Blech. 3d is the worst thing you can do to an RPG. Maybe you can use it to create some extraordinary 3d maps, but there’s no point in battle when all you do is choose Fight and watch your guy bust a cap on someone.
I’ll just go play the RS1 rom.
Blech. 3d is the worst thing you can do to an RPG. Maybe you can use it to create some extraordinary 3d maps, but there’s no point in battle when all you do is choose Fight and watch your guy bust a cap on someone.
I’ll just go play the RS1 rom.
3D is fine by me. I’ve grown past the stage for having a hatred for it. Which is good because it increases the amount of games I enjoy. Besides that what will matter most to me is the SaGa feel. In this case the battle system being changed may be a good thing since the original wasn’t that balanced. And of course the graphics well if they kept the original I’d be fine. However over all what I want is the game at least. My main concerns are what will be added to the story and etc. What will bother me more is if things get cut. Ie they can change a design fine, but if they completely remove a character then I’ll get mad. Either way again 3D isn’t that bad.
“grown past” the hatred of 3d?
I don’t hate 3d. I think it has a myriad of uses. Sports games, FPS games, Action/adventure games, etc.
But if you’re using 3d to do what 2d can do quite adequately (and more beautifully, given good sprite artists) then resources are being wasted for no good reason. It’s like screwing 200 watt bulbs into 60 watt outlets.
Sorry about that, I had the impression you had a complete hatred for 3D from your earlier post. However in my case regardless of genre I still don’t care if a game is 2D or 3D. And that’s where I will always stand.
I dunno, a lot of people like the looks of 3D. It just looks and feels more real. Besides, some battle systems take advantage of 3D environments, like Grandia, FFX-2, Vagrant Story and Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. All of those games had excellent combat systems that would have been impossible to pull off with 2D graphics. In any case, many people like 3D style better, and from what I hear (From a quote by Victor Ireland, Working Designs president), Sony doesn’t very frequently approve the production or US Localiztions of 2D games anymore anyways. The games pretty much have to be in 3D, even if the gameplay emulates a 2D style.
3d feels more real?
Pardon me, but: HAHAHAHAHAHA!
But seriously, if SaGa would be in 3D it would lose all its Saga-ish feeling to me. Some game simply won’t go in 3D which is sticked in too many games nowadays.
The battles in Unlimited SaGa were already 3D backgrounds with 2D sprites. What do you have to say about that? Furthermore, if 2D feels more real than 2D for you, you should get a new real life.
Plus, read the rest of my post. If you wanna see it in the states, there’s no way you’ll be seeing it in 2D anyways, man.
You’re absolutely right, although what you said fell into what I said (insert tongue smiley here). 3d has it’s place where it can be used effectively.
3d to have a dude walk horizontally across the screen : Wrong.
3d to have a dude walk along and have the camera do closeups and stuff : Good.
You’re also right on the fact that 2d games rarely make it here these days. Americans are impressed by pretty colors and spiffy effects, and the rest of the world knows it.
Sad truth
It would be nice if 2D games had an easier chance of coming out here. It’s not that I want a game to be 2D or 3D per say. I just don’t like the idea of a game being blocked just because of graphics. If the creators of a game feel that 2D is what they want then a game should be 2D. They shouldn’t be punished for showing their vision of how they want a game to look.
Yeah, I know. I mostly mentioned that because you made the statement, “3D is the worst thing you can do to an RPG.” I thought you meant “No RPG should be done in 3D.” My bad.
And yeah Ajora, it’s pretty crappy. But, it’s the sad truth of things now. If we ever wanna see Romancing SaGas remade, they’re gonna be remade in 3D. Oh well. I actually am a big fan of aesthetic facelifts in games.
Note this a copy of a post I made at Anime on DVD.
Well I decided to wait until some things developed. Ie there was some actual news on the game before posting anything else. After all the game isn't coming out until 2005. Either way there is some news now. First of all it seems the official site has updated. There is an official TGS trailer. This game definitely reminds me of FFIX and SaGa Frontier in look. Although serious looking chibis is kind of weird. Also if you look under the story section, you can find Tomomi Kobayashi's versions of the main characters. I have no idea if she based her designs on Noara's designs which are based on her original designs. Or if she in fact made the new versions of the characters and Noara's in game designs are based on her designs. But it's definite they're are some radical changes in terms of some characters looks.
Also in terms of the voice acting. It has been said that the game will be fully voice acted. To quote tennin2 of Gamefaqs
According to the official site, this game will have full voice acting. Not just important scenes or characters, but almost all dialogue is voiced including townspeople, minor characters, etc.
Which sounds impressive. Since the game will be dubbed if it comes out to the U.S and I said if of course. I hope to heck Squaresoft chooses a very good dubbing cast. Since I’ll be hearing voices constantly. And Aisha must get ultimate respect. After all she is the one I completed the game with the first time. I mean the original version of course.
And of course a list of voices for the main characters apparently posted by someone at Gamefaqs also.
Albert: Yû Urata
Aisha: Yumiko Kobayashi
Hawk: Unsho Ishizuka
Sif: Mika Doi
Gray: Isshin Chiba
Claudia: Yûko Minaguchi
Jamil: Hiroyuki Yohino
Barbara: Emi Shinohara
Well in my view it is a mixed bag on the designs. But I do like how the new version of Aisha looks, but I also like the old version. Still Aisha is Aisha. And I will definitely enjoy seeing what she is like story wise.
Just a comment on the original RS1 soundtrack comment: RS1 has some really good tunes, but you don’t hear most of them until way later in the game. The boss music is badass, but you don’t fight an official “boss” until far into it. Only time I ever heard it outside of the music test was against Atlas the Dragon King, who despite being all big and tough is incredibly stupid and never attacks you except with a full-party poison. =O
Oh yes under the same section where you can see the characters, the official site now has animations for the characters. Aisha seems to be doing a victory pose or at least that is my guess anyway.
I will shed a tear if this game isn’t released in the U.S. Maybe two.
The only romancing saga SBES game I played was the first one–through a patch–and it didn’t work out as good as expected. I hope this game comes out so i can buy it in my own language
Just picked up UnLiMiTeD SaGa
Cool just remember Unlimited SaGa is not a graphics or story game. The graphics were made simple to take a stab at the idea of games being a reality simulation. Also the battle system is one where you must master the ability to adjust to what you get. Too bad the instruction booklet for the sucks like the SaGa Frontier one. Either way I’m probably the main fan of U.SaGa on this board. Still hoping for RS:M to come out here.
I played Unlimted Saga once
Is that a Tribble in your sig picture? Or a Muppet?