RPGC ist tott

I’ve seen it elsewhere. For now its not something I expect people to do though.

Huh, maybe the ease of editing a wiki will get me off my lazy butt and actually do something. I always wanted to make a little shrine for Destiny of an Emperor.

Yeah, life happened. Like me, I disappear when I go to training. I’m actually in training right now, but the school is a lot like college…with early as fuck PE…in the cold…and it is mandatory to attend… However, it is almost over (I’ll be done a month from Saturday!!!:victoly:). Who knows, may be when I get to my unit next year, I may disappear for awhile then too.

Also, who said EzBoards, if you wanna go back, how about the old Miva boards or whatever they were (pearl? I can’t remember)?

Popping in to make your first post in 5 months doesn’t mean you’re “here.”

So you are kinda sacrificing content for activity. But I don’t really blame you. New content of a lower quality than past shrines is better than no new content. And Wikipedia is pretty neat anyway.

He comes into chat every once in a while. Stop in and idle with the rest of us!

Ah, a wiki sounds like fun. I’m excited about checking it out!

That list of people who left made me a little sad… I almost feel like I should be on it, since I don’t post very often any more (and when I do it’s basically fluff, which is pretty sad since I’m actually a lot smarter than I make myself sound here, and that probably sounds really conceited).

Man, I wish I’d seen the checkup email I was sent back when I was doing the Minish Cap shrine. I was actually kind of enjoying that. :confused: Couldn’t get the motivation to start all over again. maybe with wiki!

I’m not super familiar with how wiki sites work. MORE [STRIKE]VESPENE GAS [/STRIKE]RESEARCH IS REQUIRED.

(and not everyone has access to the staff forum to contribute.)

Not only is that doable, but it’s really not hard to do. When we convert our shrines to wiki, it’ll be easy as hell. Besides, I wouldn’t really say we’re sacrificing content for activity - there are plenty of shrines on RPGC with no pictures at all. I think wiki format will actually make it easier than before, and more encouraging to try it out.

In fact, because you said that, I’m going to work on adding the pictures I have to my SaGa Frontier wiki, just to show you it’s possible. :stuck_out_tongue:

As to the original question…

Hades: I notice that I wasn’t mentioned in your list of who left… as someone who left, or someone you played Starcraft with. :smiley:

I agree with Nulani, though. Life happened. When many of us started this, we were single, or younger, or unemployed, or underemployed, or had plenty of free time. Things changed drastically over the years. The subject matter of our site led the same kind of people here; people who played older RPGs (though we’ve included new RPGs now, the name implies older ones). Those people are generally getting older now, joining the workforce, juggling jobs, relationships, and other extra-curricular activities.

Me personally? I’m <a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqVwAd2Rd5w”>getting married soon</a>, I’m a cast member of a local <a href=“http://www.losbastardos.com/”>Rocky Horror cast</a>, I have a full time job, I have a circle of some 40 local friends to keep in touch with (most from said Rocky cast), I have bills to pay and a house to upkeep. It leaves very little time for the things that I used to enjoy. Hell, I rarely get to even PLAY games, much less spend time online TALKING about them. Those newer games that I have been able to play lately, with few exceptions (Portal, SSBB, Silent Hill V, Dragon Quest Swords), simply haven’t appealed to me. I’ve mostly been interested in remakes because I already know how to play them, and there’s nothing new I have to read, so I don’t have to devote time to them; I can play them while doing other things.

That’s just my story. Everyone’s is different, I suppose. But I’d be willing to bet that similar things are in everyone’s story. We’re growing up and our lives have gotten busier. It’s a shame. I wish I still had time to be here everyday. Life was certainly a LOT easier then.

My eyes must’ve skipped over you when I skimmed the user list. I didn’t claim my list was complete anyway.

That’s what you get for running around in little circles all the time!!!

Bam! From not even knowing how to do pictures, I whipped this up in ten minutes:


I just want to reiterate how easy that is to do, by the way. Anyone who has seen me try and do site work can tell you that I S_U_C_K at HTML. I figured this out by myself and implemented in about ten minutes while talking shit with my girlfriend. Easy peasy. Pictures can be done, much more easily, and even a little nicer on MediaWiki.

It’s true. He couldn’t even HTMLize the Mailbag.

The only problem I see with the rpgc wiki right now, is that I would really, really consider greyscaling the logo in the top left. Maybe I’m picking nits, but it would just look better if it was less conspicuous, and it’d be easy to do.

That’s one of the biggest things that’s got the whole project in limbo; no one can decide on a good look, layout, format, etc. and nothing’s getting done on it. There is seriously a thread on this in the staff forum that has ONE reply. Everyone thinks it’s a big issue but no one seems to be working on it.

Goddamn I posted like two days ago.

If you do my EE homework, I’ll post more. Deal?

My thoughts are this:

The entire layout so far is grey, and should stay that way, including the top left logo, which should be a bit bigger imo, but still grey.

Why? It helps the actual content of the site to stand out. It’s essentially an encyclopedia. Don’t distract people with colors and shit, make it fast loading, simple, and perfunctory. And very, very grey. This is the way Wikipedia does it, and everyone LOVES it.

Just imo.

Maybe you can convert the walkthrough template to the wiki? I always liked the alternating box thing. Still, it doesn’t look too bad for only being done in 10 minutes :slight_smile:

Also, Mr Saturn :o

Also, Also, I think the big problem is that as the older people leave, there isn’t enough new(ish) people to replace them. I’m probably the newest person to join the chat regularly, and I’ve been doing it for over a year now >_>