opening songs to anime shows

Beethoven made music because he makes music.

Thers people that make music to make music. Then theres people that make theme songs.

Yes, I see serious anime.

I haven’t got the slightless idea of what that means. And I also noticed that we don’t have a “Confused” smilie.

I understand, and I think he’s wrong. Most, if not all, anime theme songs have their normal version, sometimes sounding very different. They never get into the charts over HERE, but successful anime themes get played on Japanese radio all the time apparently. Some bands even use them to boost careers, like people who knew of The Who went up after CSI aired in the USA.

It’s not music if it’s not on the radio? What the fucking fucking kind of retarded thinking is that?

Ahh, I get it now. And yes, just because it’s not on OUR radio doesn’t mean it’s not on SOMEWHERE. After all, what radio station on this continent plays music from farther than Europe?

And there are very well known composers/singers/whatever, like Megumi Hayashibara or Two-Mix.

I would’ve, but I thought it was the ending song.

I meant, Japanese radio.

Well I had no idea anime songs made charts.

By the way, the Ugly and Beuatfil world is a serious anime at times but it has a cutesy end song.

I just remembered the songs MInako sings in Sailormoon LIve ACtion aalll sound really cutesy.

I’m not really pointing this out for a reason.

Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, and the 2nd Naruto Theme.

And Shinobuden’s opening song is catchy.

God yes.

Cowboy Bebop,
I far prefer Call Me, Call Me and Blue from eps 24 and 26

and the 2nd Naruto Theme.
YES. Although number 4 is still my favorite. It’s just so godamn CHEERFUL. :smiley:

And Shinobuden’s opening song is catchy.

Just download the anime.

Uni network = dev0l, remember?

I’ve got another! The theme song to ‘Happy Lesson’!

I like the one in Noir. Good animation + good music.

Jama Wa Sasenai from Slayers <3


i like most of the songs ,but one i just can’t get out of my head (for some reason) are the beginning and ending themes for gundam seed

We’re only supposed to be naming opening songs? I thought that was just a suggestion.

I’ll say Watashi no Tamagoyaki anyway. It’s too damn good not to be recognized.

I can only think of 2 at the moment
Cowboy Bebop
Case Closed