Sakaguchi makes deal with MS

Saturn, what I mean is that back when they all did play Madden or GTA or whatever, I didn’t hear any “Sony rocks Nintendo is dumb and kiddy” kind of things.

Believe Saturn and I when we say there was plenty of equivalent crap which you yourself are guilty of spewing.

Even if you hate it, the XBox needs RPGs. Currently, the only RPGs available are Sudeki (I’m one of only three people who thought it was halfway decent), both KOTOR games (both of which are excellent, if buggy, pieces of software), and a bunch of games that are on the PS2 and/or GC and/or PC (Gladius, Baldur’s Gate, Morrowind, etc). While the ports often have touchups (mostly graphical), they’re still not enough to lure the RPG fans to the dark side.

Then apparantly you weren’t listening.

1996-2000: “Nintendo is gay, it’s such a kids system with its mario and zelda, and it’s so gay that it doesn’t have cd’s.”

2001-Present: “Nintendo is gay, it’s such a kids system with its mario and zelda, and it’s so gay that it doesn’t have dvd’s.”

Nothing’s changed. Microsoft is no bigger a villian than Sony, and they actually care a bit more about their products’ quality. If anything, from what I’ve seen, Halo has occupied those people enough that they generally shut up about hating the big N until you bring it up to them, but when Resident Evil, Tekken, and Madden were convincing people that CDs were better than cartridges, they wouldn’t shut up about it. Or, maybe, something else is at play here; I was in high school when the N64 vs. Saturn vs. PSX debate was going on, so I got to hear from these people, now you’re in high school (or at least that age) to see the GCN vs. PS2 vs. Xbox debate. After high school, you see a lot less fuckers.

As for EA… <B>noone</B> wants an EA system, everyone hates EA. I just think it’s inevitable, is all, with the path their currently on.

You weren’t around IGN back in 99’. I’m a vet of that time, and believe me, that was very, very, very real.

I wasn’t around IGN? Gamesages/IGN was my HOME when I was younger. You guys are acting like just because I am 16 I never played even the N64.

Same here! The place was worse then than GameFAQs is now! System wars abounded, if the flamewars between the xbox, playstation2, and gamecube crowds is world war 2, then that was world war 1! I don’t know what your ign is, but this is a 100% distinct memory of mine.

True that, but they should concentrate on offering a better online experience before then.

EA won’t make a console. Ever. And when they do, PM me the article and i’ll cut my balls off. Just because they are buying up every production house in town doesn’t mean they are ready to start making hardware. If they entered into talks with chip makers, <i>then</i> i’d be worried about them making a console, but since all they are doing is buy software developers, i’m not worried.

Building a console isn’t something a company can just DO. For EA it would mean a complete restructuring of their entire company. They make <i>NO</i> hardware whatsoever right now. None. Not even those TV-Games. They’d either have to cut half of their company off and form them into a construction firm, or they’d have to buy factories. Lots and lots of factories.

And even if they did have the infrastructure to do it, it takes years and years to even get ready to make a machine. The developement cycle of a console is around 5 years, and that doesn’t take into consideration the time it takes for a chip maker to build all the parts! And keep in mind that EA has its stock-holders to worry about. How do they convince them that spending a hojillion dollars to make a machine that would play titles that, up until then were availible on machines that didn’t cost their company money to make? I really don’t think they’d be able to convince them. The stockholders would just look at microsoft, and look at the massive, massive losses they took on xbox just to get it marginally popular, and say no.

But really, what money is EA losing on not having a console? They still get a large percentage for each game sold when they are selling them on someone else’s console. Even if they did make their own console to get 100% profit on each game sold, they’d be loosing money on making their console accepted by the public, and actually building it. The only thing they MIGHT do, is get into a posistion where they are so massive that a company cannot afford to not have EA games on their console. Some might say they are already at this point, i mean, heck, the xbox not having online madden sure fucked it over for it’s first few years. And once they are in this posistion, they can go and bargain for close to 100% profit on each game sold, and not have to pay the console maker back for using it’s system.

In conclusion, <strike>the greek empire was the greatest of them all</strike>. :stuck_out_tongue: But seriously, they won’t be making one.

It was kind of an exaggeration, I don’t expect EA to make a console, either, especially after Trip Hawkins left his own company to form a new company just because EA wouldn’t let him make a console (for those who don’t know, Trip Hawkins founded EA, then left EA to form 3DO so he could make a console; great move there, Trip). The only way I foresee EA making a console is if they purchase/merge with a console manufacturer, which is some time off.

Yet, with EA’s current track record, is to be expected in the not-so-near future.

I dunno why i found this funny, but i did.

And ZOMJ 666 posts :0000000000000000000