There could be a reason why the mail bounces you know. He could have filled in a nonexistant mail on purpose, so you wouldn’t be able to contact him. Quite frankly, he has a pretty good reason to avoid being traced.
Originally posted by Nulani
There could be a reason why the mail bounces you know. He could have filled in a nonexistant mail on purpose, so you wouldn’t be able to contact him. Quite frankly, he has a pretty good reason to avoid being traced.
Do you think The Paper or Jurisfiction do freelance <strike>contract killings</strike> work? >:D
Good point, Nulani… might be the same about that thing I deleted… “My love for Auron”. It was something like this, just three times as long x_x And made a little more sense.
And Pierson, don’t make me hurt you… O_O
Sorry to have burnt your eyes to crisp, everyone, 'twas not my intention… goes to hide in the shadows and cackle silently
Don’t worry Weiila my eyes are not burnt beyond belief.
They’re more being digested by the lack of everything coherent, in that piece of shit, someone calls writing. But they’ll be fine, in a millenia or two.
Oh, don’t worry about the state of my eyes, I’ve seen much worse. I’ve seen a Fist of the North Star fanfic, actually, that makes this one look like Pride & Prejudice :thud:
What we need t do is;
We need to create a password-protected folder, deep within the server, and banish these stories there, within another, zipped-up folder, and place passwords on those as well, so no questing admin can ever find them.
Then, whenever a new fanfiction staffer is hired, Weiila or TD can take them down to this dungeon of a folder and say;
“This… This is our enemy.”
Originally posted by Pierson
[b]What we need t do is;We need to create a password-protected folder, deep within the server, and banish these stories there, within another, zipped-up folder, and place passwords on those as well, so no questing admin can ever find them.
Then, whenever a new fanfiction staffer is hired, Weiila or TD can take them down to this dungeon of a folder and say;
“This… This is our enemy.” [/b]
And then the new staffer will instantly be crushed by the horrible beast that we would have kept locked up, starved, enraged and other horrible things as well…
Other than that it was a good idea
Damnit, there’s always a downside…
Agh, that fic had better be a joke, otherwise there might be lots of little boys and girls out there losing faith in the world of fanfiction.
And we can’t let that happen, oh no. Fics like that should be locked up, out of site forever, and never let out again.
Originally posted by Pierson
[b]What we need t do is;We need to create a password-protected folder, deep within the server, and banish these stories there, within another, zipped-up folder, and place passwords on those as well, so no questing admin can ever find them.
Then, whenever a new fanfiction staffer is hired, Weiila or TD can take them down to this dungeon of a folder and say;
“This… This is our enemy.” [/b]
I have heard of a place like that. Since I am not fanfiction staff, I have never seen it, but I doubt I’d want to.
screams Lies! All lies! shifty eyes We don’t have a place like that, it’s just a LIE! LIE! sobs Aww, who am I kidding… breaks down crying The horror, the HOOORROR!
aww hugs weiila
Still. I like that fic. WE NEED MORE OF THAT! I mean, a fic about Zell attacking squall, dragon love and dragons ruling the world in FF8 although dragons have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the game, zell having 2 brothers one with the amazing name Red13 and another brother who is actually 13 and loves swords and THEN, the amazing, exciting, breathtaking sudden end! Andon the top of all, nobody understands a fucking thing cause everything is written in worst lamer possible! It has everything- the perfect punctuation, excellent spelling and grammar, impresing language… Now, if he would just add some SeAsIcKfOnT, it would be the most intruguing work of all time!
@_@ It’s a joke. It MUST be a joke. Therefore, I must laugh! MWA-hahahaha! BWA-hahahaha! FWA-hahahaha! GWA-hahahaha! starts frothing at the mouth
Heya Lex, was a while ago
I don’t come here too often since school started, so if I haven’t seen it, it’s new to me! =D
Um Weiila, that story wasn’t supposed to go to you…that was supposed to go to my beta reader. Oops…
And for your information, it is correct that the dragons ‘roomed the land’. As the entire storyline revolved around the cast of FFVII & VIII going to different hotels…featuring the song “Holidae In” by Chingy, Snoop, and Ludacris.
Alas, the suprise is gone, and I’ll have to come up with another song fic for you all! Hmm…maybe a Tifa/Rinoa/Quistis dramatic piece with “Milkshake?”
Note: don’t hurt me Weiila, I’m still scared of you! runs
You’re joking… right? hugs Ashbear No way. that’s just… ehm not possible.
Oh joy! A lesbian love triangle crossover! It doesn’t get better than that, nope. And make sure you include a real hot lemon, too, Ashie!
Apologizes to all lesbians, and I’m joking as well, yes. ^^;;
eyes Weiila An interest in lesbianism? Is that your pet name for her? runs
smacks tongue thoughtfully… then releases <strike>the dogs</strike> Kerr Just bring him back… alive… yesss…