This has been resting in my inbox for a while and I’ve been pondering spreading its grandeur to the unenlightened. So, here’s one of the weirdest submissions I’ve ever gotten.
<u>Dragons of Love 1</u>
Squall was walk down the long road when Zell came Attack him but u might be thinking why would Zell do this. Well it all started when Zell went to go find and kill Could with his buddy Red13 the went to kill Could.Could never knew what was coming. He die that years ago
Zell,Red13,andAj(he’s little brother who is 13 and uses swords a lot).Dragons roomed the land for people to kill. They all had a shere in there body and one was the Dragon of love with Brooke the Dragon tamer.
The funniest part would be that neither me nor TD can mail the author; the mails bounce. Now that is plain sarcasm.
opens mouth to say something closes it again shudders goes back to reading stuff that’s actually possible to read without having to gouge out your eyes afterwards
What the glass-shattering, pastry-making, pie-baking, bell-ringing, carol-singing crap is THAT? :thud: were they typing while trying to dismantle their PC or something? or was someone simply trying to dismantle their brain at the time? :thud: :thud: :thud:
Can’t find him I’m afraid, since the mails just bounce back. And I had written such a good rant á constructive critisism, too…
I think there’s even a Marty Stu in there, but it’s hard to say.
I didn’t add you to my favorite authors at without a good reason
You’re a good author Chris-chris (unlike some others I could mention cough cough me cough runs from Weiila :P)
I’m gonna go to the liquor store, load up on about 30 bucks worth of 80 proof supplies, and then I’m gonna come back home and drink 'till that makes sense.
One day Squall was walking down a coridor when Siefer atacked him. “DIE CLOUD!” He souted, And Squall hit him with his sword and shouted “RENZOKUKEN” and blew up Seifres sword and kiked his ass and Seifer ran away, and then stabbed Rinoa when she tried to help them. “I will have my revenge on you Squal!” seifer shouted and then ran away.
“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Squall cried and swoer he would kill Seifer, and then Squalss younger brother called Andrew came up and said he would help, and they both went from Graden to do it.
End of Chaptre 1
My God! It’s so easy! I’ve wasted my life writing good fiction when I could have been writing things that this! This random unreachable person has shown me the way!