Pixar, quit making good movies. If not, I'll sue you.

Yeah, but Zep was… joking. You know, that thing, where you try to be funny? If I got pissed every time Zeppelin poked fun at someone, I’d probably have a heart attack.

… By the way, Lanyx, Izlude was right. With that post, among others, you are now officially “part of the problem.” I’ll just stop posting here instead of trying to actually, y’know, help anymore.

Perhaps I’m just wondering and kinda angry at how all of a sudden there was a big sploodge of random trolling. Like, ever since the WoW posts, people have been coming out of caves and shit to comment random “OMG Youve always annoyed me omg, flame flame flame, Im smarter!” crap. I dont think its out of the question to say “stfu” to all this seeing as how I’d managed to do MANY more “annoying” things than this while getting past 1000 posts… Yet after the WoW thing…

Poop hit the rotating cooling device.

I could care less about World of Warcraft. I could care less if you liked the General Custer game for the Atari, I only care that you’re annoying. What you choose to play in your spare time has absolutely no bearing on me.

And really, it isn’t random trolling when you bring it upon yourself. Random trolling would be if you made this thread, and then I immediately said “you’re stupid” or something like that. No, you took Zeppelin’s joke as a ninth degree offense, and you started whining like a little bitch. I’m not trolling you so much as saying “hey, uh- stop being so damned oversensative.”

I just thought I’d say that’s what I was trying to say, except with less “I don’t give a shit about anything else you do” and with more beating about the bush and trying to be funny instead of just doing a variation on “OMG PERSON A SAYS I DISAGREE WITH IZLUDE AND IZLUDE SAYS WAAA YOU ALL HATE ME!!!11!!1111elevenses” which was my initial impulse. Thank you and goodnight.

Okay! :smiley:


You would have known the story to be obviously a parody if you’d spent just a few more seconds looking at the site and thinking about it, and Zepp brought this to your attention (albeit in a rather direct way) because that’s what he does. Nothing more. He’s done it to everyone (including me and many people here) who’s posted something excessively dumb or shown extremegullibility.

You do not seem to realise is that these posts are far, far more annoying than whatever it was you posted about WoW in the first place (and why the fuck are you still bringing that shit up? Wasn’t that months ago?), and if you dropped it then so would we and everyone could get on. Do so, then either grow a thicker skin or leave.

Actually, If you had been paying attention to anything I’ve posted previous to this then you may realize that you ARE being random. My posts about WoW were not the subject of me being “annoying” because they were games I played. But rather, because I made 4+ threads about it.

YES, that was annoying.

Whoopty god damn doo, its over. Maybe you wouldnt hear the annoying side of me if you werent shit-facing everything I say. I only say the crap I say lately because all of your (not just you) little “playful jests” are NOT playful. If they are, in your mind, supposed to be playfull, Then you should realize that youve been playing “cowboys and indians” with live ammo, because people get shot. Whether or not you’ve felt that anything you said was cruel or not, it WAS. I’m asking it to stop now. Not asking to keep arguing, NOT asking for some shit eating response about how to grow up. I AM growing up and asking that you QUIT now. PLEASE. If that is not enough to get over how immature you percieve me as or how wussy I am to you, I dont know what else to say.

I do not want to leave this board, I like alot of the people I talk with. But those of you who’ve been flaming me lately are really making me feel unwelcomed. And if you guys knew this stuff bugged me so much, why the hell did you keep doing it instead of saying somthing respectable like “Im sorry, I know you probably over reacted to this JOKE, but we ARE just kidding.”

I’m done with your games, I said I didnt want to hear it anymore. Please stop it.

Then can we all forget this, close the thread, and go back to normal? Plz? :frowning:

Fine. Believe what you want. It wouldn’t matter how many people came up to you and told you what you’re doing, you’d do it anyway, so I’ll leave you to your persecution complex.


Yes, thank you!

man, stop whining like a little bitch.

You did that on purpose.

God, you whine more then a japanese school girl about to be raped by a random monster with tentacles.

On a completely unrelated note…

Iz, I’ve been staring at that Japanese girl kissing the chicken sandwich on your sig for like, ten minutes. It’s hypnotizing. Creepy, but hypnotizing.

EDIT: I wanted to add, it’s not that I like it. It’s just one of those things. That you have to stare at. Until your eyes bleed.


Lucky girl…

Sorry about Shinobi, still having troubles locating his penis. And no, I don’t care if zep was kidding. I couldn’t tell he was.

Genericangstyposter: You’re a fucking retard. Go kill yourself, now.

Teehee! Just kidding! :smiley: You can’t get mad at me for whatever I said no matter WHAT! I was JOKING! You fucking retard! (Just kidding) Now get worked up about it and try to argue!

Um, ew. Tentacle rape is usualy not a lucky thing to have happen to you. Therefore the term, you know, RAPE.

Yeah… you can’t rape the willing I guess.

Hey Lanyx…yank your head out of Iz’s ass long enough to realize that he’s the one getting all pissy everytime someone sneezes at him, not Genericangstyposter.

There is a subtle difference between calling someone a “fucking retard” and making an obviously satirical post such as Zeppelin’s.