I’m a bit disappointed to see that thios doesn’t have a separate section to itself, but, I can understand why.
Who around here likes Saber Marionette J? Who’s your favorite character?
Points go to whoever likes it as much as I do.
I’m a bit disappointed to see that thios doesn’t have a separate section to itself, but, I can understand why.
Who around here likes Saber Marionette J? Who’s your favorite character?
Points go to whoever likes it as much as I do.
I think it’s available to rent over at blockbuster, but it never really caught my attention. What’s it about?
Even if there was an anime worthy of having a separated section here, you can be damn sure it wouldn’t be SM J. It’s nice, but nothing beyond “guy surrounded by horny chicks” cliché.
I’m still trying to understand what the heck J to X was about. No matter how many times I see it I just feel like there’s something I’m not getting.
…Wow, you people disappoint me. Let me just go over to my other forum so I can find a post that explains how truly great it is.
…Tell you what. I’ll link to a few threads that I think are suitable/ have sparked interesting arguements.
Are the marionettes (with maiden circuits) TOTALLY independent beings?
Could you ever come to love a machine?
I hope it’s alright that I’m posting links to another forum, but it seems I can’t show you this series’ true greatness unless you read all of these threads. (I have the same name there as here)
I will say that the Saber Marionette section there contains 291 threads at this date, and over 4000 posts. Clearly, not everyone sees this series as you do, SE.
Saber Marionette J is certainly more than the typical ‘guy surrounded by horny chicks’ anime. Much, much more.
I saw a few episodes, I like it. But, it’s not anything epic.
Well, if that’s your opinion, then that’s your opinion, but I wish that you people could see, I mean really see, how truly great it is. How amazing the story is. If you read the thread I linked to above (Are the marionettes (with maiden circuits) TOTALLY independent beings?), you’ll find a very long discussion about the series in general.
It’s gone through “Are they independent?” to “How independent are they?” to “Are they human?” then, “What is humanity?” followed by “What are the girls?” and finally, “What are the Saber Dolls?” I don’t think there’s anything else to discuss here.
It makes me wonder how a series that is ‘average’ or simply ‘nice,’ as you say, can spark such a debate, how it can touch upon such topics.
Perhaps you are all overlooking something.
I just think you fail to understand the “fan” effect that a game/anime/movie can have on people.
At the beginning, they are completely dependant upon their master’s love, but as they mature and develop they can grow separate from him, as is shown in J to X. They still seem to be somewhat dependant on male company, but they appear to be able to work as individuals.
Depends on your definition of human. Overall, saving the obvious differences (Ageless body made of metal) and the above mentioned independence issue, yes they are.
A race of highly developed apes. And the fact that you are attributing the existence of this question to the series makes me laugh.
You mean the marionettes? They were originally devised to be vessels for the three Otome circuits which held the three aspects of Lorelai’s psyche, until they reached maturity and could be interchanged for the woman. After J to X, they lack a definite purpose, to say they aren’t meant to do anything in particular, just as a human being.
Same as the Marionettes created by Ieyasu, only with big breasts. They were originally meant to fulfill the same purpose as the Marionettes, but thanks to Faust’s inability to raise them properly, they failed to do so.
There you go. As you can see, I know the series pretty well. Having two or three barely complicated subjects does not count as being deep, especially when 2/3 of the chapters involve the girls trying to get into Otaru’s pants, 1/2 of what’s left involve Lime playing around and 1/2 are dedicated to the actual plot. And just so you know, we’ve had age-long debates on a whole bunch of shit here, the fact that people talk about something endlessly (Like I have shown above) doesn’t make it worthy of being put in a pedestal.
THE REAL POINT OF MY POST: People rarely, if ever, change their opinions due to a net discussion, it’s obvious you have the series imbibed deeply into your skull and nothing I say will change that, but trust me, you are over-blowing this thing.
I didn’t say I was against your opinion, I haven’t made a full one myself, I only saw around 4 eps. -_-
Well, I won’t argue with your opinion, though I am saddened that you cannot see it for what it truly is. I will simply leave you with this:
And what’s that quote supposed to mean?
