
I got half a scholarship on my English institute, so that’s a whole $450 I can save for myself this year. Not to mention why I got the scholarship: Distinction-level marks (94%!) in last year’s First Certificate test. I’m the second student in the history of the institute (Which is about 70 years old but… meh) who got Distinction and the highest actual grade :smiley:

In other words: I’m pretty good at speaking English.

I learned how to speak english when i was a kid.

I’m from Argentina, we speak Spanish.

I made contact in Argentina a few times when the band was in. For a good 2 hours, that’s all i could get, LOL.

My uncle is a former Marine Corps commander and could take my ass out any day of the week. Pass. =P Though I’m pretty sure that’s something he would be proud of if he posted here.

LOL, i was trying to refernce Romance of the Three Kingdoms with that.

Most of my family were in the military. But when i mention that i am thinking of enlisting, every one of them says “you’d be stupid if you did. We’re at war !” or at least a variation. It’s really annoying, because a month before the war, i was talking to my aunt about what my MOS would be. It’s crazy !

Sorry for the off-topic post, but this needs clarification… what do you mean by ‘take out my uncle’? The closest thing was where LüBu killed his adopted father in favor of serving Dong Zhuo. The dead guy was not LüBu’s uncle.

I guess I’m proud that I got into Wellesley and although I’ll be in debt when I graduate, I won’t be miserably in debt because most of it will be payed for. ^^

They’re dogs. Oh, and add creeping Swedes to the list.

I guess right now im most proud of …(dont laugh)… my “band” and that I got into instument playing, it very fun.Atleast it passes time since i dont have f****ing cable! Music has become a very honored part in me ,I <3 IT :moogle:

I’m probably most proud of seriously deciding to run in the London Marathon next year.

Ohh yeah. It’s been a long time since i’ve read the book. Lu Bu killed his step-father for Dong Zhou for a horse.

I’m proud of the fact I haven’t quit school yet.

Oh, don’t worry, I’m the most annoying one. The others are ok. :hahaha;