SC Tournament: Game on!

What a fag… i edited my post because I tried to quote you… but couldn’t

…and actually the best national team in the world right now is Canada but I’m sure you already knew that.

Check out

Don’t talk shit… yes this is an edit… korean is an adjective you dick, look it up if you didn’t know

Main Entry: Ko·re·an
Pronunciation: k&-'rE-&n, esp Southern (")kO-
Function: [i][u]noun[/i][/u]
1 : a native or inhabitant of Korea
2 : the language of the Korean people

  • Korean adjective

Fuck! He called me a FAG! Those words are daggers in my heart, HotSoup ;; To be insulted by one as proficient as you in life, agh the pain! My chest! Heart… on… FIRE! AGH ;; cries and dies of grief

Flint: I fucking LOVE you. makes out

Originally posted by Hades Shinigami
No one who frequents these forums or anyone they know can even come close to achieving that level of play.

Good thing I dont frequent these forums.

Nevertheless, you’ve still never experienced high levels of play.

Now, how would you know anything about me?

Originally posted by Fly.Molo
Now, how would you know anything about me?

I DO!!!

and Fly, and since i am a frequent member of here, and know what the admins dont like, i would watch what you say, as some ppl dont like what you are saying right now and its not a good thing to start fights here.

Nah, as long as it’s civil.

Now, to answer this question…

Originally posted by Fly.Molo
Now, how would you know anything about me?

Now, based on this statement…

Originally posted by Fly.Molo
The term gosu, along with many others such as hasu, chobo, babo, pro, ect.ect., are widely used among the higher gaming community to measure playing ability.

Hades has established that your impression of a “higher gaming community” consists of people who use those Korean adjectives written out using <i>English phoenetic sounds</i>. It is a fact that most people really obsessed with Starcraft and actually come first in worldwide tournaments and such are in fact, Korean. (Korea must be the only country where there are like Starcraft games played on TV. No joke.) Anyway, Koreans certainly do not use these bastardized versions of their own language. They would speak Korean, not this hybrid language that people who thought they were cool for speaking tiny fragments of Korean made up. Thus he comes to the conclusion that your impression of a “higher gaming community” (I assume this terms just means people with no life. How the hell can you be “higher” when playing the same damn game unless you were better at it, which only means that you wasted more of your time on it) is false.

Looks like I don’t need to say anything.

But, just to clear things up, for me, “high levels of play” are defined by PvP games where each player can be seen having 20 tanks/their equivalent after 10 minutes, can mine out an entire base in 10 minutes flat, and can throw away units like scouts and carriers as if they were scourge.

No one here can claim they approach that level, myself included (And yes, I have seen actual games where all 3 of those points are present. And I’m not talking about some shitty BGH or FMP game either.).

And Cless: What you said is correct, but I was hardly thinking it with that intent. There’s certain subtleties that make it VERY easy to see one’s actual character. Sometimes you can just tell that some guy named Fly.Molo isn’t quite at the level, even without having seen him play, because of the the little hints he gives off that only register in your subconsciousness. It’s called intuition (which means inner-teaching.).

If someone is throwing away scouts and carriers, then they are not pro…

Though they do have Korean roots, do not think I am trying to say that those words are Korean. They are more like an international, online language. Also, Korea is not the only place where the best gamers come from. Poland, Canada, Luthuania, France, Germany, and the United States have all spawned great players. Although people from there may never be able to beat Ogogo or Boxer, they still exist and give good competition. I think that a few years ago, Grrr… (a Canadian) was unbeatable.

As for the televised Starcraft Shows, they are called VOD’s, and you can download a bunch at or possibly even at

(Just a warning: Yao Yuan is in all Korean, but its pretty much self-explanitory)

Originally posted by Hades Shinigami
… are defined by PvP games where each player can be seen having 20 tanks…


After talking with Stim and doing some random generation, we’ve got the setup for round 2.

1v1s –

Nero VS. Justin
Cala vs. Schweppes
Stimuli vs. Squeek
Toasty vs. (winner of Qpz4 vs. Glenn)*

*You’re probably wondering why this is here – it’s because if it wasn’t, it’d be damn near impossible to have a decent 1v1 tournament with 7 people remaining.

2v2 –

Nero and Justin vs. Luke and his friend**
Stimuli and Whittal* vs. Lep and Squeek*
Fly and Hot vs. Qpz4 and Sarun*

*These are here because people didn’t play their rounds and we decided based on who was around more – though in an ideal world I’d get Lep and Squeek vs. Cala and Glenn match to actually go so that one could be resolved. I know all team members for them are AROUND, just not on messaging dealies.

The only reason Lep and Squeek were picked is because they’re easier to get in contact with. :\

**They got a bye in the first round, remember?

Game on, bitches. Game on.

Good… now we can finally stop arguing and start playing :slight_smile:

I won my game, sorta

Glenn surrended before the game cuz he didn’t remember signing up :thud:

He lost to me first round.

Originally posted by Fly.Molo
Don’t take things out of context. It’s unbelieveably annoying.

Good thing I … frequent these forums.
See? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If someone is throwing away scouts and carriers, then they are not pro…
Once again, your illiteracy has resulted in a failed interpretation of what I said. If you’re in a position to throw away scouts and carriers, then yes, you ARE a good player. You’ve never been in that position though, so you think throwing away such “precious” units is absurd.

A professional or good player doesn’t just send his men into battle to die. Professionals are normally very good at microing which is how they control there units, and thus allow as few as possible to die and doesn’t just throw away there units. You really haven’t taken use of fly.molo’s websites and checked out the replays… look at them the micro is insane and all men do there jobs before dying, and aren’t just sent to there death by the players.

Hades: You’re wasting your time arguing, SC is an rpg anyways.

Fly: Nub

Hotsoup: I can beat you and everyone else at SC because i rock like omg blacksheep wall.

Originally posted by Hades Shinigami
You’ve never been in that position though, so you think throwing away such “precious” units is absurd.

Smeagol, your partially correct… I play Zerg, so I’ve never been in a position to throw away carriers and scouts. If you can afford to throw those units away, you should have won the game already.

Can we just get started with round 2 already? After two weeks of wait, the suspence is killing me. ^_^v

… Round 2’s already started. Stop looking at the stupid argument and read Nero’s post.