RPGC's Useless RPG Character : Normation Period

Originally posted by Cloth Hat
Myron from FO2

Oh God, yes. It didn’t matter that he could make drugs for you- anything he could do that was possibly useful, the only thing being making stimpacks, was overuled by how incredibly annoying he was. Whenever I play now I just cap him.

Another vote for Myron.

cait sith from ff7, the only character i never voluntarily used.

What about Spar from Breath of Fire 2?
Oh, and also, in BoF1, Mogu sucks forse than Gobi. Even in terms of combat abbility, at least Gobi can fight underwater and fuse with Karn. Mogu just plain sucks.
BTW, this HAS to be said:Strago kicks VERY MUCH ass. Might Guard ALONE makes him priceless. Add in stuff like Sour Mouth, White Wind, Grand Train…WHOA. He was one of my fave characters. And Relm isn’t THAT bad if you give her a FakeMustache and equip her with a Cat Hood.
And another thing, I do not think Tidus sucks. Quick Hit rocks, and if you move him to Auron’s section after you finish his…WHOA.
Oh, and for another nomination: Jetboy, from Shadowrun for SNES. He’s weak, he has low HP, he’s not that good a decker, and you can hire better people for a fraction of his ripoff price.

Sorry Rirse, Myron is from Fallout 2. He was this nerdy scientist teenager who would miss your enemies in combat but manage to hit your allies. He was also as annoying as hell and cried like a baby when you asked him to heal himself. Also if you were a girl character he hit on you.

heh, myron was good for a few laughs, i loved when you tried to remove him from your party, or when you would ask him to remove his armor and stuff, he said the funniest things

Plus when you talked to Cassidy, he offered to shoot Myron for you. Marcus also threatened him if he was in your party.

I’m gonna say Donald and Goofy from Kingdom Hearts. Absolutely worthless.

Originally posted by Faetan
I’m gonna say Donald and Goofy from Kingdom Hearts. Absolutely worthless.

They’re the meat bags. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Cloth Hat
Plus when you talked to Cassidy, he offered to shoot Myron for you. Marcus also threatened him if he was in your party.

I forget, can you actually take him up on that? I always just do it myself. Frankly, Myron is worth more as a corpse than a party member.

Originally posted by Ren
Minsc is useless if you have Keldorn :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course you understand that I’m gonna have to kill you, right?

And no AD&D character is as bad as Nalia De’Arnise. She’s an annoying little noble brat with a Robin Hood complex and no matter how much she says she is “Part of the people” she till acts like their superior, especially with her catchphrase “It’s almost beneath me”. Also she’s a dual-classed Thief/Mage that sucks hardcore in both categories.

For some other game I’ll have to think for a while.

dammit, now you made me remember of that little annoying twit Jan Jansen, the turnip salesman, with his pointless stories and useless inventions, he really sucks!!!

Originally posted by Xachariah
dammit, now you made me remember of that little annoying twit Jan Jansen, the turnip salesman, with his pointless stories and useless inventions, he really sucks!!!

Umm… Jan Janson is one of the most useful chars in the game, especially if you’re playing it evil or you want a better thief than freaking Imoin.

This isn’t the most annoying character, its the most useless character. Not only that, but Jan Janson isn’t that annoying, anyway.

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> What on earth is an Normation period? :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously Rirse, work on your grammar.
Haha, Rirse got told by someone who’s first language isn’t English and doesn’t live in North America.

Xelo, don’t reply if you don’t have anything good to say. Anyway, I adding two entries, Perel and MeiLin from Terraigma and dropping Ivan from the list.

Nalia rocks as a mage. She’s the first in my group to be able to learn Minor Wish. And Jan rox, he has a 100% in detect illusions, plus goes very high on other thieving skills. I find the druids more useless than Jan & Nalia.

Originally posted by Ren
Nalia rocks as a mage. She’s the first in my group to be able to learn Minor Wish. And Jan rox, he has a 100% in detect illusions, plus goes very high on other thieving skills. I find the druids more useless than Jan & Nalia.

Edwin is a better mage, and he has a less annoying voice set. ^^;

Why is Boo on there?
Don’t you realise that Boo can squeak!

The most useless character is BG2’s Imoen, because she’s a lame thief and a lame mage and is useless with a bow! Although she was useful and cooler in BG1.

Um, not to nitpick, but my named is spelled Crono, without the H.

Imoen can become quite useful actually. Especially if you have two other spellcasters that use the “Reduce Magic Resistance” spell.

I also have to vote for Gau (FF6). Gah what a waste of a character.