Revival of the Monkey Paw thread

Hey, weren’t you the dude who went apeshit for people saying “hell”, and “damn”?

Setz once again off topic when I already apologized. Do not flame Setz and pleas continue.

EDIT: apologized to what I said to the person Trk Jac was talking about. In order

Somone posts something I did not understand and I was frustrated at the time.

I flame them (not excessivly though.

Trk Jac said not say things like that like that. I apologize.

You mis-read something and decided to post.

I tell people not to flame you.

Granted, but some phyco co-worker finds out, and shoots you due to jelousy. Then he dresses you up in a pink dress, and make-up, and puts you up for display.

I wish I had a working PSP that was on a normal desk infront of me…both of which weren’t stolen.

As you wish. Your PSP is then stolen and you get run over by a car.

I wish i had more pizza

You have infinate pizza, yea you become a gigantic lummox.

I wish for a way to control all of space time.

Granted, you get supernatural powers to do so…resulting in you being put through endless painful experiments at the hands of scientists trying to figure out how you are able to do it.

I wish I could beat Grizzly Mode on Wario Ware, and have nothing happen to me, the DS, or the game…or anything else that’s mine for that matter.

Nothing happens to you, but your house burns down while your inside it. You are so consumed in your game, you don not notice and die of severe burns 3 days later.

I wish for a million dollhairs.

The million dollhairs appear magically… inside of your throat. You die a horribly excruciating death… the horrible, horrible tickling!

I wish that me and my love could spend eternity together.

Granted, a million strands of doll hairs are stuffed into your mouth by a rabid squirell, who then procedes to knawing off your feet as you choke.

I wish the next frikin Teen Titans episode about Raven would air.

EDIT: You suck.

You get to spend eternity together…dead.

Granted but because I don’t know wheather or not you are a male or a female, you are placed with someone of the same sex who is obsessed with you. For eternity.

I wish I had a country to rule called RPGClassics.

EDIT your post timing was incorrect,Kirokokori, therefor your wish was not valid.sorry.

Granted, but your cable goes out.
Granted, You country is placed on the northern tip of Siberia. Russia then starts with your country first when creating a new USSR…Which is 11 days after it’s on the map.

I wish to be remembered for the rest of eternity as a very good person who did great things and that every one has to learn about me in school.

Granted, people remember you and in time you become a god to some countries and a saint people start wars over you and blow the world up, happy now?

I wish for peace on earth and good will towards men.

As you wish. The world is invaded by aliens and everyone having destroyed their weapons, are incapable of defending themselves against the advanced technology the the aliens.

I wish I had a rocket launcher

Granted. But you have no rockets to launch from it. You spend your free time pointing it at random stuff and clicking the trigger. Someone mistakes you for a terrorist in training and shoots you. That person is then honoured as a hero.

I wish I could speak fluent Mandarin.

The only language you know is Mandarin. No one else knows it, so you live a life in which few really understand what you are trying to communicate.

I wish everyone was colorblind.

Granted, everyone turns into dogs, as dogs are colorblind.

I wish I had a computer that updated its hardware on its own, at no cost, keeping up to date automatically.

You get one, but it’s incompatible with every kind of virus protection in existence, and you know what that means… :smiley:

I wish, for no reason at all, that there existed a forum with no moderators or moderation of any kind. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

granted, however the software automatically seeks out versions which absolutely refuse to work with each other, rendering it into a nice boat anchor.

I wish Pinebot would die.

You are advanced to a point in the future in which he is no longer alive. Unfortuately, your body ages. You’re now very very old. You die withing the year, from natural and painful causes. (And, you get to spend eternity with, guess who! Pinebot!)

I wish for nothing.

Granted. You are now nothing.

I wish for a lifetimes worth of free CDs.