Recomend me some games

would you be as kind as to recomending me som PC games,Thanks

Battlefield 1942, and Command and conquer generals, I can play generals with no lag at all on my 26.4k connection, I’m not sure about Battlefield yet as I can’t install the stupid patch.;_;

I lagged on BF1942 with most servers, and I have a 512k cable connection.

Just a few I play:

Diablo 2, Divine Divinity, Elder Scrolls 3, Max Payne, Neverwinter Nights, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Quake 3 Arena

I lagged on BF1942 with most servers, and I have a 512k cable connection.
Ping is always an issue, I just have to find a server close to me geoghraphically.


Baldurs Gate: Tales from the Sword Coast
Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
Baldurs Gate : Throne of Bhaal
Icewind Dale 2
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader

<img src=“”> Minesweeper! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My computer lacks minesweeper and that wierd pinball game you get. Accursed thing!

Progress Quest, Arfenhouse I, II, III and IV, anything by Blizzard.


And Starcraft.

Fallout Series.

Discworld 1 and 2.

Freespace 1 and 2. Descent 1, 2, 3.
Might and Magic series. Quest for Glory series.

I must recommend Planescape: Torment, and Deus Ex, though both are rather old, and probably hard to find.

<img src=“”> I found Deus Ex a few days ago for 5 bucks. It was definately worth it.

Good Freeware games:

Nethack (speaks for itself)
FreeCiv (ditto)
Liero (It’s INSANE how fun it is with a friend… :hahaha;)

Nethack alone can keep ya going for quite a while. =)

<A href=“” target="_blank">System Shock 2</A>

It’s a ground breaking PC game, and a lot of modern FPS’s are borrowing traits from this game and Deus Ex. It’s still a very entertaining game, and is rated by quite a few reviewers as the scariest PC game ever made.

Planescape: Torment
Baldur’s Gate
Baldur’s Gate - Shadows of Amn
Fallout 1
Fallout 2



Thanks,i will check them out

Civilization II & III
Sid Meier’s Gettysburg
Master of Orion II & III ( Patch it before you play, or you’ll end up hating it )
Myst III
The Longest Journey

Most of them are fairly old games.

Soldier of Fortune I + II
Unreal Tournament
Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy

Originally posted by Green Mage
[b]<A href=“” target=“_blank”>System Shock 2</A>

It’s a ground breaking PC game, and a lot of modern FPS’s are borrowing traits from this game and Deus Ex. It’s still a very entertaining game, and is rated by quite a few reviewers as the scariest PC game ever made. [/b]

Aye that game is scary as hell lol. I wish I could find it again, I once had it but lent it out and didn’t get it back =(