SC Tournament: Game on!

I’m saying I only have a limited amount of time available to me.


  1. 278 Lawrence Blvd.
    Tetonia, ID 83452
    February 11, 1989

  2. National Record Sales, Inc.
    2018 Archer Road
    Gainesville, FL 32602

    Dear Sir or Madam:


  1. After Tim had shoveled the snow from the sidewalk, he went to the skating rink to meet two friends, one of whom was the team captain of the hockey team.

  2. My sisters, who is attending the University of California at Berkeley, wants to major is Psychology or Political Science.


  1. When Dad gave me the keys to the car, he said, “Get some gas, check the oil to see whether any is needed, and drive careful.”


  1. Karen and Ericy have to meet Ms. Johnston at 3:00 p.m. so that they can learn their new cheerleaders’ routines.


  1. He doesn’t know whether he can attend tonight meeting, but he’ll be informed by him at the end of school today.

  2. “The birth of the U.S. social security occurred in 1935 under the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt,” senator Morris told us.


  1. Mike had ought to call his mother so that she’ll know whether she should plan for fewer people.


  1. Neither of my parents is able to take me to the Village Theater to see Thorton Wilder’s play, The Matchmaker


  1. When the Fourth of July Parade ended, the light drizzle had become a downpour, and few people remained on Main Street

Stop being such a slacker!!!

Thanks, the work is eazy but I est a slacker:boring:

Fly, Knowing what you just posted, im gonna KILL you tommorrow

have a nice night

No one lives forever :slight_smile: :wave:

Take it to PMs, please.

Its the 25th post the information for Round 2!!!

Calm down. The round ended today (meaning that people have until the end of the day to play the matches). My 2v2 match was never played due to lack of matching times I guess.

Not to put words in Nero’s mouth or anything.

Originally posted by HotSoup
I also agree with my partner when he said Qp isn’t gosu I didn’t see anything spectacular in the replay, no offense or anything.

Sorry, but I just can’t take people who still use the word “gosu” seriously :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t need to use stuff that looks cool to be a good player.

And maybe Qp isn’t as good as I thought he was. A lot of respectable players I know say he’s good though… I dunno. Maybe they’re just a lot worse >>;

I don’t see whyyou can’t take the word “gosu” seriously it is a commonly used starcraft term which in Korean translates to “awesome” or something… I’m not doing it to be cool its common knowledge, but maybe you don’t play enought to know that.

You do realize Tomiko is a guy? And that isn’t actually him?

We needs to wait till the weekend to draw, but I dunno what we do about unplayed games – I’ll talk to Stim, but he’s busy till the weekend. That’s why the delay.

But game-playing time is DONE. For the first round.

Yay Round 2
Yay Round 2!!!

Originally posted by HotSoup
I don’t see why you can’t take the word “gosu” seriously it is a commonly used starcraft term which in Korean translates to “awesome” or something… I’m not doing it to be cool its common knowledge, but maybe you don’t play enought to know that.
Oh believe me, I know what gosu means. I also know what 1337 h4x0r means, and what FMP is, and that most common bnetters who use those terms need to play FMP because they don’t know how to manage expansions and need infinity everything handed to them for free. They also join clans started by 12 year old kids to look cool with their ranking system (Har I m genrul of dis clan lozlzlo I r0x0r) even though the idea of clans was lame from the beginning >>;

If you’re better than those people, don’t try to be like them by using their lingo.

I hope you aren’t assuming that I am a one of those kinds of people and I’m not using there lingo… like I said it is a Korean word… I got it from them, and I don’t play gay clan war shit and I really barely play at all but for the record I don’t think QP is of any professional status or high status for that matter if you don’t want me to use the word gosu, then that says how I feel about his abilities.

You didn’t get it from Korean. It’s a Korean word, but you got it from your buddies. You have no interest in the korean language, and I can make this presumption because you can barely write proper english.

And fine, Qp sucks. I’ve never seen him play anyways, so my impression of him was based on hearsay. From what people have told me, he sounded pretty damn good, but if he loses to the contestants here than his skill was obviously exaggerated.

Wow, what an arrogant moron you know nothing about me so don’t assume you do. Yeah, my English is bad… if I’m not mistaken your first line was and I quote “you didn’t get it from korean” thats real good English chief. How about - you didnt get it from Koreans or you didn’t get it from Korea, but I’m not here to argue about proper grammar and I’m tired of havig this stupid conversation with you. I don’t think Qp is good thats my opinion, not yours so there is nothing to respond to. Earlier in the posts I was questioning why you thought he was good not saying your thoughts were wrong. So drop the damn subject.

The term gosu, along with many others such as hasu, chobo, babo, pro, ect.ect., are widely used among the higher gaming community to measure playing ability. They were first introduced to starcraft from Koreans (besides ‘pro’, which the Koreans adapted from our language). While ‘gosu’ may be overused by many of the lesser quality players on, it is still common to hear a professional players, who earn money, or even the top players from around the world type ‘gosu’. If you cannot take those players seriously, then you have some problems. :slight_smile:

I recommend going to these sites;

All of those are ‘higher level gaming’ websites. You tell me how many times you see the word ‘gosu’.

(BTW. I have no idea what those other words you were trying to say in one of your other posts are)

Originally posted by HotSoup
Wow, what an arrogant moron you know nothing about me so don’t assume you do. Yeah, my English is bad… if I’m not mistaken your first line was and I quote “you didn’t get it from korean” thats real good English chief. How about - you didnt get it from Koreans or you didn’t get it from Korea, but I’m not here to argue about proper grammar and I’m tired of havig this stupid conversation with you. I don’t think Qp is good thats my opinion, not yours so there is nothing to respond to. Earlier in the posts I was questioning why you thought he was good not saying your thoughts were wrong. So drop the damn subject.
Actually, I can say “you didn’t get it from Korean” because Korean is a noun. It’s the name of a language.

Thanks for proving everything I’ve said so far to be true.

And by the way, is there a reason you keep editing your posts to “…”?

The term gosu, along with many others such as hasu, chobo, babo, pro, ect.ect., are widely used among the higher gaming community to measure playing ability.
You’re right, but you forgot to mention that the entirety of the “higher gaming community” consists of nearly 100% Koreans, and not white boys trying to sound cool by flamboyantly spouting Korean gibberish. I’ve seen professional Starcraft being played, and trust me, no one who frequents these forums or anyone they know can even come close to achieving that level of play. Sorry.