OMFG!! *dies of excitment* Wii Launch Details Official...

I’ll give you that.

Are you sure its AAA? You can recharge AA’s…

I dunno. It’s AAA or AA. Whatever it is, don’t you have to buy special rechargeable batteries (plus a recharger)?

Yeah but I’ve had mine for fucking ever. I use it to charge my cameras’ batteries, remotes, etc. Either way if you have to buy batteries, this is better long term.

For all of thise who are complaining about the useage of batteries in the wiimote. Think about how long the batteries in a normal remote control last. Pretty long huh? Well unless the wiimote is an energy sucker the battery life will be pretty long.

Does anyone know of any details concerning Super Smash Brothers: Brawl release?

I’m more or less hoping that Wii get to have some decient third party titles this time around. (As third party support is the single most important factor of a system’s succes).

Let us also hope that the Wiimote thing doesn’t fail like the 64DD and GC/GBA game link (although the Wiimote looks to be supported by third parties this time around).

Does anyone know of any details concerning Super Smash Brothers: Brawl release?
I know it’s not going to be a launch title, and there are plenty of sources for more infomation on that subject.

30 hours with full functionality.

On a good game, I get 30 hours of playtime per DAY.

Also your analogy doesn’t work anyway since a remote isn’t constantly transferring a signal.

how the hell does 30 hours of playtime fit into one day? :stuck_out_tongue: … last I checked most games were calculated in real time and we still had 24 hours in a day!

The twins keep us on Centaurian time, standard thirty-seven hour day.

what is that reference Rhaka? I recognize it.

Anyway, in general while I feel like I’m being pushed further and further into PC gaming, I think the Wii prices are pretty reasonable. Although I did expect it to be less than $250, it’s not a huge deal particularly comparatively speaking.

Also, I fully expect either Nintendo or a third party to release a battery-pack recharger for the controllers. Nintendo always seems to like to release those sorts of functionality improvements in the form of add-ons rather than into the basic system.

If I’m thinking correctly, it’s a MIB reference.

The site of El Pais had an image titled “Wii and its nunchako”. I didn’t bother to see the video, calling the wiimote a nunchako is kinda funny though.