ok, Science has REALLY gone too far!!!

I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but what exactly is so awful about this aside from the first “ewww” when you see the headline before actually reading the article?

Nothing at all. Personally, I think it’s great

Haven’t many of our medical practices and procedures and whatnot come from the Nazi’s experiments?

Well, they were talking about experimenting with mice with human brains. If that was possible, then it’d be pretty disturbing.

Sorry spazzy. No catgirls for you. So all you get is a few pat on the head for good luck :stuck_out_tongue:

If you read the article though, and wade through some of the more sensationalist garbage, then you see that’s not really what they’re doing. They don’t have Pinky and the Brain, or any other super-intelligent rodents. :stuck_out_tongue:

huggles CH like a ripe pineapple

As a note, I’m pretty sure the Splinter comment, no matter how cool it’d be if it were possible, is a joke, 'cause like Sin already shot down the idea like 5 times in this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

It does have tons of speculation, but the way the article presents it…

Later this year he may conduct another experiment where the mice have 100 percent human brains. This would be done, he said, by injecting human neurons into the brains of embryonic mice.

That’s definetly not a 100% human brain, but the article still presents it as so, as if it was some kind of mad-scientist-creates-a-human-trapped-in-a-mouse’s-body-and-now-he’s-gonna-kill-him thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, it was good for science. Just y’know, wasteful on human lives. I am sure with some tighter human life-loss laws they could have maximiert* their scientific output and still murdered millions. =)

Also, can I request a sarcasm tag please? People are taking what I say too seriously again. =’(


*edited for sinister intent, no actual bearing on post contained within.

Did you purposely misspell this word to make it look more German? It causes your post to have a sinister edge. :ah-ha!:

No, I just hit ‘t’ twice because I’m a moron before noon and after 1 PM. :stuck_out_tongue: But I am glad my sinister intent was realized, finally. :stuck_out_tongue: :hahaha;


Dude no offense here…but it’s China. They’ve pissed on human/animal ethics so much that this isn’t much of a surprise. Besides…they should stay away from cloning…they fucking already have 1.3 billion in their country. I was never really for cloning regardless though I approve stem cells, but this also pisses on religion and all things sacred about human life.

Yes the article tries to prevent it as so, but that’s a blatant sensationalist tactic to make the article more interesting. My point was that the “actual events” didn’t involve any massive breach of morals or ethics. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I think they’re trying to say that 100% of the mouse’s brain will have the makeup of a human brain. But still, it pales in comparsion to the actual size of the human brain.

I’m guessing it’s about one onehundreth of the size, therefore, one onehundreth the intellect.

So basically, she feels less distinctive and valuable as a human, because of cellular engineering? :hahaha;

I never heard of the ‘aquatic ape’ theory, though. Must have been quite a stretch to make it sound plausible.

See probably feels threatened by the mice as they might become more intellegent then her. Either that, or she turned her ex-husband into a mouse and is worried he’ll get revenge.

Um… Shanghai was listed as one example, whereas all of the rest of these “ethical breaches” were American. Read the article more carefully next time :stuck_out_tongue:

At least Cala appreciates my less than subtle humor. I’m an educated jackass. There is no way in Heaven or Hell, and especially not here on Earth that we can get a human to be the same species as a mouse under any modern definition of the word species. Despite the level at which splinter kicks ass, I have long since given up on the realization of a kung-fu wererat.

And Sin, please don’t start by getting unrighteously pissy, hear me out as I ramble about more realistic science-fiction: If we could find some way to modify animal cells similarly to the way we fuck around with plant cells, we would have hope of creating true hybrids. But unfortunately, animal cells tend to fall apart a lot easier than plant cells when you start trying to break down their barriers. So yeah… these Chimera will not being us any closer to catgirls, lizard-men, Splinter or the videogame Altered Beast (:toast:) . Its more like those two trees that you see which have grown so close together that their trunks look connected. We need to attack the genetics directly if we ever want to see hot chicks with cute ears and a tail and fangs. :bowser: