Pop is dead

I thought exactly the same when I read about it. o.o

I agree with Ciddy, here. I like some of his songs but he was such a broken person.

Who wants to bet that this will be the beginning of the new “Elvis is alive!” thing? :stuck_out_tongue:

[STRIKE]I doubt it since I don’t remember Elvis being a pedo freakshow.[/STRIKE]

What am I saying!?! There’s an endless supply of morons out there. I’d bet a million dollars (if I had a million dollars to bet) that Fox News or some other group of malicious con artists will convince the general public that he’s faking it in order to fulfill his patriotic duty. And they’ll lap it up like kittens to fresh milk.

Ninja: On the plus side, it looks like the surviving Beetles can finally buy back the rights to most of their songs.

Wasn’t there this big theory about the “real” MJ actually being dead for many years?

All in all, t’is sad. Dude made great music despite his… childhood memory business.

No items. MJ only. Final Destination.

… Some people I know went into an emotional wreck, but I really don’t see the impact. He already made his mark into the music world when I was a person too young to understand the whole deal. Mmm.

Maybe they bought tickets for the tour he was about to start.

Oh absolutely, only even worse because we have the internet now.

So it turns out I was right, at least in the sense that it was drugs that did it. Ah, those Hollywood celebrities.

I think anyone who actually believes he was a child molester is very naive and wrapped up in hype. It seemed to me a blatant money-grubbing plea by the families involved that evolved into a quickly tired joke that I guess some people believed.

I’ve never heard that, although looking at him the way he was when he died compared to how he used to look…
But I have heard that about my dear love sir Paul McCartney/

Music was Michael Jacksons’ life from, like, five years old. It’s absolutely preposterous to question whether he “actually” knew music. Michael Jackson forgot more about music than Hades Shinigami ever imagined. I dunno how you categorize Michael Jacksons’ singing as rap like, because, well, he sang? Rappers speak? I dunno if you’ve ever seen MJ perform, but he can most definitely sing, but what you’re missing is that he was a dancer and a performer and that was really what he was known for. Sure, he sang, but he’s Michael Jackson - he dances.

I dunno man, your Michael Jackson ignorance just drips from this and it makes me a little irate. I can understand not enjoying his music, but calling him a hack as a result of that lack of enjoyment is questionable logic at best.

Anyway, like everybody else, I’ll miss him for his gifts and his oddities. The thing I’ll miss the most is his music video movie things. They were a fun take on a generally poorly executed medium.

Thriller is probably my favorite of his songs, primarily due to the music video. Hooray for dancing zombies. If any of you all have a favorite, what is it?

Favorite video? I can’t remember what song it is but its the one where he’s in the white suit with the white fedora… Favorite song though is Billie Jean. Easy :stuck_out_tongue:

It was Smooth Criminal.

Billie Jean! :smiley: Both my favorite song and video. I wish floor tiles would light up in a rhythm every time I walked or danced somewhere.

My vote is also for Smooth Criminal.

I’m even going to side with the Nostalgia Critic and say its music video is better than Thriller’s.

Thriller is still made of awesome though.

I’m calling him a hack because he’s a hack. He didn’t play any instruments with any real proficiency, how much of his music he composed is questionable and how he did it is questionable. I called his singing rap-like because he rarely uses any long, soaring notes, and often talks his way through songs, like you just said rappers do, so uh, nice job there. He has never written or sang anything even slightly challenging for his vocal range, and his music all sounds like basic Mario Paint jingles I guess-and-checked my way through when I was 9.

I dunno, I have quite a lot of evidence that suggests he was a hack (many albums and a lot of exposure to his attention-whoring fashionpop-superstar attitude) that you’re trying to contradict by saying “he started young” and throwing insults at me. If stupidity smelled bad, your post would reek with the stench of a thousand skunks’ asses. An entertainer, he was. An artist, he was sure as fuck not. I don’t give shitheads undeserved props for drugging themselves to death because they suddenly decided that being a vain, insatiable, freakish, borg-like waste of a human being isn’t working out for them.

You can like his songs, you can like his videos, but fuck me if anyone’s gonna call him a legendary musician on my watch. Guys like Satriani, Rudess, and Portnoy are legendary. Their expressive power and insanely thorough technical mastery of their instruments are what make them so. MJ was a little boy with a novel little family band that a label happened to pick up and market the fucking shit out of. Brings my piss to a boil when people mistake the two.

God, lighten up already. You’re going to burn your bladder.

I still have my Thriller vinyl from when I was a kid, which I had been meaning to sell for a while. Now I’ll feel like an opportunistic ass if I put it up on eBay. Anytime MJ came on the radio, I left the buttons alone because his songs always had a good beat and were so easy to remember. The whole thing is sad to me… not vigil sad like people tend to do these days (do those people have jobs?), but sad nonetheless.

Legendary usually means somebody has heard of them, Hades.


You’re calling him a hack because he’s a hack? That is the worst comeback.

That and the rest of your post is fluff and biased; you give no actual facts to back up your argument and the tone of your post suggests pure hatred for the guy.

You also list two progressive artists and an instrumentalist in comparison to a famous entertainer and pop artist. That comparison does not make a lick of sense.

@Kasey: Did ye know Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson did a few duets? The Girl is Mine and Say, Say, Say. Good stuff