Now this is strange and full of shit.

SE makes a good point. I don’t think if you were that drunk you would be capable of impregnating a woman. No offense man.

This threads hilarious. I guess this kinda thing is going around. Good luck Info.

I’d say it was a prank. Why would she send you a picture of herself in a dctors office? Like ‘look, Im pregnant with your baby! See, I have proof that I went to a doctor and everything!!!’

Dude. You had sex. What was it like?

Strangely enough I haven’t heard from her again (even though she said she’d call me yesterday). She says I may have been drunk, but the thing is, she is in California and I’m in Texas, so it is kind of hard for me to even have sex with her. In the past almost 2 years now, I’ve spent a total of 6 weeks in California and 2 of those weeks I didn’t have a car and stayed with friends (I flew out for their wedding). Also, when I’m drunk, I do remember the stuff, it is just fun to be doing things, so…yeah. I didn’t ask for the video and I haven’t heard from her since, but I definitely want to see the supposed video. Don’t get me wrong, I mean she is cute and it’d be nice to claim I hit it, but I’d be lying if I did.

Also, Zepp, sex is awesome, but it is even better when you do across several state lines without even knowing it. That is where the real skill is.

Plus, until recently I had a bit of a dry spell, so things don’t pan out there.

That’s quite the fantasy. You go to the state line. One of you is in one state, the other is in the other state. Have at it. Bonus points if you do it at the Four Corners Monument.

The four corners monument is in the wrong spot. Try like two miles to the east and bring some GPS just to be on the safe side.

Actually, once that monument was set and accepted by the other states as the actual boundary, it became the legal boundary. Even the Supreme Court has said that long accepted boundary lines are the true boundary lines even if incorrectly surveyed. While that suit affects a different line, the precedent holds. The Four Corners Monument has long been regarded as the official boundary between the four states. It was the boundary marker when the states were admitted at various times. It’s the boundary.

We’re also cruel people with lonely penises. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or for fapability.

I’m glad you pointed that out, because it wasn’t obvious that was my ulterior motive for my post. You sly dog, you!

genericangstyposter doesn’t get much

I demand an update.

Nick’s probably busy ‘debriefing’ her, hey-o

Well, I haven’t heard anymore from her, so I guess that is it. I’m still a little worried she’ll go to the Army claiming I’m the father though.

Of course, there are other ways to take care of this.:fungah:

Wouldn’t there be a paternity test, then? That would clear you.

Info already said the Army can force him to pay for stuff before the paternity test.

What could the Army make him pay for? You don’t get child support until AFTER the baby is born. Shit, they can do a paternity test before the baby is even born if she gets an amnio, but even if not they can do it immediately post-birth. I dont think he’ll be out much $.

Care for the mother. Hospital bills. Those sorts of pre-birth expenses that you’ve gone through. That’s what.