People who spit in public places. It’s disgusting.
-Drinking from the carton
-Things not at right angles
-People in general
When I first joined the forums and read a couple topics in the RPG, I thought your real life name was Valerie, hence Val… then I felt pretty damn stupid.
People between the ages of 13 and 16.
People who can’t figure out when they are unwelcome.
People who have a degree or belong to an organization and use it as a means to look down on others.
People who quote the dictionary.
I’m fourteen, quote the Oxford English Dictionary at nearly an opportune moment, and may or may not be able to figure out when I’m welcome.
You must fucking hate me.
I’m glad you got the hint, maybe there’s hope for you yet.
pet ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pt)
An animal kept for amusement or companionship.
An object of the affections.
A person especially loved or indulged; a favorite: the teacher’s pet.
Kept as a pet: a pet cat.
Particularly cherished or indulged: a pet grandchild.
Expressing or showing affection: a pet name.
Being a favorite: a pet topic.
peevepeeve ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pv)
tr.v. peeved, peev·ing, peeves
To cause to be annoyed or resentful. See Synonyms at annoy.
A vexation; a grievance.
A resentful mood: in a peeve about the delays.
So it looks like animals, objects and people. I just learned that everything pisses me off.
there being nothing on tv despite getting a a decent number of channels
the tv, radio, whatever being too loud
people not picking up after themselves
when the socks i’m wearing get wet
Man, you know what fucking pisses me off, is something I liked to call “on-the-job training.” Of course on-the-job training is nice…when you are training for a job, or ask for help in training, but man…when you’re trying to do something, and people tell you how to do it (in other words, they tell you exactly how they would do it), I just flip out after a while.
Oh, also what pisses me off is when people don’t give me RESPECT when I drive a vehicle.
- You don’t bitch about my vehicle
- You don’t bitch about my music (or the silence, when I choose silence)
- You especially don’t CHANGE my music while I’m driving (Yeah I’m talkin’ to YOU, asshole! :P)
- You don’t bitch about my driving
- You don’t ask me to drive you places and then make me pay for gas.
Man, these are all worthy of a one-way ticket to OUT of my car. Jeez.
DUB0LL <strike>FUJJ CAIK</strike> POST!!!
1- Thank you for that wonderful rant Arac. Finally someone who agrees with me.
2- Dalton, China wouldn’t be the place for you, spitting everywhere is… well… a local sport, so to speak. Actually a lot more than that.
3- As most people here, I hate leaving doors open. Which pisses me off even more though is running water, such a waste. Or not switching off the light when leaving the room. I just can’t stand things like that.
Now, more pet peeves.
-people pronouncing my name wrong, calling me by my arch enemy’s (omg!) nickname or calling me by my full name. Do that and die.
-people playing dumb april fool’s jokes/ repetitive jokes o0 IT’S NOT GETTING FUNNIER NOT EVEN WHEN YOU TELL IT 3485 TIMES I AM DEEPLY SORRY
-“grown up humour”, as I like to call it. Seriously, that’s the only thing I’m afraid of when getting older. There’s nothing more I hate than this awful middle-class, slightly “I’m looking down on you” arrogant humour with the obligatory restrained laughter afterwards. It makes me want to puke.
- having dirty or dry hands. -shudder-
More coming up.
Where else are you supposed to spit? :booster:
hmmm… pet peeves. uh well:
stupid people
bad music
pot that won’t burn
closed liquor stores
children(most of them, atleast)
dead clowns in my bathroom
-Rude people
-people who think they are better than everybody else
-people who never shut up about boring subjects (I know a person who rambles on and on about history and never listens when we tell him to shut up.)
My sister’s minivan.
No, really!
The goddam thing hates me. I know it’s only an unliving machine, but it HATES me!
-The seat belts refuse to unlock when I put them on.
-The doors often refuse to open when I try to get out.
-The sliding door refuses to close correctly when I try to slide it shut.
and finally,
The trunk door HIT ME ON THE HEAD when I was trying to close it down. Hard enough to knock me down!
My sister laughed at me, said that only an idiot could hit himself while closing a hatchback door!
And two weeks later, it happened to her. :hahaha;
And the biggest irony is,
I helped her pay for it. :thud:
Ooh ooh- can I play?
Bauhaus, Cruxshadows, Nosferatu! I WIN! I WIN!
I have one major, major pet peeve.
People who don’t do their damned job, especially when I’m working with them. I don’t care how smart you are, how popular, how much money you have- whatever. If you’re working with me and you slack off on a regular basis you’re not going to be very happy working with me.
Girls who walk in the hallways at school like it’s a Sunday walk in the park. Get out of my way. They span themselves across a hallway and everyone comes to a halt behind them. Also, a group of all girls, or boys and girls (guys don’t seem to do it by themselves) who stand right in the entrance or exit. This happens EVERYDAY and I’m tired of plowing in to people when they don’t get the hint. Socialize else where, kids.
People who have to read outloud in class. They stumble, they stammer, they have no feeling whatsoever in the tone of their voice when it’s a group reading. And they pronounce things wrong, and confuse words. Also when they all pause to laugh at the book’s joke, and the whole class bursts into giggles with them. Get a sense of humour plz, and get on with it.
Ah, the joys of Freshmen clumping. That would make a great research thesis.
Poor grammar and spelling.
Edit: Mall punks.