Discuss. I’ll come up with my thoughts later, outside of the fact that my respect for John Ashcroft has gone from zero to wanting a study of how a man can live with no brain cells.
Censorship much?
Christ, I’d be getting the death penalty
If porn is wrong, then I don’t wanna be right!
Seriously, though…morally speaking, I see aboslutely nothing wrong with porn. It really doesn’t hurt anyone, and I have yet to find a site that doesn’t have a bigass warning on the front. It’s hard to accidentily acess porn if you’re not looking for itt.
Isn’t that against the first amendment right with freedom of the press or some shit. That is sutpid, ti is especially bad since they want to rid the WORLD of porn. Good luck. Our economy would take a huge dive without porn. Porn is a huge industry.
While this isn’t my thoughts…
It’s a 10 billion dollar industry, and its TAXABLE. Why lose that cash? That and it’s fun too. But me tired.
Yeah, I look at a lot of porn, and yeah, i think its a little to easy to get on the internet and isn’t the most moral thing in the world, but it isn’t really that big of a problem. I could see why they would be doing this though, because of child porn, and the uprising of the furry population.
But shouldn’t we be worrying about different problems in this country?
waits for commercials saying masturbation supports terrorism
I don’t think the feds are searching all those hours to get rid of porn, just to find more for their own uses.
But really, I honestly hope this doesn’t work. It’ll fucking suck.
And welcome back to an age of Victorian morals, Victorian discipline, and absolute (pun intended) wankers in charge.
On the other hand, though this line-
Department officials say they will send “ripples”
Had me in stitches when I first misread it
Poor ashcroft is envious that everyone else is wacking off to porn, but he cant because of his lack of a certain body part.
Ah, do remember, the first amendment, amongst other lovely things in the Bill of Rights, has been trampled on nonstop by this administration from the second they took power. A trivial thing like freedom of speech isn’t going to stop them from continuing to suck off the Christian Right.
John Ascroft probably likes kittens.
Everytime you masturbate, God kills a kitten.
John Ascroft needs to learn that God wouldn’t dare to kill kittens. God knows all to well that if he did, I’d kill him.
I see it now:
They flash a scene of the planes hitting the trade towers. Then in big red words on a black screen the word MASTURBATION then it fades to the explosion as the planes hit and then it says CAUSED THIS! Don’t let your kids masturbate, masturbation funds porn, which funds terrorism! This is a paid message from the Bush for President campaign
Ashcroft, a religious man who does not drink alcohol or caffeine, smoke, gamble or dance, and has fought unrelenting criticism that he has trod roughshod on civil liberties in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, is taking on the porn industry at a time when many experts say Americans are wary about government intrusion into their lives.
Like the Bill of Rights would stop him.
locks himself in the basement with laptop, looking at porn until the police come
What can you expect from a country with a large puritan background? =\
What upsets me most is they are once again desiding what is right for the WHOLE WORLD!
Guess what, WE DON’T CARE <<; If you don’t like porn, don’t look.
Shhh! You’re giving them ideas!
Anyway, I think it’s a crime to be sent to prison for porn.
Too bad the Supreme Court decided that obscenity’s not protected speech dating back to at least Dunlop v. U.S. (1897), the landmark Roth v. US (1957) which formerly declared pornography unprotected speech, or the more famous purient interest case of Miller v. California (1973). While I think these (and other anti-porno decisions) were wrong, you’re wrong to place the blame on Bush when it dates back far before he was even born. Right now, anti-obscenity is the law of the land whether you like it or not.
Check the article again; child porn is considered child abuse and so falls under a different category. They could do that seperately from other porn. As for furries, I think they are more intent on stopping porn that isn’t drawn.
And because someone said porn doesn’t hurt anybody, I’m throwing this out there.