So, we’ve gotten all of the shit together and after some wonderful consulting with the other people who wanted to get this together, we’ve got all the shit ready.
Round 1 was drew by KK4, Stimuli and myself. KK4 and Stimui picked numbers, and I had a list of numbers and names.
Round 1
Stimuli vs. KK4
Nero vs. Qpz4
Squeek vs. Sarun
Schweppes vs. Lep
Cala vs. Glenn
JDPro vs. Justin
Toasty vs. KageSHi
One loser will be placed against another loser to create an even ammount of battles. Both losers will be picked randomly. You can see this as a last chance to get through to Round 2.
Round 1
Nero and Justin vs. KK4 and schlock_rock
Stimuli and Whittal vs. JDpro and Pablo
Schweppes and Toasty vs. Fly and Hot
Qpz4 and Sarun vs. KageSHi and Nemo
Lep and Squeek vs. Cala and Glenn
(Luke, you and your friend don’t play in Round 1 – you got randomly selected to move on.)
Due to the numbers and bracket scheme we created, the doubles will end in a 2 v 2 v 2. This will be explained when we Round 2 arrives.
We wish for these games to be played by…
Wednesday 18th Feburary
Its up to you to organise a game, if you fail to organise a game by this date, you will both be eliminated, unless we are given a genuine reason why the game wasnt played. (Such as you trying to organise a game, but your opponent not organising.) We will however need proof of your reasons. Feel free to organise games by whatever means you wish. By RSM, or using the topic, or possibly an IM service.
These maps are allowed, all others are not.
Tarsonis Orbital
Crescent Moon [BW]
River Lethe [BW]
Snowbound [BW Ladder]
Rivalry [Ladder]
Remote Outpost [OldLadder]
Turtle Island [MOTW]
Frenzy [BW]
Mausoleum [BW]
High Noon [MOTW]
Watering Hole [MOTW]
Entanglement [BW]
Orbital Gully [BW]
Red Canyons [BW]
MOTW ones are Map of the Week, download them from Blizzard. BW is maps in Brood War. You and your partner can feel free to pick whatever of those maps you want.
Information Regarding Replays
Remember to save your replays, as we may put all the replays up for download, and possibly use them to check the game was played fairly.
What To Do Once You Have Won
Send an RSM to myself or Nero. The winner is to RSM us with either the word Win, and nothing more. We will collect the replays at a later date.
We hope you have a good time playing, and that you have a fun time. Feel free to ask any questions if I have made something unclear or have not explained something.
Last, I’m getting all of the wonderful information on how to contact each player here, so that you can contact your teammates / opponents to set up a game. Note that I’m only writing as much as I know.
AIM: Nerosan2k
MSN: Nerosan2k at hotmail dot com Dream_Thief
AIM: HolyThundercross
MSN: perfect_edge at hotmail dot com The_Gun
AIM: Jimmy Braces
MSN: thefallenone at ns dot sympatico dot ca Lord_Revelin
MSN: mr_chris02 at yahoo dot com KK4
AIM: Dyshein
AIM: PdPablo2345
MSN: perez_is_ultima at hotmail dot com
AIM: GMS972 pickpocket
MSN: chippin_around at hotmail dot com Stimuli
AIM: Oedipuz JDpro
AIM: OshondayTheGreat
MSN: leprechaun_ninja at hotmail dot com
AIM: Whittal2k
MSN: whittal at blueyonder dot co dot uk
AIM: Kage_Kami
MSN: krs_kagejedi at hotmail dot com Dragon_TalonX
AIM: Low brow schmuck
ICQ: 300053210
-luke skywalker-
MSN: han_solo987 at hotmail dot com
Email: qpz4 at hotmail dot com
ICQ: 23167889 Qpz4
Email: cala at nulani dot net E.vil
AIM: Nimbalisto Fly.Moto
AIM: Harryman1987 Hot.Soup
AIM: Duo0Maxwell14870
Email: squeekers59 at hotmail dot com
ICQ: 2147483647