Really short, shaved, or what?

Balding, as this pic shows:

<img src=“”>

Its getting noticeably thinner :frowning:

Gonna chop it all off after the Trivium concert I’m going to next month. Should I bald it completely, just keep it really short, or something else?

edit: goatee is thicker now than it is in that pic too, so it doesn’t look so bad :stuck_out_tongue: And yes, I’d been drinking. Jim Beam ftw <3

Keep it as it is or get it cut short. It doesn’t look balding, and it’ll probably last a lot longer as it is now than you think.
And look forward to the day in the near-to-sort-of-near future when scientists finish their cure for male pattern baldness.

THURSDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) – Scientists have taken a step forward in understanding the mechanisms behind a problem that has bedeviled many men, and some women, for all of history: hair loss.

The study identifies a key signaling molecule that tells hair follicles to start the hair-growing cycle.

Aw man. Man. You can’t be a lead guitarist in a rock band and have really short hair or a bald head. Only established veterans can pull that off.

Yeah… I could still be a drummer though :stuck_out_tongue: (and I don’t even play drums).

Yes. Yes you could. A kick ass one at that.

Better start learning your percussions, boy.

Real short for now
If you notice yourself start looking like Costanza, bald up
And then get ripped
And then change your name to Magnus

Also, you’re not the only one, trust me.
And also: This WILL cheer you up. TEEEE-RUST me.

That actually helped, Hades :smiley:

I’m thinking bald. Your head looks to have the shape that can pull it off. I have a friend that went from moderately long hair to bald and it looks good. I’m only mentioning it because it looks like you each have simliar head shapes.

I just realized this would have been a hilarious topic had a RPGChick made it.

As in RPGC Hick or RPG Chick?

Real short. Feels good man.

RPGC Chick. When you take a word and add RPGC to the front of it, the C carries over. Like RPGCali or RPGConfederacy or RPGCherry or RPGCastle.

RPGCanadian :slight_smile:

RPGCrotanks >_>

More like RPGCockmongler

More like RPG SHUT UP! :frowning:

Keep it short for as long as you can without looking balding.

RPGCease Thy Tomfoolery

RPGCless Wins!

Take it from someone who started going bald in his thirties: KEEP AS MUCH HAIR AS YOU CAN FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN. There will always be ways to make it look good.

Lose the flower, though. :hahaha;