Pet Peeves

What are some of your pet peeves? I’m pretty easy going, so not much gets onto my nerves, but I do have a few.

leaving doors open on your way out
butting into conversations
touching the volume on my stereo

-butting into conversations
-walking away in the middle of a conversation
-messing my hair when they’re perfectly gelled… -_-

Being interupted
Having to move a pet I was petting

Not really.

People on the internet using the word “then” to compare things instead of the proper word “than” (I see that a lot everywhere, including here).

I can’t think of anything else right now, but I’ll come back with more.

  • Capitalism :hahaha;
  • Reading Fan fiction from someone that needs to be shot in Red Square
  • A girl making a big deal about having sex

I’ll post more later.

The only things that anger me most of the time are hypocricy or anyone hurting or trying to hurt one of the few people I really care about.

I also tend to hate the government and most things it does, but that isn’t really a pet peeve.

Trying to drive somewhere when I don’t know where it is, either by following someone’s directions or following another car.

[/li][li]Dirty tables.
[/li][li]Smelly toilets.
[/li][li]More than one exlamation mark or question mark in a row.
[/li][li]People who don’t know what they’re talking about.
[/li][li]People spitting everywhere and anywhere.
[/li][li]Running out of ideas.

Oh god, pet peeves. X-( It’s a wonder I’m not constantly pissed of- hang on a sec, that would explain a lot. Lessee…

-Text typing or “leet speak”. You were brought up to use proper fucking English you brain-dead fucking moron!!! The world will not suddenly end because you need to type an extra two letters so for shite’s sake, type them!!!
-Angsty teenagers. Ever since turning 21 I have developed an extreme intolerance for people who are barely in high school yet believe that the world is a dark, miserable and gloomy place and insist on writing shitty poetry about it. Same goes for goths as well- the one demographic who would not be missed by anyone if they were suddenly all shot overnight.
-Reality TV. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! All this so-called “entertainment” does is churn out people who suddenly become celebrities despite having absolutely no talent whatsoever. Take Jade Goody for example. What does she do, exactly, that is so worthy of her celebrity status, aside from suck in air and spew out toxic fumes? Send her back to the bedsit she came from, that’s what I say.
-Soap Operas. Where else can you see incest, murder one and rape at 7pm than in a show aimed at the whole family? These started out as good serial dramas and have turned into half-hour after half-hour of sensationalist shit. Everyone shagging everyone else and secretly trying to have them shot whilst not shagging. This is an accurate representation of real life, kiddywinkles!
-People who don’t know when to shut up. “Yes, thank you for repeating that to me for a fifth time even though I heard you loud and fucking clear the first time you said it, let alone the rest of the oxygen wasting you just did. I really do want to leave with my eardrums intact, not to mention my sanity, so I’ll be punching your teeth down your throat now”. X-(

…God, that felt good. :wink:

Okay. Aside from the sickening generalization of that statement, there are some technical erros. The Goth movement is NOT to be grouped with angsty teenagers. There are large and important differences.

  1. Goth is technically expressing anger at oneself and society. Angst music is about being sad and maybe angry at your girlfirend/the more popular kid who stole her heart.
  2. Goth music is good poetry, by nature. Most of the true goths were musically and lyrically talented.
  3. Goth music originally started as a subgenre of punk infusing Beat-style poetry into a slowed tempo punk music, and adding actual emotion instead of political rage. Goth focussed on bass and drum, occasionally low-string guitar riffs, and sometimes piano, musically. Goth lyrics are the place from which the name was taken. True Goth lyrics express anger for having failed, and blaming yourself for them. The name ‘Goth’ also came from the lyrics, which to be Goth must have heavy themes and sybolism of Death, Sex, Drugs, and (usually bitterly) Christianity. This is different from teenage angst, which is just people who whine their asses off about getting dumped, and then go take the symbolism from good artistic movements and ruin them, and finally cut their wrists for attention. Goths cut their shoulders so no-one sees, because they want people to leave them the fuck alone, not pitty them.

Finally, I’d like you to name me three ‘Goth’ bands. If any of them are Marilyn Manson, Evanescence, or Korn, step to the back of the class. Those are NOT goth bands. Manson comes close, but doesn’t quite fit the cut; he’s goth-influenced metal.

I guess I should ‘The musically ignorant’ and ‘Rash generalizations’ to my list of pet peeves.


Someone get me a broom to sweep up the pieces of my heart. :bowser:

::gets out broom::

Oh, you were being metaphorical.

-People who don’t know what they’re talking about
-People who don’t pick up the phone when they should or could.
-People who reply every 5 minutes when you’re trying to have an im conversation with them.
-Weak people
At RPGC: people that waste board space.

open doors >:O

I second that, I hate it when people leave the door open.

-When I forget to build a detector

People who feel the need to tell people what my real gender and/or name is, when they have no reason to do it.

Stupid people that think they’re intelligent.
Stuff my brother does continuously, like say the same word over and over again.

As practically every other male in my family, I tend to be highly irritable so the list could go on forever, but here is the main stuff:

[li]People who talk about things they don’t know anything about.
[/li][li]People who leave doors open (I mean, if I had it closed, then leave it closed!)
[/li][li]People over 13 years old with shitty grammar. I understand if you are dyslexic or something, but if you are mentally capable of typing a fucking period or comma from time to time, I fucking expect you to do it. And if you don’t know how to spell a word, use the fricking spell-check.
[/li][li]Moronic teenagers who pretend to be hot and heavy just because they do marihuana or have some shit pierced.
[/li][li]People (Read: my mother) moving the monitor of my PC so they can see better. I don’t mind if she does it because she’s shorter than me, but at least move it back before you leave.
[/li][li]Whenever my mother tells me to do something because it’s “good for me” when in reality it’s just because she wants me to. I don’t mind helping or accompanying her, what ticks me is that she thinks I’m not smart enough to figure out what the shit she actually wants.
[/li][li]”You are too young to understand”

And above all, what REALLY ticks me off:

[li]Having to repeat myself more than twice. If you can’t fucking remember what I fucking told you fifteen fucking seconds ago, then fucking write it down on a fucking paper!

You know, this was a good way to let off some steam. Thanks.