RPGClassics Fanfiction Idea!!

Tip for the future, eat less suger before coming onto the forum.

Gotcha. Argh…gotta go to school. Be back soon!!

Sorc has given one reason, so has Weiila. Unless you know the people you’re writing about well, ityou probably won’t do them any justice.

And my impressions of such fanfiction is that they almost never turn out well.

Ah, ha…another negative person like I was a moment ago…not that I didn’t take your advice into consideration! I understand completely! I haven’t started it yet, just getting the bios ready. I’m working on my other Fanfic as well, anyway. Though I know I should really stick to the one…but hey!

I think the point people are trying to make is that it is A Bad Idea to write about real people when you only got to the forum a few (weeks?) ago.

“Days”, I believe…