
How would I go about asking her? I have no knowledge of this topic in the least. I guess I’m too shy to actually ask a girl out.

You don’t get a girl to like you by being shy. That means you lose. I tried that back in like, 7th grade and I felt the same way you do now. You need to be confident and stop acting like such a little pussy. Tomorrow (Friday, that’s a good day to do this) go up to her and tell her that you’ve liked her for a while and you were wondering what SHE felt. Then ask her to a movie either way.

You make it sound like it’s so easy. What if she refuses, and calls me a creep? I have to live with that until the school year ends. AND, on top of that, the school will find out, and try and break up the relationship, which isn’t even there; and involve both family’s parents. Which sucks major balls, because my parents don’t like the person I’m interested in.

Hey wanna go out?

Honestly not that hard. And hey! You repair cars for a living too! Thats an added bonus she is sure to appreciate.

Fuck you Dev

If she refuses then you say okay and ask her to the movie anyways, if you just completely ditch her after that (Especially after all you two have done together) then she’s gonna think you are an asshole.

You need to tell the fucking school to butt out of your personal life. I can’t possibly think of how a school would be so anti-relationship. (Or how they could even CONTROL that… Sorry Setz, but that just sounds like BS)

If she calls you a creep… I don’t know why you would be spending so much time with such a bitch.

  1. Fuck your parents. My girlfriend’s mother thinks I’m cheating on her with her best friend, that I’m dishonorable and disrespectful and lie, and that I’m all around bad, but we’re still civil and it’s all good.
  2. Fuck your school. If they try to break it up actively (I mean beyond discouraging it), I’m sure there’s some action you can take against it.
  3. Fuck her. Well, not literally. But try going to a movie that you’re both interested in. Or a comedy/romance. See if you hold hands or something.

Why would I lie about that my school is anti-relationship? They think relationships affect work patterns, and if you’re in a relationship with someone else in the school, you’re not harming your education, but their’s as well. I didn’t mean relationships in general; but relationships between the school walls.

Uh, right. I mean, obviously all co-ed schools (especially colleges and universities) must liek toly suck because they have intra-school relationships. Jesus Christ, they need to get their conservative heads out of their asses and realize it’s not as bad as they think.

I believe I can help you Cala… There’s nothing a little RC can’t cure. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. I thought that was the goal? >_>

Setz: Grow some balls, let them drop, and ask the bitch out. Keep It Simple Stupid.

Exactly. You just gotta go for it, you might stutter a little bit or something, but who cares, she might think it’s cute.

I mean, c’mon, we all loved Water Boy.

It’s the old “One or two people screw up so it’s everybody’s fault” method. The truth is that teenage relationships, if you can even call most of them relationships, can very much screw up with a student’s grades. I know cases where a guy or a girl get so traumatized over some petty difficulty with their companions and over-blow the thing into catastrophic proportions. Hell, a few weeks back I saw a kid about my age in the news because he had killed her girlfriend’s parents since they didn’t approve of their relationship.

As usual, they are taking the 1% whackos as the measure of how teenagers behave, and there’s no really effective way of knowing what the kids do out of school, but just have in mind that they aren’t completely wrong on this.

But taking the extreme 1% and applying the attitude that results from it to the entire populace is fucked up. I mean, that’s like “well, 1% of gun owners murder everyone, so NO MORE GUNS.” Or “1% of condoms cause allergic reactions, SO NO MORE CONDOMS.”

I agree, I’m not saying that the methods aren’t fucked up, just the idea behind them has some valid points.

Let’s just calm for a moment, and patiently wait for the results. Ask or not ask? The whole point is being sidestepped for statistics.

Oh, by the way, she knows about RPGC. She stumbled upon me at school, breaking the school rules, and using the internet for non-work purposes. She knows the url and all, but not of my username or anything. :wink:

Didn’t we start this two threads ago?

Stay tuned kids, for the next exciting episode of why isn’t setz banned yet!