Pixar, quit making good movies. If not, I'll sue you.

Nope. Tentacle SEX is altogether different. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, how has a thread about a satirical site degraded into tentacle penetration? Oh, right, this is RPGC.

Not if I’m joking :smiley:

“Tentacle surprise-sex.”

LaBlue Girl wins.

“Fucking retard” ain’t much of a joke, numnuts.


Of course it is, remember this is RPGC

Fine. You, Mystique, are a fucking retard. I’m not joking :frowning: Who the hell ARE you anyway?

Fuck off.

Dude, calm down, hes only kidding. :slight_smile:

I’m a mysterious and powerful woman, whose mystery is only exceeded by her power.

Or Generic’s GF. Or both.

Mysteeeeerious. waggles fingers

And I’m not a fucking retard. I’m not currently engaging in sexual acts. Nor do I ride the short bus. Try again, skippy.

He said he wasn’t kidding. I, however, have thick skin.

Shouldn’t dish it out if you can’t take it…and I love dishing it out.

I wanna know what part of “joking” you didn’t get. And if you’ll exCUSE us, we’re trying to talk about tentacles here.

Aaahahaha :smiley: Funny joke. Ahh Genericangstyposter… Good times. Are you CC? I keep forgetting.

Hooray for half-assed attempts at sarcasm! =D

Don’t fault Generic for leaping to my rescue, as it were. Dear heart thinks I need to be rescued. Isn’t that cute? :moogle:

But yes, back to the tentacles. I find them to be quite…disturbing? Wrong? Not to be used for illicit purposes?


Wait, now I wanna talk about Metal Gear Solid… cause I’m listening to the theme and it rocks.

I can’t wait until this thread is closed and we are all banned and all traces of our existence is wiped from the Earth.
And yes, that MGS3 theme does kick ass.

AaahaHAH! Good ol’ Him. You know, I wasn’t being sarcastic! I even said certain parts of the post aloud, for I found them somewhat humorous. Good Him… Ahhh. Pass the ale! Arr!

You’re too young to have ale. I’m placing you under citizens arrest.