Sad but true.

Lk!!11111one @r j00 c@l1ng me @ n00b!!1111111oneoneone11elebez11 J00 c4@ppy111111

Kids, shut the fuck up. You took my cool sarcastic comment toward those fucking fools who hate FF7 because it’s too popular, and turned it not cool, because you’re not cool. Fuckers!

You needed to be cool to start with, and FF7 IS overrated by people who consider it the greatest game of all time.

And anyway, I think the original point was, you’re pretty pathetic if Final Fantasy is the only series you can think of that has romance in it.

…If you really can’t find it, it’s a fat chance getting another copy, and I’d just play EB. However, the plot for the first game is ruined I believe…my own copy is gone so I can’t remember entirely, but there’s a scene, that really impacts the player who has played the first game. It’s a beautiful scene, but it’s kind of redundant and loses it’s flare if you don’t really know all about what they’re talking about.

Yar, it’s not that sad that people really only identify with the Final Fantasy series when it comes to love stories…I actually can understand it. Especially for someone who missed most of the SNES age or doesn’t play old Playstation games. Looking back, most of the games everyone’s talking about is that kind of game. It’s probably just me, but I don’t see many games nowadays that have a lot of romance in them, and good romance stories are pretty scarce. Shadow Hearts is the only one that actually seemed any good anyway so far on the PS2 for that matter anyway.

But I don’t know what I’m talking about…I actually didn’t like any of the FF love stories very much, except for the “kiddy-fair” that’s in FF6, a bunch of the romance stories later in the series didn’t interest me, unless it wasn’t concerned with the main character. Don’t tell anyone that though, those FF fanatics DO still scare me, and I’ve heard many a cry of heresy.

Besides, wasn’t FF the first series that popped up when you thought about a love story in a game? One that wasn’t totally cliche I mean?

What ISN’T cliché about Final Fantasy?

And thanks for telling me Lunar was so rare, now I have a reason to buy that copy that’s been sitting in my favorite video store for months.


I think I’ve just been told off…and I don’t think there’s anything I can say to defend myself that doesn’t sound stupid.

Well, uh, I’ll figure it out, give me a few moments.

What ISN’T cliché about Final Fantasy?
Uh, well there WAS that whole snuggling while flying through space with zero life support thing. I don’t think I’ve seen that more than a dozen times.

True, the Ragnarok scene is one of the best in the series. Then again I could say that it was just your regular “snuggling scene” in an orginal location but that would be being too picky.

I’d say that before FF8 or 7, it wasn’t cliche, but everyone copied it so much it became cliche.