Name: Tigrez (as there is already an FF character named Izlude…)
Rpgclassics Character: Izlude
Age: 26, but 16 human equivelant
Hair Color: Brown (nearly black)
Eye Color: Green
Appearance: About 6 foot 3, wearing lose black pants, a black and silver shirt, a black jacket that goes down about to about where the ribcage ends, black figerless gloves, and a black-hilted sword with a black, dark violet, and dark blue tinted blade. He has a silver necklace that has a small sphere wrapped in a pear of demon wings, and ear pierced (left) with a silver unkown archaic symbol. He has a black symbol under his left eye.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, if he thinks someones plan or idea goes wrong, he lets them make their mistakes without bringing up his opinion, abandons the plan, and does things his own way. He’ll most likely only talk to you if he thinks your worth his time, as he is pretty arrogant, but it doesnt show cause he never really talks. He lives off combat. He also has demon wings, but they are retracted into his back, summonable at will.
As for romantical links- he is too arrogant for one.
Okay…Izlude is in, 'cause hey, the Fanfiction won’t be done for a while. Anyway, I am making Orakio and Chris-Chris a pair (sounds adorable…!), and Pierson, I didn’t have to type it all in…I just copied it! :mwahaha:
Phantasy: You can still join, I believe. Go ahead and post your info. Just remember, LoA will take her time to do this.
Sorc: As long as she uses only people who ask to join, and ask their permission for doing anything important with them as we told her, she could pull it off. That was what I did when I wrote THE RPGC XMAS STORY and everyone loved it.
Lady: You should set your character’s age to one you’re comfortable with. If you think you’ll have fun playing an older character, go ahead.
Sometimes I wonder if I should de-age myself, since I don’t act that serious anyway. : )
Oh, and you can have me hit on any pretty woman in the story. (Except teens, of course.) But with class! ; )
Yea, but you had been here for more than 4 days. She hasn’t, and I doubt she really knows anybody here well enough to put a story together with the correct personalities and such.
That’s why I strongly suggest that she does NOT write this for a while.
Lady, you should get to know everyone well first; it really shouldn’t take that long, if you pay attention.
I won’t be doing this for a while, because I am taking Sorcerer and Wilfredo’s good advice and getting to know everyone. Phantasy, you can still join, and thanks to Crotanks for his new info!!:hyperven:
Can I be in?? Can I, please?? I’ll post my bio, whether you want me too or not!!
RPGClassics Character: Kitty Cat Gal
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Hair Colour: Fiery Red
Eye Colour: Green with slits for pupils.
Appearance: Has a cat’s tail and ears, which are both red with black stripes. Dressed in ripped clothes. Basically, a ripped white skirt where one piece is longer than the other, and a top with pretty much the same style, and only one sleeve. Has gloves that eject cat claws.
Personality: Always cheerful and bright, who growls when angry and purrs when satisfied. Half-human, half-cat, she is more human, but can use a cat’s abilities
hey i havent been here very long lol like 5 days but i know angel and i’ve read some stuff shes put together it quit good :yipee: so whens your story going to be up and running?
Take your time with it. We’re in no hurry with anything. Just make sure to do your best and maintain the highest quality possible (that is why we take our time)
Umm, I don’t mean to sound like a jerk or anything, but don’t you think you’re in a poor position to write an RPGC fanfic? I mean, you’ve been here, how long? And you’re not terribly popular either. Not to mention you’re putting in just about anyone who asks. It would make more sense if you got to know this place a little better, and if you’re gonna write about RPGC, write about people who actually are important to RPGC.