You can’t tell?
What I think it means, because I’m not luvweaver, I can’t tell you what he meant, but, anyway, What I think SMJ is, is an extremely beautiful story that touches on many important issues. Such as, ‘what does it mean to be human?’ And I’m not referring to the human animal, but rather the human condition.
The true story, the deeper meaning of Saber Marionette J is not simply a ‘Tenchi Muyo’ clone. It’s a beautiful story of love and devotion, and it means more to me than anything else. I can’t speak for others, but, to me, Saber Marionette J is more than an anime series, but a masterpiece of art, the pinnacle of human achievement.
You must understand that this is difficult to verbalize. I’m having a difficult time explaining my feelings.
I guess, if you cannot see the real meaning of the story, than you cannot see it, but it is disappointing.
In the end, my words probably mean little to you, but I would suggest you watch it again, with an open mind, and an open heart, and search for Saber Marionette J’s true meaning for yourself. It seems to me that that is the best way. For you to find it on your own, rather than for me to simply tell you.
No, he’s telling you that the series focuses on how the three chicks develop human feelings. You are really overblowing it.
I stopped reading when you used the term pinnacle of human achievement. I understand you worship this thing and all that jazz, but take this as a little piece of advice: Snap out of it. Because if you sink your head so deep into one thing you’ll miss everything good (And sometimes better) around it.
And I appreciate this, now I have solid proof for whenever the next “Do fanboys really exist?” argument comes up.
And I appreciate this, now I have solid proof for whenever the next “Do fanboys really exist?” argument comes up.
And you know what? I’d be on your side.
No, he’s telling you that the series focuses on how the three chicks develop human feelings. You are really overblowing it.
I stopped reading when you used the term pinnacle of human achievement. I understand you worship this thing and all that jazz, but take this as a little piece of advice: Snap out of it. Because if you sink your head so deep into one thing you’ll miss everything good (And sometimes better) around it.
You are mistaken. Although I do love this series, and it will always be my favorite, it doesn’t consume my life. It’s not like I spend every waking moment thinking about it, or something. (Though it does take up a lot of my time)
I really wish you would understand, but, obviously, that won’t happen. The only way I could ever make you see how great it really is, is if you, yourself, wanted to.
As I said, although Saber Marionette J is, and always will be, to me, better than all else, I don’t let it keep me from expanding my horizons. I don’t spend all of my time watching it, and rewatching it, as some rabid fanboys do. I expand my horizons, and I do other things as well.
If I had stopped looking after I got Saber Marionette J, my anime collection wouldn’t number in the scores of DVDs today.
Anyway, the fact of the matter is that you seem to have overlooked the true value of the series, and you don’t seem willing to revisit it. So, a minor change of subject.
What of Saber Marionette R?
Instead of watching Saber Marionette J, watch FMA
I second what Nightblade said.
How many Sabor series are there?
Saber Marionettes J
Saber Marionettes J Again (A pretty inane and skippable OVA)
Saber Marionettes J to X
Saber Marionettes R (Another OVA that I have only a vague idea of what’s it about)
How about “as well” instead of the “instead.”
The purpose of R was to be sort of a prelude to the original series. However, as odd as it is it takes place years after the original series. Which is what confuses so many people.
I have come up with a few suspicions especially after reading the Manga series which is an interesting combination of J and J to X with out the whole J Again series adding its uselessness to the story line.
As I keep on telling people read the manga for a true idea of the creators original intent.
Uhh, the manga was created after the anime, and was drawn by a hentai artist. :fungah: Why would you tell people to read that? The manga is basically the exact same thing Seraphim Ephyon said SMJ was. Not so with the anime.
There you go. As you can see, I know the series pretty well. Having two or three barely complicated subjects does not count as being deep, especially when 2/3 of the chapters involve the girls trying to get into Otaru’s pants, 1/2 of what’s left involve Lime playing around and 1/2 are dedicated to the actual plot.
If you want to know what was originally intended, read the novels, written by Akahori Satoru, which were first published before the anime was thought up.
(And, if you get a copy of them, in English, let me know where you got them.)