in search of something, but has a feeling he is always getting closer to it while walking east. His face is almost not seen becasue of the hood he wears over his head.

Bio: Was born after the Second Sun, his parents were killed by the mutations at age 16. Had to grow up on his own as a wanderer. He was born in what was once Los Angeles and slowly travels east as if something is calling him.

Quirks: He is known to be very brave but also very foolish because of it.

Abilites: Knows some black and white magic. But mostly uses two handguns that his father carried around.

This ok??

is put to shame by Maz

You and the rest of us, man :wink:

Heh, I had basicly no idea about the different parts of the world when I wrote my bio, since then I’ve come up with several interesting things I could’ve done… But since I’ve already posted my bio I’m not gonna bother. =P

Name: Rook
Alignment: Chaotic Good with marginally nuetral tendancies.
Gender: Male

A soilder who’s loyalty is without question who has found himself in a very serious situation. Taken captive by the Children durring a rather unsuccesful raid. Interagated, tortured, and nearly killed, he managed to escape with the help of one of the children and a ghost. He was found in a desert wasteland by a troup of soilders returning home after a succesful mission. When brought in to report about his time in imprisonment, he was only able to recall the massive injuries he sustained at their hands(which include the removal of the tendons in his left hand, and several large scars across his chest and back),and the time spent wondering the desert with only the company of a ghost who claims to be the Ghost of Davey Crocket.

Upon examination of his health, healers concluded that he is capable of using his left hand through sheer force of will. He was then left to the mercy of the Phsychics who wanted to discover just how much the children gained by holding Rook captive. Days passed as they rifled through the files in his head. Weeks passed as they tried to knock down the mental barrier Rook had set to guard the name of the Child who helped him in his escape. Only a day passed befor they decided tho Ghost of Davey Crocket was indeed real. Finally after a month of intense examination, Rook was finally released. All were satisfied that not only did his resolve prevent him from divulging information to the children, but Rook was not a turncoat.

Slightly disgruntled about being treated like a traitor, he retreated inside himself only speaking to his freind Davey. He started training to undo the all the damage to his abilities the last few months had brought. It took another two weeks befor he started talking to others again.

Weapons- A bastard sword edged only on one side strapped to his waist. Capable of using it one handed although prefers to use both. Two daggers that borderline on the definition for short swords strapped to his back. Refuses to use guns on acount of shooting himself in the foot once, it was then he desided “Guns are for weenies.” He relies on his shield and stealth to get close for melee.

apearance- loose black pants suitable for movement, a sleeveless shirt of crimson, a black trenchcoat, sunglasses with mirrored lenses. Brown eyes(not that you can see them with the shades on). And long brown hair kept in a tight braid.

abilites- possesd of high dexterity, he’s very capable of high levels of athletics. A stamina that won’t quit, the seemingly inhuman ability to take massive amounts of damage and continue functioning. However he’s not overly strong.

quirks- Is often accused of sneaking up on people( Zero once claimed he almost had to go see Weiila on account of Rook nearly giving him a heart attack)when actually he’s just naturally quiet.

Magical Talent- Self Healing with extreme concentration. A minor sheild incappable of taking a massive impact. And a minor energy wave that starts at Rook and spreads to a distance of ten feet.

The Ghost of Davey Crocket- Although orriganally deemed insane for hallucinating things, people soon found that Davey Crocket is not only real but that you could actully see him in the reflection of bladed weapons and Rook’s sunglasses. Davey is dressed exactly how you picture him, including the Koon skin hat. His abilities only seem to work on those who believe in his existence which make his assortment of combat magic seemingly useless. He does however have minor healing abilites. He can speak only to people who believe he exists and want to listen, most people no longer want to listen afetr his storys about hunting bears back in the day.

If you feel like putting another character in.

Name: Video

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appereance: usually looks like a man made of blue liquid.

Bio: Was 18 when the second sun struck. He was swimming in a lake at the time and when he was hit by the wave it didn’t kill him. It caused him to merge with the water around him. He sat there in a state of subconcious unawareness for 180 years. Then some humans came in contact with the lake and he woke up. to find himself no longer human. He walked out of the lake and the humans nearby panicked and ran away. He wandered off after that in a state of depression. Most of the creatures ignored him as he wandered around learning how to use his new form.

Quirks: He is bored easily and is very shy. Spending time away from civilization because he’s been rejected by all humans he’s come across.

Abilites: He learned that he could change the state of his body and control his temperature. He learned to project parts of himself towards any creature crazy enough to attack him. He learned to draw energy from his suroundings and fire it off as electricity. He no longer needed to eat but he needed to consume vast amounts of water. He didn’t need clean water because he had the ability to purify it. The sections of him he projected maintained a connection to him for several minutes after they left him and he was able to freeze them or turn them into a gas even after they left. When in gas form all creatures attacking him go through him taking only a minute amount of his form with them. When in ice form he is extremly hard and has almost no friction. He is able to have different parts of his form in different states but this causes his connection to them to weaken.